============================= SELinux support for Pure-FTPd ============================= With this package, Pure-FTPd is now protected in the same way VSFTPd and ProFTPd are in Fedora. Read Access ----------- To allow files to be accessed by Pure-FTPd, you need either : - to place them in /var/ftp - to label them with the public_content_t. To do that, you can use:: chcon -t public_content_t file_to_publish Write Access ------------ If you wish to grant write access, you have to use the public_content_rw_t type, for example with this command:: chcon -t public_content_rw_t file_to_publish and you have to turn on the allow_ftpd_anon_write boolean using system-config-securitylevel, or using the following command:: setsebool -P allow_ftpd_anon_write 1 Access to home directories -------------------------- If you want to publish files in a user's home directory, you have to turn on the ftp_home_dir boolean, using system-config-securitylevel, or using the following command:: setsebool -P ftp_home_dir 1