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Gradle update procedure is not trivial, due to large number of patches, frequent API/ABI breaks and cyclic build-dependency between Gradle and XMvn. This document tries to help maintainers by describing steps that are necessary for updating Gradle to new upstream version.

Preparing XMvn Connector for Gradle

You yould always start with porting XMvn to use given Gradle version.

Patches to XMvn can be submitted as pull requests on Github, where XMvn is hosted: https://github.com/fedora-java/xmvn

Upload Gradle binaries to XMvn remote repo

This is done by running the following command from XMvn upstream git directory:

./aux/deploy-gradle.sh 2.5-rc-1

Port XMvn to given Gradle version

First you need to adjust <gradleVersion> in xmvn-parent/pom.xml:

sed -i "/<gradleVersion>/s/>.*</>$v</" xmvn-parent/pom.xml
git commit -a -m "Port to gradle $v"

Then see if it builds and all tests pass:

mvn clean verify

If not, fix build problems and amend commit:

git commit -a --amend -C HEAD

Backport XMvn patch

If there were any code changes required (POM version bump doesn't count) then you'll need to backport the patch to latest XMvn version that is in rawhide. Simply use git to rebase the commit on top of latest release and prepare patch from it.

Preparing Gradle update

First, regenerate bootstrap resources:

wget http://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-${v}-bin.zip
unzip gradle-${v}-bin.zip
./gradle-bootstrap-gererate-resources.py gradle-${v}
git commit -a -m "Regenerate bootstrap resources"

Then rebase patches on top of upstream release.

Lastly, bump spec file and try building the package.

Bootstrapping Gradle

This is only necessary if Gradle broke its API or it broke XMvn (i.e. there were code changes required when porting XMvn), otherwise it can be skipped. In any case it is recommended to do this step at least as scratch build in order to make sure that bootstrap procedure is still working.

First step of bootstrap procedure is doing bootstrap build. For this you need to change %bcond_with bootstrap to %bcond_without bootstrap in spec file and build the package.

Secondly, if there is XMvn patch to be applied, you should do it now and build xmvn package.

Finally, revert %bcond to its initial (non-bootstrap) state and do final non-bootstrap build of gradle.