#4 Adding additional files for gating purposes
Closed 5 months ago by zdohnal. Opened a year ago by pdancak.
rpms/ pdancak/cups-filters rawhide  into  rawhide

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@ 

+ resultsdb-testcase: separate

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ 

+ --- !Policy

+ product_versions:

+   - fedora-*

+ decision_context: bodhi_update_push_testing

+ subject_type: koji_build

+ rules:

+   - !PassingTestCaseRule {test_case_name: fedora-ci.koji-build.tier0.functional}


+ #Rawhide

+ --- !Policy

+ product_versions:

+   - fedora-*

+ decision_context: bodhi_update_push_stable

+ subject_type: koji_build

+ rules:

+   - !PassingTestCaseRule {test_case_name: fedora-ci.koji-build.tier0.functional}


+ #gating rhel

+ --- !Policy

+ product_versions:

+   - rhel-*

+ decision_context: osci_compose_gate

+ rules:

+   - !PassingTestCaseRule {test_case_name: baseos-ci.brew-build.tier1.functional}

+   - !PassingTestCaseRule {test_case_name: baseos-ci.brew-build.tedude.validation}

+   - !PassingTestCaseRule {test_case_name: baseos-ci.brew-build.acceptance-tier.functional}

Here are additional files to enable gating. Can you please look at it and merge it? Thank you Zdeněk.

Hi @pdancak ,

thank you for the PR!

Would you mind adding CentOS Stream/RHEL related gating rules? So the gating will work out-of-the-box once new CentOS Stream is forked.

1 new commit added

  • Added rhel gating configuration
a year ago

1 new commit added

  • Fixed gating.yaml
a year ago

Pull-Request has been closed by zdohnal

5 months ago