#2 add fuse3 to f30
Merged 5 years ago by dwd. Opened 5 years ago by dwd.
rpms/ dwd/fuse3 f30  into  f30

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@ 

+ /fuse-3.4.2.tar.gz

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ 

+ # mount_max = 1000

+ # user_allow_other

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ 

+ From: Peter Lemenkov <lemenkov@gmail.com>

+ Date: Mon, 9 Aug 2010 12:10:40 +0400

+ Subject: [PATCH] More parentheses


+ Signed-off-by: Peter Lemenkov <lemenkov@gmail.com>


+ diff --git a/lib/fuse.c b/lib/fuse.c

+ index a40e995..479736c 100755

+ --- a/lib/fuse.c

+ +++ b/lib/fuse.c

+ @@ -1759,7 +1759,7 @@ int fuse_fs_open(struct fuse_fs *fs, const char *path,

+  			fprintf(stderr, "open flags: 0x%x %s\n", fi->flags,

+  				path);


+ -		err = fs->op.open(path, fi);

+ +		err = (fs->op.open)(path, fi);


+  		if (fs->debug && !err)

+  			fprintf(stderr, "   open[%llu] flags: 0x%x %s\n",

@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ 

+ From: Tom Callaway <spot@fedoraproject.org>

+ Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2019 15:17:36 -0400

+ Subject: [PATCH] disable device creation during build/install



+ diff --git a/util/install_helper.sh b/util/install_helper.sh

+ index 688b245..8f40a9f 100755

+ --- a/util/install_helper.sh

+ +++ b/util/install_helper.sh

+ @@ -22,18 +22,12 @@ else

+      DESTDIR="${DESTDIR%/}"

+  fi


+ -chown root:root "${DESTDIR}${bindir}/fusermount3"

+ +# chown root:root "${DESTDIR}${bindir}/fusermount3"

+  chmod u+s "${DESTDIR}${bindir}/fusermount3"


+  install -D -m 644 "${MESON_SOURCE_ROOT}/util/fuse.conf" \

+  	"${DESTDIR}${sysconfdir}/fuse.conf"


+ -

+ -if test ! -e "${DESTDIR}/dev/fuse"; then

+ -    mkdir -p "${DESTDIR}/dev"

+ -    mknod "${DESTDIR}/dev/fuse" -m 0666 c 10 229

+ -fi

+ -

+  install -D -m 644 "${MESON_SOURCE_ROOT}/util/udev.rules" \

+          "${DESTDIR}${udevrulesdir}/99-fuse3.rules"


@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ 

+ From: Peter Lemenkov <lemenkov@gmail.com>

+ Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2019 22:43:48 +0200

+ Subject: [PATCH] Whitelist smb2 (#392)


+ See also https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1694552#c7

+ Signed-off-by: Peter Lemenkov <lemenkov@gmail.com>


+ diff --git a/ChangeLog.rst b/ChangeLog.rst

+ index 74bd0be..f711b2f 100644

+ --- a/ChangeLog.rst

+ +++ b/ChangeLog.rst

+ @@ -1,3 +1,6 @@

+ +* Added SMB2 to whitelist (so users can now mount FUSE filesystems

+ +  on mountpoints within SMB 2.0 filesystems).

+ +

+  libfuse 3.4.2 (2019-03-09)

+  ==========================


+ diff --git a/util/fusermount.c b/util/fusermount.c

+ index 7f9b7cd..5e0b104 100644

+ --- a/util/fusermount.c

+ +++ b/util/fusermount.c

+ @@ -1012,35 +1012,36 @@ static int check_perm(const char **mntp, struct stat *stbuf, int *mountpoint_fd)

