6a54893 Prepare support for Python 3.11

Authored and Committed by churchyard a year ago
    Prepare support for Python 3.11
    Python 3.11 is coming to RHEL 8 soon.
    See https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2137139
    This *could* be shipped in EPEL 8 Next first,
    but considering the change is harmless when python3.11-devel is not available
    in the repos, it's easier to add it to EPEL 8 directly.
    There is a slight difference compared to the older Pythons:
    The package names now include the dot in the Python version (3.11 vs. 36, 38, 39).
    That was a deliberate decision on the RHEL side
    to make the package names equal to the RHEL 9 ones.
file modified
+6 -2