f8dfd32 - update to upstream 0.1.7

Authored and Committed by johnp 16 years ago
    - update to upstream 0.1.7
    - update the license for _introspect_parser.py to permissive since
        dbus-python was relicense (this just makes including this code easier
        since the GPL/AFL dual license confused some people)
    - add placeholder icons to denote methods, properties and signals does
        someone want to make a standard set of programmer tool icons?
    - default service icon now added to the package for distributions that do
        not ship an icon called icon-service
    - argument types now show the parameter name if given in the introspect
    - selecting a property now attempts to read the propety and display a value
    - prettier formatting for introspect output
    - various bug fixes
file modified
+17 -2
file modified
+1 -1