#327 Move to release versioning for Fedora 40 final
Merged 2 months ago by kevin. Opened 2 months ago by kevin.
rpms/ kevin/fedora-release f40  into  f40

file modified
+1 -1
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ 

  # The numbering is 0.<r> before a given Fedora Linux release is released,

  # with r starting at 1, and then just <r>, with r starting again at 1.

  # Use '%%autorelease -p' before final, and then drop the '-p'.

- Release:        %autorelease -p

+ Release:        %autorelease

  License:        MIT

  URL:            https://fedoraproject.org/


I'm wondering if there's much we can do about the release... -38 looks a bit weird.

I tried with '-b 1' but it didn't seem to work, perhaps I am holding it wrong.

@nphilipp likely knows what I am doing wrong here...

Oh well, it's not the end of the world... will try and get it sorted out for f41. ;)

Pull-Request has been merged by kevin

2 months ago