Leigh Scott af8ceeb
From 6b917facf2753552164e669892af929e54dc7834 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
From: Michael Webster <miketwebster@gmail.com>
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Date: Tue, 26 Dec 2023 11:36:25 -0500
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Subject: [PATCH] backup locker: Restore stack management when not activated.
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
This is mainly a revert of commit 654e33993.
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
As of linuxmint/muffin@bf234250143d2b, muffin won't go nuts when
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
encountering a screen-sized override-redirect window, and
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
our stage and backup locker can behave properly again (like
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
 backup-locker/cs-backup-locker.c          | 179 ++++++----------------
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
 libcscreensaver/cs-gdk-event-filter-x11.c |  13 ++
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
 2 files changed, 59 insertions(+), 133 deletions(-)
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
diff --git a/backup-locker/cs-backup-locker.c b/backup-locker/cs-backup-locker.c
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
index a27eee2..06f4cfd 100644
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
--- a/backup-locker/cs-backup-locker.c
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
+++ b/backup-locker/cs-backup-locker.c
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ static guint sigterm_src_id;
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
 G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (BackupWindow, backup_window, BACKUP, WINDOW, GtkWindow)
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
 static void setup_window_monitor (BackupWindow *window, gulong xid);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-static void quit (BackupWindow *window);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
 struct _BackupWindow
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
@@ -41,7 +40,6 @@ struct _BackupWindow
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
     CsEventGrabber *grabber;
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
     gulong pretty_xid;
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-    guint activate_idle_id;
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
     gboolean should_grab;
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
@@ -99,26 +97,15 @@ root_window_size_changed (CsGdkEventFilter *filter,
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
     gtk_widget_queue_resize (GTK_WIDGET (window));
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-static void
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-set_active_background (BackupWindow *window,
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-                       gboolean      active)
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
+static gboolean
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
+paint_background (GtkWidget    *widget,
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
+                  cairo_t      *cr,
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
+                  gpointer      user_data)
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-    GtkStyleContext *context;
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-    context = gtk_widget_get_style_context (GTK_WIDGET (window));
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
+    cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
+    cairo_paint (cr);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-    if (active)
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-    {
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-        gtk_style_context_remove_class (context, "backup-dormant");
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-        gtk_style_context_add_class (context, "backup-active");
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-    }
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-    else
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-    {
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-        gtk_style_context_remove_class (context, "backup-active");
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-        gtk_style_context_add_class (context, "backup-dormant");
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-    }
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-    gtk_widget_queue_draw (GTK_WIDGET (window));
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
+    return FALSE;
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
 static void
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
@@ -133,45 +120,21 @@ backup_window_show (GtkWidget *widget)
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
 static void window_grab_broken (gpointer data);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-static gboolean
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-activate_backup_window_cb (BackupWindow *window)
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
+static void
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
+activate_backup_window (BackupWindow *window)
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
     g_debug ("Grabbing input");
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
+    cs_event_grabber_move_to_window (window->grabber,
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
+                                  gtk_widget_get_window (GTK_WIDGET (window)),
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
+                                  gtk_widget_get_screen (GTK_WIDGET (window)),
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
+                                  FALSE);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-    if (window->should_grab)
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-    {
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-        if (cs_event_grabber_grab_root (window->grabber, FALSE))
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-        {
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-            guint32 user_time;
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-            cs_event_grabber_move_to_window (window->grabber,
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-                                          gtk_widget_get_window (GTK_WIDGET (window)),
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-                                          gtk_widget_get_screen (GTK_WIDGET (window)),
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-                                          FALSE);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-            g_signal_connect_swapped (window, "grab-broken-event", G_CALLBACK (window_grab_broken), window);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-            set_active_background (window, TRUE);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
+    g_signal_connect_swapped (window, "grab-broken-event", G_CALLBACK (window_grab_broken), window);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-            user_time = gdk_x11_display_get_user_time (gtk_widget_get_display (GTK_WIDGET (window)));
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-            gdk_x11_window_set_user_time (gtk_widget_get_window (GTK_WIDGET (window)), user_time);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-            gtk_widget_show (window->info_box);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-            position_info_box (window);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-        }
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-        else
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-        {
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-            return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE;
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-        }
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-    }
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
+    gtk_widget_show (window->info_box);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
+    position_info_box (window);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-    window->activate_idle_id = 0;
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-    return G_SOURCE_REMOVE;
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-static void
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-activate_backup_window (BackupWindow *window)
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-    g_clear_handle_id (&window->activate_idle_id, g_source_remove);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-    window->activate_idle_id = g_idle_add ((GSourceFunc) activate_backup_window_cb, window);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
+    window->should_grab = TRUE;
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
 static void
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
@@ -196,51 +159,34 @@ window_grab_broken (gpointer data)
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-static gboolean
