#165 Update to upstream release 286.2
Closed a year ago by martinpitt. Opened a year ago by packit.

file modified
@@ -261,3 +261,4 @@ 




+ /cockpit-286.2.tar.xz

file modified
+11 -111
@@ -49,15 +49,10 @@ 

  License:        LGPL-2.1-or-later

  URL:            https://cockpit-project.org/


- Version:        292

+ Version:        286.2

  Release:        1%{?dist}

  Source0:        https://github.com/cockpit-project/cockpit/releases/download/%{version}/cockpit-%{version}.tar.xz


- # Experimental Python support

- %if !%{defined cockpit_enable_python}

- %define cockpit_enable_python 0

- %endif


  # in RHEL 8 the source package is duplicated: cockpit (building basic packages like cockpit-{bridge,system})

  # and cockpit-appstream (building optional packages like cockpit-{pcp})

  # This split does not apply to EPEL/COPR nor packit c8s builds, only to our own
@@ -167,20 +162,6 @@ 

  Requires: subscription-manager-cockpit



- %if %{cockpit_enable_python}

- BuildRequires:  python3-devel

- BuildRequires:  python3-pip

- %if 0%{?rhel} == 0

- # All of these are only required for running pytest (which we only do on Fedora)

- BuildRequires:  procps-ng

- BuildRequires:  pyproject-rpm-macros

- BuildRequires:  python3-pytest-asyncio

- BuildRequires:  python3-pytest-cov

- BuildRequires:  python3-pytest-timeout

- BuildRequires:  python3-tox-current-env

- %endif

- %endif



  %setup -q -n cockpit-%{version}

@@ -193,9 +174,6 @@ 

      --docdir=%_defaultdocdir/%{name} \


      --with-pamdir='%{pamdir}' \

- %if %{cockpit_enable_python}

-     --enable-pybridge \

- %endif

  %if 0%{?build_basic} == 0

      --disable-ssh \

@@ -205,10 +183,6 @@ 


  make -j$(nproc) check


- %if %{cockpit_enable_python} && 0%{?rhel} == 0

- %tox

- %endif




  make install-tests DESTDIR=%{buildroot}
@@ -231,6 +205,9 @@ 

  echo '%dir %{_datadir}/cockpit/pcp' > pcp.list

  find %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/cockpit/pcp -type f >> pcp.list


+ echo '%dir %{_datadir}/cockpit/tuned' > system.list

+ find %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/cockpit/tuned -type f >> system.list


  echo '%dir %{_datadir}/cockpit/shell' >> system.list

  find %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/cockpit/shell -type f >> system.list

@@ -273,7 +250,7 @@ 


  # when not building basic packages, remove their files

  %if 0%{?build_basic} == 0

- for pkg in base1 branding motd kdump networkmanager selinux shell sosreport ssh static systemd users metrics; do

+ for pkg in base1 branding motd kdump networkmanager selinux shell sosreport ssh static systemd tuned users metrics; do

      rm -r %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/cockpit/$pkg

      rm -f %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/metainfo/org.cockpit-project.cockpit-${pkg}.metainfo.xml

@@ -283,15 +260,13 @@ 

  rm -r %{buildroot}/%{_prefix}/%{__lib}/tmpfiles.d

  find %{buildroot}/%{_unitdir}/ -type f ! -name 'cockpit-session*' -delete

  for libexec in cockpit-askpass cockpit-session cockpit-ws cockpit-tls cockpit-wsinstance-factory cockpit-client cockpit-client.ui cockpit-desktop cockpit-certificate-helper cockpit-certificate-ensure; do

-     rm -f %{buildroot}/%{_libexecdir}/$libexec

+     rm %{buildroot}/%{_libexecdir}/$libexec


  rm -r %{buildroot}/%{_sysconfdir}/pam.d %{buildroot}/%{_sysconfdir}/motd.d %{buildroot}/%{_sysconfdir}/issue.d

  rm -f %{buildroot}/%{_libdir}/security/pam_*

- rm -f %{buildroot}/usr/bin/cockpit-bridge

+ rm %{buildroot}/usr/bin/cockpit-bridge

  rm -f %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/cockpit-ssh

  rm -f %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/metainfo/cockpit.appdata.xml

- rm -rf %{buildroot}%{python3_sitelib}/cockpit/

- rm -rf %{buildroot}%{python3_sitelib}/cockpit-%{version}.dist-info/



  # when not building optional packages, remove their files
@@ -372,10 +347,6 @@ 

  %doc %{_mandir}/man1/cockpit-bridge.1.gz



- %if %{cockpit_enable_python}

- %{python3_sitelib}/%{name}/

- %{python3_sitelib}/%{name}-%{version}.dist-info/

- %endif


  %package doc

  Summary: Cockpit deployment and developer guide
@@ -424,80 +395,6 @@ 

  Recommends: (reportd if abrt)