+  	 * but got expanded as we found more filesystems that needed to be

+  	 * overlayed. */

+  	typeof(fs_buf.f_type) f_type_whitelist[] = {

+ -		0x5346414f /* OPENAFS_SUPER_MAGIC */,

+  		0x61756673 /* AUFS_SUPER_MAGIC */,

+  		0x00000187 /* AUTOFS_SUPER_MAGIC */,


+  		0x9123683E /* BTRFS_SUPER_MAGIC */,

+  		0x00C36400 /* CEPH_SUPER_MAGIC */,

+  		0xFF534D42 /* CIFS_MAGIC_NUMBER */,

+ -		0X00004D44 /* MSDOS_SUPER_MAGIC */,

+  		0x0000F15F /* ECRYPTFS_SUPER_MAGIC */,

+  		0x0000EF53 /* EXT[234]_SUPER_MAGIC */,

+  		0xF2F52010 /* F2FS_SUPER_MAGIC */,

+  		0x65735546 /* FUSE_SUPER_MAGIC */,

+  		0x01161970 /* GFS2_MAGIC */,

+  		0x47504653 /* GPFS_SUPER_MAGIC */,

+ -		0x3153464A /* JFS_SUPER_MAGIC */,

+ +		0x0000482b /* HFSPLUS_SUPER_MAGIC */,

+  		0x000072B6 /* JFFS2_SUPER_MAGIC */,

+ +		0x3153464A /* JFS_SUPER_MAGIC */,

+  		0x0BD00BD0 /* LL_SUPER_MAGIC */,

+ +		0X00004D44 /* MSDOS_SUPER_MAGIC */,

+  		0x0000564C /* NCP_SUPER_MAGIC */,

+  		0x00006969 /* NFS_SUPER_MAGIC */,

+  		0x00003434 /* NILFS_SUPER_MAGIC */,

+  		0x5346544E /* NTFS_SB_MAGIC */,

+ +		0x5346414f /* OPENAFS_SUPER_MAGIC */,

+  		0x794C7630 /* OVERLAYFS_SUPER_MAGIC */,

+  		0x52654973 /* REISERFS_SUPER_MAGIC */,

+ +		0xFE534D42 /* SMB2_SUPER_MAGIC */,

+  		0x73717368 /* SQUASHFS_MAGIC */,

+  		0x01021994 /* TMPFS_MAGIC */,

+  		0x24051905 /* UBIFS_SUPER_MAGIC */,

+  		0x58465342 /* XFS_SB_MAGIC */,

+  		0x2FC12FC1 /* ZFS_SUPER_MAGIC */,

+ -		0x0000482b /* HFSPLUS_SUPER_MAGIC */,

+  	};

+  	for (i = 0; i < sizeof(f_type_whitelist)/sizeof(f_type_whitelist[0]); i++) {

+  		if (f_type_whitelist[i] == fs_buf.f_type)

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@ 

+ Name:		fuse3

+ Version:	3.4.2

+ Release:	5%{?dist}

+ Summary:	File System in Userspace (FUSE) v3 utilities

+ License:	GPL+

+ URL:		http://fuse.sf.net

+ Source0:	https://github.com/libfuse/libfuse/archive/fuse-%{version}.tar.gz

+ Source1:	fuse.conf


+ Patch1:	fuse3-0001-More-parentheses.patch

+ Patch2:	fuse3-0002-disable-device-creation-during-build-install.patch

+ # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1694552#c7

+ # https://github.com/libfuse/libfuse/pull/392

+ # backported for fuse-3.4.2

+ Patch3:	fuse3-0003-Whitelist-smb2-392.patch


+ BuildRequires:	which

+ Conflicts:	filesystem < 3

+ BuildRequires:	libselinux-devel

+ BuildRequires:	meson, ninja-build, gcc

+ %if ! 0%{?el6} && ! 0%{?el7}

+ BuildRequires:	systemd-udev

+ %endif

+ Requires:	%{_sysconfdir}/fuse.conf

+ # fuse-common 3.4.2-3 had the fuse & fuse3 man pages in it

+ Conflicts:	fuse-common <= 3.4.2-3


+ %description

+ With FUSE it is possible to implement a fully functional filesystem in a

+ userspace program. This package contains the FUSE v3 userspace tools to

+ mount a FUSE filesystem.