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-update_for_compositing (gpointer data)
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
+static void
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
+on_composited_changed (gpointer data)
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
     BackupWindow *window = BACKUP_WINDOW (data);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-    GdkVisual *visual;
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-    visual = gdk_screen_get_rgba_visual (gdk_screen_get_default ());
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-    if (!visual)
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-    {
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-        g_critical ("Can't get RGBA visual to paint backup window");
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-        return FALSE;
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-    }
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-    if (visual != NULL && gdk_screen_is_composited (gdk_screen_get_default ()))
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
+    g_debug ("Received composited-changed");
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
+    if (gtk_widget_get_realized (GTK_WIDGET (window)))
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
         gtk_widget_hide (GTK_WIDGET (window));
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
         gtk_widget_unrealize (GTK_WIDGET (window));
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-        gtk_widget_set_visual (GTK_WIDGET (window), visual);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
         gtk_widget_realize (GTK_WIDGET (window));
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
+        if (window->should_grab)
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
+        {
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
+            guint32 user_time;
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
+            user_time = gdk_x11_display_get_user_time (gtk_widget_get_display (GTK_WIDGET (window)));
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
+            gdk_x11_window_set_user_time (gtk_widget_get_window (GTK_WIDGET (window)), user_time);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
+        }
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
         gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (window));
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-    g_debug ("update for compositing\n");
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
     if (window->should_grab)
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
         activate_backup_window (window);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-    return TRUE;
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-static void
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-on_composited_changed (gpointer data)
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-    g_debug ("Received composited-changed");
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-    g_return_if_fail (BACKUP_IS_WINDOW (data));
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-    BackupWindow *window = BACKUP_WINDOW (data);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-    if (!update_for_compositing (window))
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-    {
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-        g_critical ("Error realizing backup-locker window - exiting");
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-        quit(window);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-    }
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
 static void
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
@@ -250,7 +196,6 @@ screensaver_window_changed (CsGdkEventFilter *filter,
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
     backup_window_ungrab (window);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-    set_active_background (window, FALSE);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
     setup_window_monitor (window, xwindow);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
@@ -279,6 +224,10 @@ backup_window_init (BackupWindow *window)
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
     GtkWidget *widget;
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
     PangoAttrList *attrs;
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
+    gtk_window_set_decorated (GTK_WINDOW (window), FALSE);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
+    gtk_window_set_skip_taskbar_hint (GTK_WINDOW (window), TRUE);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
+    gtk_window_set_skip_pager_hint (GTK_WINDOW (window), TRUE);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
     gtk_widget_set_events (GTK_WIDGET (window),
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
                            gtk_widget_get_events (GTK_WIDGET (window))
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
                            | GDK_POINTER_MOTION_MASK
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
@@ -382,6 +331,7 @@ backup_window_init (BackupWindow *window)
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
     gtk_widget_set_halign (widget, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
     gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), widget, FALSE, FALSE, 6);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
+    g_signal_connect (GTK_WIDGET (window), "draw", G_CALLBACK (paint_background), window);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
     g_signal_connect_swapped (gdk_screen_get_default (), "composited-changed", G_CALLBACK (on_composited_changed), window);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
     gtk_widget_show_all (box);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
@@ -430,40 +380,20 @@ static GtkWidget *
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
 backup_window_new (gulong pretty_xid)
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
     BackupWindow *window;
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-    GtkStyleContext *context;
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-    GtkCssProvider *provider;
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
     GObject     *result;
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
     result = g_object_new (BACKUP_TYPE_WINDOW,
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
                            "type", GTK_WINDOW_POPUP,
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
+                           "app-paintable", TRUE,
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
     window = BACKUP_WINDOW (result);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-    context = gtk_widget_get_style_context (GTK_WIDGET (window));
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-    gtk_style_context_remove_class (context, "background");
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-    provider = gtk_css_provider_new ();
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-    gtk_css_provider_load_from_data (provider, ".backup-dormant { background-color: transparent;  }"
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-                                               ".backup-active  { background-color: black;        }", -1, NULL);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-    gtk_style_context_add_provider (context,
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-                                    GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER (provider),
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-                                    GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-    set_active_background (window, FALSE);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
     window->event_filter = cs_gdk_event_filter_new (GTK_WIDGET (window), pretty_xid);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
     g_signal_connect (window->event_filter, "xscreen-size", G_CALLBACK (root_window_size_changed), window);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
     g_signal_connect (window->event_filter, "screensaver-window-changed", G_CALLBACK (screensaver_window_changed), window);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
     window->pretty_xid = pretty_xid;
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-    window->should_grab = FALSE;
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-    if (!update_for_compositing (window))
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-    {
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-        return NULL;
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-    }
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-    setup_window_monitor (BACKUP_WINDOW (window), window->pretty_xid);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
     return GTK_WIDGET (result);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
@@ -522,19 +452,13 @@ screensaver_window_gone (GObject      *source,
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
     // The main process will kill us, or the user will have to.  Either way, grab everything.
