#34 WIP: python 3.10 compatibility, disable failing tests
Closed 3 years ago by thrnciar. Opened 3 years ago by thrnciar.
rpms/ thrnciar/python-matplotlib disable-failing-tests  into  rawhide

file modified
+4 -1
@@ -375,13 +375,16 @@ 

  # Skips:

  #  * test_invisible_Line_rendering: Checks for "slowness" that often fails on a

  #    heavily-loaded builder.

+ #  * test_fork, test_savefig_backend, test_load_from_url, test_use_url:

+ #         These tests are diabled due to compatibility issues with Python 3.10 and

+ #         can be enabled once they are fixed.


  PYTHONPATH=%{buildroot}%{python3_sitearch} \


       xvfb-run -a -s "-screen 0 640x480x24" \

           %{python3} tests.py -ra -n $(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN) \

               -m 'not network' \

-              -k 'not test_invisible_Line_rendering and not Qt5Agg'

+              -k 'not test_invisible_Line_rendering and not Qt5Agg and not test_fork and not test_savefig_backend and not test_load_from_url and not test_use_url'

  # Run Qt5Agg tests separately to not conflict with Qt4 tests.


  PYTHONPATH=%{buildroot}%{python3_sitearch} \

We need matplotlib to build during the bootstrap sequence of Python 3.10. I'd like to temporarily disable failing tests until they are fixed in the upstream.

Build succeeded.

But this is a bug in Python 3.10? Why would you not fix it there?

We are close to starting the rebuilds of Python packages in the sidetag. To be able to do so all packages that are in the bootstrap sequence need to build. There are still plenty of them that don't and we are unable to properly fix them all thus I am opening PRs like this to temporarily disable problematic tests.

@churchyard in his Bugzilla mentioned where the problem lies:

This problematic code is in pygobject, but matplotlib might be fixed by not treating this warning as error.

If you can help us and propose a proper fix, it would be much better than disabling the tests, but I cannot spend more time on this right now.

Ideally, we turn off the treat-the-warning-as-error somehow.

I'm working on a fix for pygobject, don't merge this just yet.

Build failed. More information on how to proceed and troubleshoot errors available at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zuul-based-ci

https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/pygobject/-/merge_requests/174 gets this fixed. I propose we close this and backport that one instead.

Ideally, we turn off the treat-the-warning-as-error somehow.

Well, pytest supports passing a warning filter with -W just like Python. However, one of those is a test in a subprocess, so it'd have to be ignored with the PYTHONWARNINGS environment variable.

Pull-Request has been closed by thrnciar

3 years ago