- Provides: bundled(npm(@patternfly/patternfly)) = 5.0.0-alpha.43

- Provides: bundled(npm(@patternfly/react-core)) = 5.0.0-alpha.83

- Provides: bundled(npm(@patternfly/react-icons)) = 5.0.0-alpha.12

- Provides: bundled(npm(@patternfly/react-styles)) = 5.0.0-alpha.8

- Provides: bundled(npm(@patternfly/react-table)) = 5.0.0-alpha.85

- Provides: bundled(npm(@patternfly/react-tokens)) = 5.0.0-alpha.9

- Provides: bundled(npm(argparse)) = 1.0.10

- Provides: bundled(npm(attr-accept)) = 2.2.2

- Provides: bundled(npm(autolinker)) = 3.16.2

- Provides: bundled(npm(available-typed-arrays)) = 1.0.5

- Provides: bundled(npm(call-bind)) = 1.0.2

- Provides: bundled(npm(deep-equal)) = 2.0.5

- Provides: bundled(npm(define-properties)) = 1.2.0

- Provides: bundled(npm(es-get-iterator)) = 1.1.3

- Provides: bundled(npm(file-selector)) = 0.6.0

- Provides: bundled(npm(focus-trap)) = 7.4.0

- Provides: bundled(npm(for-each)) = 0.3.3

- Provides: bundled(npm(function-bind)) = 1.1.1

- Provides: bundled(npm(functions-have-names)) = 1.2.3

- Provides: bundled(npm(get-intrinsic)) = 1.2.0

- Provides: bundled(npm(gopd)) = 1.0.1

- Provides: bundled(npm(has-bigints)) = 1.0.2

- Provides: bundled(npm(has-property-descriptors)) = 1.0.0

- Provides: bundled(npm(has-symbols)) = 1.0.3

- Provides: bundled(npm(has-tostringtag)) = 1.0.0

- Provides: bundled(npm(has)) = 1.0.3

- Provides: bundled(npm(internal-slot)) = 1.0.5

- Provides: bundled(npm(is-arguments)) = 1.1.1

- Provides: bundled(npm(is-bigint)) = 1.0.4

- Provides: bundled(npm(is-boolean-object)) = 1.1.2

- Provides: bundled(npm(is-callable)) = 1.2.7

- Provides: bundled(npm(is-date-object)) = 1.0.5

- Provides: bundled(npm(is-map)) = 2.0.2

- Provides: bundled(npm(is-number-object)) = 1.0.7

- Provides: bundled(npm(is-regex)) = 1.1.4

- Provides: bundled(npm(is-set)) = 2.0.2

- Provides: bundled(npm(is-string)) = 1.0.7

- Provides: bundled(npm(is-symbol)) = 1.0.4

- Provides: bundled(npm(is-typed-array)) = 1.1.10

- Provides: bundled(npm(is-weakmap)) = 2.0.1

- Provides: bundled(npm(is-weakset)) = 2.0.2

- Provides: bundled(npm(isarray)) = 2.0.5

- Provides: bundled(npm(js-sha1)) = 0.6.0

- Provides: bundled(npm(js-sha256)) = 0.9.0

- Provides: bundled(npm(js-tokens)) = 4.0.0

- Provides: bundled(npm(json-stable-stringify-without-jsonify)) = 1.0.1

- Provides: bundled(npm(lodash)) = 4.17.21

- Provides: bundled(npm(loose-envify)) = 1.4.0

- Provides: bundled(npm(object-assign)) = 4.1.1

- Provides: bundled(npm(object-inspect)) = 1.12.3

- Provides: bundled(npm(object-is)) = 1.1.5

- Provides: bundled(npm(object-keys)) = 1.1.1

- Provides: bundled(npm(object.assign)) = 4.1.4

- Provides: bundled(npm(prop-types)) = 15.8.1

- Provides: bundled(npm(react-dom)) = 18.2.0

- Provides: bundled(npm(react-dropzone)) = 14.2.3

- Provides: bundled(npm(react-is)) = 16.13.1

- Provides: bundled(npm(react)) = 18.2.0

- Provides: bundled(npm(regexp.prototype.flags)) = 1.5.0

- Provides: bundled(npm(remarkable)) = 2.0.1

- Provides: bundled(npm(scheduler)) = 0.23.0

- Provides: bundled(npm(side-channel)) = 1.0.4

- Provides: bundled(npm(sprintf-js)) = 1.0.3

- Provides: bundled(npm(stop-iteration-iterator)) = 1.0.0

- Provides: bundled(npm(tabbable)) = 6.1.2

- Provides: bundled(npm(throttle-debounce)) = 2.3.0

- Provides: bundled(npm(tslib)) = 2.5.0

- Provides: bundled(npm(uuid)) = 7.0.3

- Provides: bundled(npm(which-boxed-primitive)) = 1.0.2

- Provides: bundled(npm(which-collection)) = 1.0.1

- Provides: bundled(npm(which-typed-array)) = 1.1.9

- Provides: bundled(npm(xterm-addon-canvas)) = 0.3.0

- Provides: bundled(npm(xterm)) = 5.1.0


  %description system

  This package contains the Cockpit shell and system configuration interfaces.

