a9b2582 Cleaning up

Authored and Committed by dsommers 7 years ago
    Cleaning up
    - Use systemd-rpm macros
    - Remove %triggerun for openvpn < 2.2.1 (which is way too old anyhow
      for newer Fedoras)
    - Fixed several issues with installed files
    - Fixed ./configure arguments - several of them where outdated or
      used wrong
    - Removed the deprecated openvpn@.service in favour of the new
      upstream unit files
    - Added README.systemd which describes the new unit files
    - Fixed wrong mixing of %doc and %{_pkgdocdir} causing duplication
      of sample and contrib directories
    - Install management-notes.txt, which contains useful information
      about the OpenVPN management interface commands
    - Don't own %{_localstatedir}/run/%{name} ... that's handled by
      tmpfiles.d/openvpn.conf instead.
    - Own /etc/openvpn{,client,server}/
file added
file modified
+25 -71
file removed