## Hopefully Mono and multilib will play nicely soon, but until then... %define _libdir %{_prefix}/lib %define dbus_sharp_min_version 0.60 Name: blam Version: 1.8.3 Release: 4%{?dist} Summary: An RSS/RDF feed reader Group: Applications/Internet License: GPL URL: http://www.cmartin.tk/blam.html Source0: http://www.cmartin.tk/blam/%{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2 Patch0: %{name}-fix-PrintJob-ambiguous-reference.patch Patch1: %{name}-fedora-people-in-default-collection.patch Patch2: %{name}-fix-THEME_DIR-path.patch BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n) ## Various Mono dependencies are not available for ppc64; see bug 241850. ExcludeArch: ppc64 BuildRequires: mono-devel BuildRequires: gnome-sharp-devel BuildRequires: gtk-sharp2-gapi BuildRequires: gtk-sharp2-devel BuildRequires: gecko-sharp2-devel BuildRequires: gecko-devel BuildRequires: libgnomeui-devel BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils BuildRequires: gettext BuildRequires: perl(XML::Parser) BuildRequires: dbus-sharp-devel >= %{dbus_sharp_min_version} Requires: dbus-sharp >= %{dbus_sharp_min_version} Requires: gecko-sharp2 Requires: firefox = %(rpm -q firefox-devel --qf '%%{version}' 2>/dev/null) Requires(pre): GConf2 Requires(post): GConf2 Requires(post): desktop-file-utils Requires(preun): GConf2 Requires(postun): desktop-file-utils %description Blam is a tool that helps you keep track of the growing number of news feeds distributed as RSS. Blam lets you subscribe to any number of feeds and provides an easy to use and clean interface to stay up to date %prep %setup -q %patch0 -p0 -b .fix-PrintJob-ambiguous-reference-compile-error %patch1 -p0 -b .add-fedora-people-feed-to-default-collection.xml %patch2 -p0 -b .fix-THEME_DIR-path %build export CFLAGS="%{optflags} -debug" %configure --disable-static make %{?_smp_mflags} %install rm -rf %{buildroot} export GCONF_DISABLE_MAKEFILE_SCHEMA_INSTALL=1 make install DESTDIR=%{buildroot} %find_lang %{name} desktop-file-install --vendor fedora \ --delete-original \ --dir %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications \ %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications/%{name}.desktop %clean rm -rf %{buildroot} %pre if [ "$1" -gt 1 ]; then export GCONF_CONFIG_SOURCE=$(gconftool-2 --get-default-source) gconftool-2 --makefile-uninstall-rule \ %{_sysconfdir}/gconf/schemas/%{name}.schemas >/dev/null ||: fi %post update-desktop-database &> /dev/null ||: export GCONF_CONFIG_SOURCE=$(gconftool-2 --get-default-source) gconftool-2 --makefile-install-rule \ %{_sysconfdir}/gconf/schemas/%{name}.schemas > /dev/null ||: %preun if [ "$1" -eq 0 ]; then export GCONF_CONFIG_SOURCE=$(gconftool-2 --get-default-source) gconftool-2 --makefile-uninstall-rule \ %{_sysconfdir}/gconf/schemas/%{name}.schemas > /dev/null ||: fi %postun update-desktop-database &> /dev/null ||: %files -f %{name}.lang %defattr(-,root,root,-) %doc AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog NEWS README %{_sysconfdir}/gconf/schemas/%{name}.schemas %{_bindir}/* %exclude %{_libdir}/blam/*.la %{_libdir}/blam %{_datadir}/blam %{_datadir}/applications/* %{_datadir}/pixmaps/* %{_mandir}/man?/%{name}.1* %changelog * Wed May 30 2007 Peter Gordon - 1.8.3-4 - Add a patch to fix the default theme directory search path to prevent crashes at startup (fixes bug 241465): + fix-THEME_DIR-path.patch * Fri Apr 06 2007 Peter Gordon - 1.8.3-3 - Add hard dependency on dbus-sharp, since it's not automatically picked up by RPM at build-time from the dbus-sharp-devel BuildRequires. (Thanks to David Nielsen for the bug report via Jabber.) - Add minimum version for dbus-sharp and dbus-sharp-devel dependencies. * Wed Apr 04 2007 Peter Gordon - 1.8.3-2 - (Note to self: Don't fix it if it's not broken.) Drop unnecessary default theme fix: - fix-default-theme-base-href.patch - Add patch to put the Fedora People feed into the default collection.xml: + fedora-people-in-default-collection.patch * Wed Mar 07 2007 Peter Gordon - 1.8.3-1 - Unorphan, since Carlos Martín Nieto has picked upstream development. - Update to new upstream release (1.8.3) - Add dbus-sharp-devel to the BuildRequires to properly allow D-Bus support. - Lots of spec file cleanups: (1) Use macros instead of $RPM_* variables (2) Whitespace/formatting adjustments (3) Don't mark installed GConf schemas as %%config - Drop unnecessary patches: - gtk-sharp2-gecko-sharp2.patch - aclocal.m4-ngettext.patch - Add a backported patch (from 1.8.4) to fix compilation error: + fix-PrintJob-ambiguous-reference.patch - Add a backported patch (from 1.8.4) to fix the default theme base location: + fix-default-theme-base-href.patch * Fri Jul 14 2006 Sindre Pedersen Bjørdal - 1.8.2-6 - Add missing gecko-sharp2 runtime dependency, fixes #196706 * Sun May 28 2006 John Mahowald - 1.8.2-5 - fix gettext autoconf macro for x86_64 * Sun May 21 2006 John Mahowald - 1.8.2-4 - readd .so - reenable find_lang - mark gconf schemea as config * Thu May 18 2006 John Mahowald - 1.8.2-2 - gtk-sharp2 gecko-sharp2 - no .a, .la, .so * Tue Mar 23 2006 Sindre Pedersen Bjørdal - 1.8.2-1 - Initial build