#1 Update ksshaskpass.spec with SSH_ASKPASS_REQUIRE prefering use of graphical password dialog
Opened 3 years ago by cjmills. Modified 3 years ago
rpms/ cjmills/ksshaskpass master  into  rawhide

file modified
@@ -49,6 +49,8 @@ 

  cat >    %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/xdg/plasma-workspace/env/ksshaskpass.sh << EOF


  export SSH_ASKPASS






Currently required to enter pasphrases for ssh keys at least once per KDE Plasma session when using konsole.

Passphrases are requested within konsole and entered using the TTY, rather than a graphical password dialog. ssh-add -l lists the added keys and further use of ssh in that session does not require a key's passphrase again. On logging out/restart and starting a new session, each key's passphrase is required to be entered again. Recommend the default behaviour is changed so to allow storage of passphrase in the kwallet system.

As per man ssh-add:

"SSH_ASKPASS_REQUIRE allows further control over the use of an askpass program. If this variable is set to “never” then ssh-add will never attempt to use one. If it is set to “prefer”, then ssh-add will prefer to use the askpass program instead of the TTY when requesting passwords. Finally, if the variable is set to “force”, then the askpass program will be used for all passphrase input regardless of whether DISPLAY is set."

Environment variable SSH_ASKPASS_REQUIRE=prefer added ensuring when using konsole the password dialog is displayed and passphrases are added to kwallet system.