+ %package libs

+ Summary:	File System in Userspace (FUSE) v3 libraries

+ License:	LGPLv2+

+ Conflicts:	filesystem < 3


+ %description libs

+ Devel With FUSE it is possible to implement a fully functional filesystem in a

+ userspace program. This package contains the FUSE v3 libraries.


+ %package devel

+ Summary:	File System in Userspace (FUSE) v3 devel files

+ Requires:	%{name}-libs = %{version}-%{release}

+ Requires:	pkgconfig

+ License:	LGPLv2+

+ Conflicts:	filesystem < 3


+ %description devel

+ With FUSE it is possible to implement a fully functional filesystem in a

+ userspace program. This package contains development files (headers,

+ pgk-config) to develop FUSE v3 based applications/filesystems.


+ %if ! 0%{?el6} && ! 0%{?el7}

+ %package -n fuse-common

+ Summary:	Common files for File System in Userspace (FUSE) v2 and v3

+ License:	GPL+


+ %description -n fuse-common

+ Common files for FUSE v2 and FUSE v3.

+ %endif


+ %prep

+ %setup -n libfuse-fuse-%{version}


+ %patch1 -p1 -b .add_parentheses

+ %patch2 -p1 -b .nodev

+ %patch3 -p1 -b .smb2_whitelist


+ %build

+ %if ! 0%{?_vpath_srcdir:1}

+ %global _vpath_srcdir .

+ %endif

+ %meson 

+ %meson_build


+ %install

+ export MESON_INSTALL_DESTDIR_PREFIX=%{buildroot}/usr %meson_install

+ find %{buildroot} .

+ find %{buildroot} -type f -name "*.la" -exec rm -f {} ';'

+ # change from 4755 to 0755 to allow stripping -- fixed later in files

+ chmod 0755 %{buildroot}/%{_bindir}/fusermount3


+ # Get rid of static libs

+ rm -f %{buildroot}/%{_libdir}/*.a

+ # No need to create init-script

+ rm -f %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/init.d/fuse3


+ %if 0%{?el6} || 0%{?el7}

+ # This is in the fuse package here

+ rm -f %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/fuse.conf

+ %else

+ # Install config-file

+ install -p -m 0644 %{SOURCE1} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}

+ %endif


+ # Delete pointless udev rules, which do not belong in /etc (brc#748204)

+ rm -f %{buildroot}/usr/lib/udev/rules.d/99-fuse3.rules


+ %if 0%{?el6} || 0%{?el7}

+ %post -p /sbin/ldconfig libs

+ %postun -p /sbin/ldconfig libs

+ %else

+ %ldconfig_scriptlets libs

+ %endif


+ %files

+ %license LICENSE GPL2.txt

+ %doc AUTHORS ChangeLog.rst README.md

+ %{_sbindir}/mount.fuse3

+ %attr(4755,root,root) %{_bindir}/fusermount3

+ %{_mandir}/man1/*

+ %{_mandir}/man8/*


+ %files libs

+ %license LGPL2.txt

+ %{_libdir}/libfuse3.so.*


+ %files devel

+ %{_libdir}/libfuse3.so

+ %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/fuse3.pc

+ %{_includedir}/fuse3/


+ %if ! 0%{?el6} && ! 0%{?el7}

+ %files -n fuse-common

+ %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/fuse.conf

+ %endif


+ %changelog

+ * Wed May 01 2019 Dave Dykstra <dwd@fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.2-5

+ - Update the Conflicts: fuse-common <= version to 3.4.2-3


+ * Wed May 01 2019 Dave Dykstra <dwd@fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.2-4

+ - Bump release number in order to larger than a rebuild of fuse package

+   done before separation pull request was merged.


+ * Mon Apr 08 2019 Dave Dykstra <dwd@fedoraproject.org> - 3.4.2-3

+ - Separate out from fuse package

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@ 

+ SHA512 (fuse-3.4.2.tar.gz) = ba59f261a51803517cf5d131a74455cf3143e80382c9a9612037cbce9941af867d379955417c384fe0b28e31b5a16f9d0ff35337c7e565830767879458c942be