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
     if (!g_cancellable_is_cancelled (task_cancellable))
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
+        g_debug ("Screensaver window gone: 0x%lx (pretty_xid now 0x%lx)", xid, window->pretty_xid);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
         g_mutex_lock (&pretty_xid_mutex);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-        g_debug ("Screensaver window gone: 0x%lx", xid);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
         if (xid == window->pretty_xid)
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-            window->should_grab = TRUE;
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-            window->pretty_xid = 0;
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
             activate_backup_window (window);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-        else
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-        {
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-            g_debug ("Already have new screensaver window, not activating ourselves: 0x%lx", window->pretty_xid);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-        }
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
         g_mutex_unlock (&pretty_xid_mutex);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
@@ -550,8 +474,6 @@ setup_window_monitor (BackupWindow *window, gulong xid)
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
     g_debug ("Beginning to monitor screensaver window 0x%lx", xid);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
     g_mutex_lock (&pretty_xid_mutex);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-    window->should_grab = FALSE;
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
     window->pretty_xid = xid;
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
     window_monitor_cancellable = g_cancellable_new ();
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
@@ -565,24 +487,18 @@ setup_window_monitor (BackupWindow *window, gulong xid)
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
     g_mutex_unlock (&pretty_xid_mutex);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-static void
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-quit (BackupWindow *window)
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-    g_clear_handle_id (&sigterm_src_id, g_source_remove);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-    g_cancellable_cancel (window_monitor_cancellable);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-    gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET (window));
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-    gtk_main_quit ();
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
 static gboolean
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
 sigterm_received (gpointer data)
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
     g_debug("SIGTERM received, cleaning up.");
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-    g_return_val_if_fail (BACKUP_IS_WINDOW (data), G_SOURCE_REMOVE);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
+    GtkWidget *window = GTK_WIDGET (data);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-    quit (BACKUP_WINDOW (data));
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
+    g_clear_handle_id (&sigterm_src_id, g_source_remove);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
+    g_cancellable_cancel (window_monitor_cancellable);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
+    gtk_widget_destroy (window);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
+    gtk_main_quit ();
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
     return G_SOURCE_REMOVE;
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
@@ -645,13 +561,10 @@ main (int    argc,
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
     window = backup_window_new (xid);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-    if (window == NULL)
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-    {
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-        g_critical ("No backup window");
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-        exit(1);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
-    }
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
     sigterm_src_id = g_unix_signal_add (SIGTERM, (GSourceFunc) sigterm_received, window);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
+    setup_window_monitor (BACKUP_WINDOW (window), xid);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
+    gtk_widget_show (window);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
     gtk_main ();
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
diff --git a/libcscreensaver/cs-gdk-event-filter-x11.c b/libcscreensaver/cs-gdk-event-filter-x11.c
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
index b3ac8bd..f7cf129 100644
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
--- a/libcscreensaver/cs-gdk-event-filter-x11.c
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
+++ b/libcscreensaver/cs-gdk-event-filter-x11.c
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
@@ -147,6 +147,19 @@ restack (CsGdkEventFilter *filter,
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
             XRaiseWindow(GDK_DISPLAY_XDISPLAY (filter->display), filter->my_xid);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
+        else
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
+        {
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
+            g_debug ("BackupWindow received %s from screensaver window (0x%lx), restacking us below it.",
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
+                      event_type,
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
+                      event_window);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
+            Window windows[] = {
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
+                filter->pretty_xid,
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
+                filter->my_xid
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
+            };
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
+            XRestackWindows (GDK_DISPLAY_XDISPLAY (filter->display), windows, 2);
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
+        }
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb
Leigh Scott af8ceeb