#4 Update to 0.9.6
Merged 4 years ago by jpopelka. Opened 4 years ago by jpopelka.
rpms/ jpopelka/python-httpretty f30  into  f30

file modified
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ 




+ /httpretty-0.9.6.tar.gz

@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ 

- From 01474bf64e0434881059a3638abff5bb62eaedb1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001

- From: Scott Moser <smoser@brickies.net>

- Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2017 12:30:47 -0500

- Subject: [PATCH] Call reset from setUp and tearDown in addition to enable and

-  disable.


- When decorating a class via setUp and tearDown, reset() was not being

- called.  That was an unintentional change in behavior from previous versions.


- Addresses #316.

- ---

-  httpretty/core.py | 2 ++

-  1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)


- diff --git a/httpretty/core.py b/httpretty/core.py

- index 4f72678..25df1fd 100644

- --- a/httpretty/core.py

- +++ b/httpretty/core.py

- @@ -1580,6 +1580,7 @@ def httprettified(test):

-                            else None)


-          def new_setUp(self):

- +            httpretty.reset()

-              httpretty.enable()

-              if use_addCleanup:

-                  self.addCleanup(httpretty.disable)

- @@ -1594,6 +1595,7 @@ def httprettified(test):


-              def new_tearDown(self):

-                  httpretty.disable()

- +                httpretty.reset()

-                  if original_tearDown:

-                      original_tearDown(self)

-              klass.tearDown = new_tearDown

- -- 

- 2.9.3


@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@ 

- From 5d2f8d99c28519fe0cf47ebf5f043928d422b757 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001

- From: Adam Williamson <awilliam@redhat.com>

- Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2017 17:56:43 -0800

- Subject: [PATCH] Handle bugs in older urllib3 versions in one of the tests


- Older urllib3 versions had a bug where they lower-cased header

- names (in response header dicts). That makes one of our tests

- fail with older urllib3, because the test expects a 'Server'

- header. As this isn't our fault at all, just have the test cope

- with it by checking if the header dict has a 'server' key and

- replacing it with a 'Server' key with the same value.


- urllib3 1.10 also had a bug when you called dict() on its

- HTTPHeaderDict class; it would turn this:


- {'headername': 'value'}


- Into this:


- {'headername': ['headername', 'value']}


- That was fixed in 1.11, but RHEL 6 still has 1.10, so let's

- work with that by doing dict(headerdict.items()) instead of

- just dict(headerdict) (when we're recording the calls).

- ---

-  httpretty/core.py                 | 7 ++++++-

-  tests/functional/test_requests.py | 5 +++++

-  2 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)


- diff --git a/httpretty/core.py b/httpretty/core.py

- index 34d1ed1..0c2d334 100644

- --- a/httpretty/core.py

- +++ b/httpretty/core.py

- @@ -971,7 +971,12 @@ class httpretty(HttpBaseClass):

-                  'response': {

-                      'status': response.status,

-                      'body': decode_utf8(response.data),

- -                    'headers': dict(response.headers)

- +                    # urllib3 1.10 had a bug if you just did:

- +                    # dict(response.headers)

- +                    # which would cause all the values to become lists

- +                    # with the header name as the first item and the

- +                    # true value as the second item. Workaround that

- +                    'headers': dict(response.headers.items())

-                  }

-              })

-              cls.enable()

- diff --git a/tests/functional/test_requests.py b/tests/functional/test_requests.py

- index 4e2063e..18c89f8 100644

- --- a/tests/functional/test_requests.py

- +++ b/tests/functional/test_requests.py

- @@ -742,6 +742,11 @@ def test_recording_calls(port):

-      response['response'].should.have.key("status").being.equal(200)

-      response['response'].should.have.key("body").being.an(text_type)

-      response['response'].should.have.key("headers").being.a(dict)

- +    # older urllib3 had a bug where header keys were lower-cased:

- +    # https://github.com/shazow/urllib3/issues/236

- +    # cope with that

- +    if 'server' in response['response']["headers"]:

- +        response['response']["headers"]["Server"] = response['response']["headers"].pop("server")

-      response['response']["headers"].should.have.key("Server").being.equal("TornadoServer/" + tornado_version)


