Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
 <xsl:output method="xml" indent="yes" omit-xml-declaration="yes"/> 
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
 <xsl:strip-space elements="*"/> 
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
 <xsl:template match="*[name() != 'dependencies']|*/text()">
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
 <xsl:template match="//dependencies">
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
  <xsl:for-each select="./dependency">
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
   <xsl:element name="dependency">
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
    <xsl:element name="maven">
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
      <xsl:when test="./groupId">
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
       <xsl:copy-of select="./groupId"/>
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
       <xsl:copy-of select="./artifactId"/>
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
      <xsl:when test="./id">
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
        <xsl:when test="substring-before(./id/text(),':') != ''">
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
         <xsl:element name="groupId">
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
          <xsl:value-of select="substring-before(./id/text(),':')"/>
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
         <xsl:element name="artifactId">
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
          <xsl:value-of select="substring-after(./id/text(),':')"/>
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
         <xsl:element name="groupId">
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
          <xsl:value-of select="./id/text()"/>
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
         <xsl:element name="artifactId">
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
          <xsl:value-of select="./id/text()"/>
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
     <xsl:for-each select="./*">
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
      <xsl:if test="(name() != 'groupId') and (name() != 'artifactId') and (name() != 'id')">
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
       <xsl:copy-of select="."/>
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
    <xsl:element name="jpp">
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
     <xsl:element name="groupId">JPP</xsl:element>
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
      <xsl:when test="./artifactId">
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
       <xsl:copy-of select="./artifactId"/>
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
      <xsl:when test="./id">
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
        <xsl:when test="substring-after(./id/text(),':') != ''">
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
         <xsl:element name="artifactId">
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
          <xsl:value-of select="substring-after(./id/text(),':')"/>
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
         <xsl:element name="artifactId">
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
          <xsl:value-of select="./id/text()"/>
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
     <xsl:element name="jar">
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
       <xsl:when test="./artifactId">
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
        <xsl:value-of select="./artifactId/text()"/>
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
       <xsl:when test="./id">
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
         <xsl:when test="substring-after(./id/text(),':') != ''">
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
          <xsl:value-of select="substring-after(./id/text(),':')"/>
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
          <xsl:value-of select="./id/text()"/>
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
       <xsl:when test="./type">
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
         <xsl:when test="./type/text() = 'plugin'">.jar</xsl:when>
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
         <xsl:otherwise>.<xsl:value-of select="./type/text()"/></xsl:otherwise>
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
     <xsl:for-each select="./*">
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
      <xsl:if test="(name() != 'groupId') and (name() != 'artifactId') and (name() != 'id')">
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
       <xsl:copy-of select="."/>
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2
Matt Wringe 08dabf2