#16 Do not build docs in RHEL builds
Merged a year ago by defolos. Opened a year ago by yselkowitz.
rpms/ yselkowitz/python-breathe rawhide  into  rawhide

file modified
@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ 

  Breathe is an extension to reStructuredText and Sphinx to be able to read and \

  render the Doxygen xml output.


+ # This is buildroot only in RHEL, and building the docs pulls in unwanted dependencies

+ %bcond doc %{undefined rhel}


  Name:           python-%{srcname}

  Version:        4.35.0

  Release:        %autorelease
@@ -32,8 +35,10 @@ 

  BuildRequires:  %{py3_dist MarkupSafe} >= 0.23

  BuildRequires:  %{py3_dist Pygments} >= 1.6

  BuildRequires:  %{py3_dist pytest}

+ %if %{with doc}

  BuildRequires:  %{py3_dist sphinx-copybutton}

  BuildRequires:  %{py3_dist furo}

+ %endif

  # NOTE: git is only needed because part of the build process checks if it's in

  # a git repo

  BuildRequires:  git
@@ -67,10 +72,12 @@ 




+ %if %{with doc}

  # Build the documentation

  %make_build DOXYGEN=$(which doxygen) PYTHONPATH=$(pwd) html

  # Remove temporary build files

  rm documentation/build/html/.buildinfo

+ %endif



@@ -84,9 +91,11 @@ 


  %license LICENSE


+ %if %{with doc}

  %files doc

  %doc documentation/build/html

  %license LICENSE

+ %endif




This package is buildroot only in RHEL, and building the docs pulls in unwanted dependencies.

ELN scratch build: https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=99530152

Build succeeded.

rebased onto e2bf8b1

a year ago

@yselkowitz Can you use the new %bcond syntax for this as well: https://rpm-software-management.github.io/rpm/manual/conditionalbuilds.html?

cc @trix as you are the EPEL maintainer.

The new %bcond syntax is now in CentOS Stream 9 but won't be in RHEL until 9.2 and (afaik) not planned for earlier versions. Do you still want to use it now?

@defolos @trix the new %bcond syntax is now in CentOS Stream 9 but won't be in RHEL until 9.2 and (afaik) not planned for earlier versions. Do you still want to use it in rawhide now?

@yselkowitz I would prefer to use the new syntax if that is possible for you and doesn't cause you additional work. Otherwise we can use the old one for now.

Well, asking me to change the PR is by definition additional work, but I went ahead and changed it.

rebased onto 2bbceda

a year ago

Build succeeded.

rebased onto a055bb0

a year ago

Build succeeded.

Pull-Request has been merged by defolos

a year ago

LGTM, thanks! And sorry for the delay @yselkowitz