-      # And When I playback the previously recorded calls

- -- 

- 2.11.0


@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ 

  -    # Given a fake socket instance

  -    socket = fakesock.socket()


- -    # And that it's bound to some host and port

- -    socket.connect(('somewhere.com', 80))

+ -    # And that it's bound to some host

+ -    socket._host = 'somewhere.com'


  -    # When I retrieve the peer certificate

  -    certificate = socket.getpeercert()
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ 

  +        # Given a fake socket instance

  +        socket = fakesock.socket()


- +        # And that it's bound to some host and port

- +        socket.connect(('somewhere.com', 80))

+ +        # And that it's bound to some host

+ +        socket._host = 'somewhere.com'


  +        # When I retrieve the peer certificate

  +        certificate = socket.getpeercert()

file modified
+59 -48
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ 

- %if 0%{?fedora} || 0%{?rhel} > 7

- # escaping for EPEL.

- %global with_python3 1

+ %if %{defined rhel} || (%{defined fedora} && 0%{?fedora} < 30)

+ %bcond_without python2


+ %bcond_without python3


  %global github_owner    gabrielfalcao

  %global github_name     HTTPretty

- %global modname         httpretty

+ %global srcname         httpretty

  # define these only if actually building from a GH snapshot not a release tarball

  #global github_commit   70af1f8cf925ef50cb5e72212fb0aa46e1451dc3

  #global shortcommit     %%(c=%%{github_commit}; echo ${c:0:7})
@@ -15,46 +15,23 @@ 

  %global run_tests 1


  Name:           python-httpretty

- Version:        0.9.5

+ Version:        0.9.6

  # If github_date is defined, assume a post-release snapshot

- Release:        5%{?github_date:.%{github_date}git%{shortcommit}}%{?dist}

+ Release:        1%{?github_date:.%{github_date}git%{shortcommit}}%{?dist}

  Summary:        HTTP request mock tool for Python


  License:        MIT

- URL:            http://falcao.it/HTTPretty/

- Source0:        https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/source/h/httpretty/httpretty-%{version}.tar.gz

+ URL:            https://github.com/%{github_owner}/%{github_name}

+ Source0:        %{pypi_source}

  # Alternative for building from a github snapshot

  #Source0:        https://github.com/%{github_owner}/%{github_name}/archive/%{github_commit}/%{github_name}-%{shortcommit}.tar.gz


  # Avoid unnecessary remote access requirement (note: test only actually

  # does a remote connection after PR #313)

- Patch2:         python-httpretty-fakesock_getpeercert_noconnect.patch


- # Fix a couple of issues with urllib 1.10 (as found in RHEL 6)

- # https://github.com/gabrielfalcao/HTTPretty/pull/315

- Patch3:         0001-Handle-bugs-in-older-urllib3-versions-in-one-of-the-.patch


- # Fix setUp and tearDown not calling reset

- # https://github.com/gabrielfalcao/HTTPretty/pull/317

- Patch4:         0001-Call-reset-from-setUp-and-tearDown-in-addition-to-en.patch

+ Patch1:         python-httpretty-fakesock_getpeercert_noconnect.patch


  BuildArch:      noarch


- BuildRequires:  python2-devel

- BuildRequires:  python2-setuptools

- # For tests

- BuildRequires:  python2-httplib2

- BuildRequires:  python2-mock

- BuildRequires:  python2-nose

- BuildRequires:  python2-requests

- BuildRequires:  python2-sure

- BuildRequires:  python2-urllib3

- BuildRequires:  python2-tornado

- %if 0%{?epel} == 6

- # Need unittest2 to get the 'skip' decorator

- BuildRequires:  python-unittest2

- %endif


  %global _description\

  Once upon a time a python developer wanted to use a RESTful API, everything was\

  fine but until the day he needed to test the code that hits the RESTful API:\
@@ -64,28 +41,45 @@ 