@@ -606,7 +503,7 @@ 

  test -f %{_bindir}/firewall-cmd && firewall-cmd --reload --quiet || true


  # check for deprecated PAM config

- if test -f %{_sysconfdir}/pam.d/cockpit &&  grep -q pam_cockpit_cert %{_sysconfdir}/pam.d/cockpit; then

+ if grep --color=auto pam_cockpit_cert %{_sysconfdir}/pam.d/cockpit; then

      echo '**** WARNING:'

      echo '**** WARNING: pam_cockpit_cert is a no-op and will be removed in a'

      echo '**** WARNING: future release; remove it from your /etc/pam.d/cockpit.'
@@ -780,6 +677,9 @@ 


  # The changelog is automatically generated and merged


+ * Tue May 16 2023 Packit <hello@packit.dev> - 286.2-1

+ - storage: When fixing NBDE, also recognize indirect root filesystems


  * Tue May 16 2023 Packit <hello@packit.dev> - 292-1

  - Metrics: Add disk IO per service

  - Several right-to-left language fixes

file modified
+8 -14
@@ -1,24 +1,22 @@ 

  upstream_project_url: https://github.com/cockpit-project/cockpit

+ # HACK: spec must be next to the generated tarball; https://github.com/packit/packit/issues/1621

  specfile_path: cockpit.spec



-     # build patched spec

-     - tools/node-modules make_package_lock_json

+     # HACK: spec must be next to the generated tarball; https://github.com/packit/packit/issues/1621

      - cp tools/cockpit.spec .

-     # packit will compute and set the version by itself

-     - tools/fix-spec ./cockpit.spec 0



+     # The sandcastle doesn't have enough ram to run webpack, so wait

+     # until the webpack-jumpstart workflow has run and grab the result.

+     - tools/webpack-jumpstart --wait --rebase

      - tools/make-dist



    - automake

    - gcc

-   - gettext

    - glib2-devel

    - make

-   - nodejs

-   - npm

    - systemd-devel

  # use the nicely formatted release NEWS from our upstream release, instead of git shortlog

  copy_upstream_release_description: true
@@ -28,11 +26,9 @@ 


        - fedora-37

        - fedora-38

-       - fedora-latest-aarch64

        - fedora-development

        - centos-stream-8-x86_64

        - centos-stream-9-x86_64

-       - centos-stream-9-aarch64


    # run build/unit tests on some interesting architectures

    - job: copr_build
@@ -49,13 +45,11 @@ 

      project: "cockpit-preview"

      preserve_project: True


-       # same as the global one, but specifying actions: does not inherit


-         # build patched spec

-         - tools/node-modules make_package_lock_json

+         # HACK: spec must be next to the generated tarball; https://github.com/packit/packit/issues/1621

          - cp tools/cockpit.spec .

-         # packit will compute and set the version by itself

-         - tools/fix-spec ./cockpit.spec 0

+         # HACK: https://github.com/packit/packit/issues/1560

+         - tools/node-modules checkout

        # HACK: tarball for releases (copr_build, koji, etc.), copying spec's Source0; this

        # really should be the default, see https://github.com/packit/packit-service/issues/1505


file modified
+1 -1
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 

- SHA512 (cockpit-292.tar.xz) = fbf2dbb9c4c83208cd902d99bf66a7c45b944beb7cf26efa23e859a4d61c9c41ae5558236cba2a2da2ae753a0bd5e669fe776d454cabfc66d42958be785742bb

+ SHA512 (cockpit-286.2.tar.xz) = df931be2bf9c0f65bb136305f0b4ca9721fcf3ea9bb1c922bde3c0cfd6a7b8337b59a44b57f07065c3faa6ed67bcd2ad05f9c06c49d0040a40f0c3f19fb7ea8a

Upstream tag: 286.2
Upstream commit: e8ac8341

Pull-Request has been closed by martinpitt

a year ago

Build failed. More information on how to proceed and troubleshoot errors available at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zuul-based-ci