#9 Fix typo in bcrypt description in htpasswd help
Closed 3 years ago by eismann. Opened 3 years ago by eismann.

file modified
+1 -1
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@

  -        " -B  Force bcrypt encryption of the password (very secure)." NL

  +        " -2  Force SHA-256 crypt() hash of the password (very secure)." NL

  +        " -5  Force SHA-512 crypt() hash of the password (very secure)." NL

- +        " -B  Force bcrypt aencryption of the password (very secure)." NL

+ +        " -B  Force bcrypt encryption of the password (very secure)." NL

           " -C  Set the computing time used for the bcrypt algorithm" NL

           "     (higher is more secure but slower, default: %d, valid: 4 to 17)." NL

  +        " -r  Set the number of rounds used for the SHA-256, SHA-512 algorithms" NL

Not sure how this one slipped in there, however I haven't heard of aencryption yet :-)
Also not sure if this is the right place, this is my first commit on here.

Ah I just saw that was fixed on the httpd source a month ago, I guess this will be picked up soon.

Pull-Request has been closed by eismann

3 years ago

Actually it won't because this is a backport from trunk and isn't in 2.4.x. Thanks for reporting it though - I've pushed the fix to master in Fedora.