  %description %_description


+ %if %{with python2}

  %package -n python2-httpretty

  Summary: %summary

- Requires:       python2-six

+ Requires:       python%{?fedora:2}-six


+ BuildRequires:  python2-devel

+ BuildRequires:  python2-setuptools

+ # For tests

+ BuildRequires:  python%{?fedora:2}-httplib2

+ BuildRequires:  python%{?fedora:2}-mock

+ BuildRequires:  python%{?fedora:2}-nose

+ BuildRequires:  python%{?fedora:2}-requests

+ BuildRequires:  python%{?fedora:2}-sure

+ BuildRequires:  python%{?fedora:2}-urllib3

+ BuildRequires:  python%{?fedora:2}-tornado

+ %if 0%{?epel} == 6

+ # Need unittest2 to get the 'skip' decorator

+ BuildRequires:  python-unittest2

+ %endif

  %{?python_provide:%python_provide python2-httpretty}


  %description -n python2-httpretty %_description

+ %endif


- %if 0%{?with_python3}

+ %if %{with python3}

  %package -n python3-httpretty

  Summary:        HTTP request mock tool for Python 3

- Requires:       python3-six

+ Requires:       python%{python3_pkgversion}-six


- BuildRequires:  python3-devel

- BuildRequires:  python3-setuptools

+ BuildRequires:  python%{python3_pkgversion}-devel

+ BuildRequires:  python%{python3_pkgversion}-setuptools

  # For tests

- BuildRequires:  python3-httplib2

- BuildRequires:  python3-mock

- BuildRequires:  python3-nose

- BuildRequires:  python3-requests

- BuildRequires:  python3-sure

- BuildRequires:  python3-urllib3

- BuildRequires:  python3-tornado

+ BuildRequires:  python%{python3_pkgversion}-httplib2

+ BuildRequires:  python%{python3_pkgversion}-mock

+ BuildRequires:  python%{python3_pkgversion}-nose

+ BuildRequires:  python%{python3_pkgversion}-requests

+ BuildRequires:  python%{python3_pkgversion}-sure

+ BuildRequires:  python%{python3_pkgversion}-urllib3

+ BuildRequires:  python%{python3_pkgversion}-tornado


  %description -n python3-httpretty

  Once upon a time a python developer wanted to use a RESTful API, everything was
@@ -106,39 +100,49 @@ 

  sed -i 's/^rednose = 1$//' setup.cfg



+ %if %{with python2}

  # setup.py contains non-ASCII characters; in Koji build environment

  # default encoding is ASCII and this will choke, so set a UTF-8 locale

  LANG=C.UTF-8 %py2_build

+ %endif


- %if 0%{?with_python3}

+ %if %{with_python3}





+ %if %{with python2}

  LANG=C.UTF-8 %py2_install

+ %endif


- %if 0%{?with_python3}

+ %if %{with_python3}






  %if %{run_tests}


+ %if %{with python2}

  LANG=C.UTF-8 %{__python2} -m nose -v

+ %endif


- %if 0%{?with_python3}

+ %if %{with_python3}

  %{__python3} -m nose -v






+ %if %{with python2}

  %files -n python2-httpretty

  %doc README.rst

  %license COPYING



+ %endif


- %if 0%{?with_python3}

+ %if %{with_python3}

  %files -n python3-httpretty

  %doc README.rst

  %license COPYING
@@ -148,6 +152,13 @@ 




+ * Tue Jul 30 2019 Jiri Popelka <jpopelka@redhat.com> - 0.9.6-1

+ - Update to 0.9.6

+ - Disable python2 subpackage on F30+


+ * Fri Jul 26 2019 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 0.9.5-6

+ - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_31_Mass_Rebuild


  * Sat Feb 02 2019 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 0.9.5-5

  - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_30_Mass_Rebuild


file modified
+1 -1
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 

- SHA512 (httpretty-0.9.5.tar.gz) = 21c3e8f39796c426952056a8248934ac56f185b3a0ca016579f0717e2230bf0763c331d2f522a248fff7a3d36be3fa929d24fba636e13281230c02c8ba25659c

+ SHA512 (httpretty-0.9.6.tar.gz) = bc1c64d34370209c732bc12dd9935600b647507ab2c8f18c85f348e9b5e853618ba39e10e5a073b35036e6cbe3db2cb7a342a721d0e4affa81fe178fd0b75d92