#174 Add BuildArch: noarch by default
Opened a month ago by lecris. Modified a month ago
rpms/ lecris/python-rpm-macros extras-noarch  into  rawhide

file modified
+7 -2
@@ -225,11 +225,12 @@ 




- %python_extras_subpkg(n:i:f:F) %{expand:%{lua:

+ %python_extras_subpkg(n:i:f:Fa) %{expand:%{lua:

      local option_n = '-n (name of the base package)'

      local option_i = '-i (buildroot path to metadata)'

      local option_f = '-f (builddir path to a filelist)'

      local option_F = '-F (skip %%files section)'

+     local option_a = '-a (insert BuildArch: noarch)'

      local value_n = rpm.expand('%{-n*}')

      local value_i = rpm.expand('%{-i*}')

      local value_f = rpm.expand('%{-f*}')
@@ -254,6 +255,10 @@ 

          rpm.expand('%{error:%%%0 requires at least one argument with "extras" name}')


      local requires = 'Requires: ' .. value_n .. ' = %{?epoch:%{epoch}:}%{version}-%{release}'

+     local noarch = ''

+     if opt.a then

+         noarch = 'BuildArch: noarch'

+     end

      for extras in args:gmatch('[^%s,]+') do

          local rpmname = value_n .. '+' .. extras

          local pkgdef = '%package -n ' .. rpmname
@@ -277,7 +282,7 @@ 

          elseif value_f ~= '' then

              files = '%files -n ' .. rpmname .. ' -f ' .. value_f


-         for i, line in ipairs({pkgdef, summary, requires, description, files, ''}) do

+         for i, line in ipairs({pkgdef, summary, requires, noarch, description, files, ''}) do

              print(line .. '\\\n')



file modified
+4 -1
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ 



  Version:        %{__default_python3_version}

- Release:        9%{?dist}

+ Release:        10%{?dist}


  BuildArch:      noarch

@@ -163,6 +163,9 @@ 




+ * Wed Apr 10 2024 Cristian Le <fedora@lecris.me> - 3.12-10

+ - %%python_extras_subpkg: Add option -a to include BuildArch: noarch


  * Thu Mar 28 2024 Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek <zbyszek@in.waw.pl> - 3.12-9

  - Minor improvements to brp-fix-pyc-reproducibility


file modified
@@ -545,6 +545,7 @@ 

          %package -n python3-setuptools_scm+toml

          Summary: Metapackage for python3-setuptools_scm: toml extras

          Requires: python3-setuptools_scm = 6-7


          %description -n python3-setuptools_scm+toml

          This is a metapackage bringing in toml extras requires for

@@ -556,6 +557,7 @@ 

          %package -n python3-setuptools_scm+yaml

          Summary: Metapackage for python3-setuptools_scm: yaml extras

          Requires: python3-setuptools_scm = 6-7


          %description -n python3-setuptools_scm+yaml

          This is a metapackage bringing in yaml extras requires for

@@ -574,6 +576,7 @@ 

          %package -n python3-setuptools_scm+toml

          Summary: Metapackage for python3-setuptools_scm: toml extras

          Requires: python3-setuptools_scm = 6-7


          %description -n python3-setuptools_scm+toml

          This is a metapackage bringing in toml extras requires for

@@ -584,6 +587,7 @@ 

          %package -n python3-setuptools_scm+yaml

          Summary: Metapackage for python3-setuptools_scm: yaml extras

          Requires: python3-setuptools_scm = 6-7


          %description -n python3-setuptools_scm+yaml

          This is a metapackage bringing in yaml extras requires for

@@ -601,6 +605,7 @@ 

          %package -n python3-setuptools_scm+toml

          Summary: Metapackage for python3-setuptools_scm: toml extras

          Requires: python3-setuptools_scm = 6-7


          %description -n python3-setuptools_scm+toml

          This is a metapackage bringing in toml extras requires for

@@ -611,6 +616,7 @@ 

          %package -n python3-setuptools_scm+yaml

          Summary: Metapackage for python3-setuptools_scm: yaml extras

          Requires: python3-setuptools_scm = 6-7


          %description -n python3-setuptools_scm+yaml

          This is a metapackage bringing in yaml extras requires for

@@ -619,6 +625,22 @@ 

      assert lines == expected



+ def test_python_extras_subpkg_a():

+     lines = rpm_eval('%python_extras_subpkg -n python3-setuptools_scm -a -F toml',

+                      version='6', release='7')

+     expected = textwrap.dedent(f"""

+         %package -n python3-setuptools_scm+toml

+         Summary: Metapackage for python3-setuptools_scm: toml extras

+         Requires: python3-setuptools_scm = 6-7

+         BuildArch: noarch

+         %description -n python3-setuptools_scm+toml

+         This is a metapackage bringing in toml extras requires for

+         python3-setuptools_scm.

+         It makes sure the dependencies are installed.

+         """).lstrip().splitlines()

+     assert lines == expected



  def test_python_extras_subpkg_underscores():

      lines = rpm_eval('%python_extras_subpkg -n python3-webscrapbook -F adhoc_ssl',

                       version='0.33.3', release='1.fc33')
@@ -626,6 +648,7 @@ 

          %package -n python3-webscrapbook+adhoc_ssl

          Summary: Metapackage for python3-webscrapbook: adhoc_ssl extras

          Requires: python3-webscrapbook = 0.33.3-1.fc33


          %description -n python3-webscrapbook+adhoc_ssl

          This is a metapackage bringing in adhoc_ssl extras requires for

@@ -649,6 +672,7 @@ 

          %package -n python3-hypothesis+cli

          Summary: Metapackage for python3-hypothesis: cli extras

          Requires: python3-hypothesis = 6.6.0-1.fc35


          %description -n python3-hypothesis+cli

          This is a metapackage bringing in cli extras requires for python3-hypothesis.

          It makes sure the dependencies are installed.
@@ -658,6 +682,7 @@ 

          %package -n python3-hypothesis+ghostwriter

          Summary: Metapackage for python3-hypothesis: ghostwriter extras

          Requires: python3-hypothesis = 6.6.0-1.fc35


          %description -n python3-hypothesis+ghostwriter

          This is a metapackage bringing in ghostwriter extras requires for

@@ -668,6 +693,7 @@ 

          %package -n python3-hypothesis+pytz

          Summary: Metapackage for python3-hypothesis: pytz extras

          Requires: python3-hypothesis = 6.6.0-1.fc35


          %description -n python3-hypothesis+pytz

          This is a metapackage bringing in pytz extras requires for python3-hypothesis.

          It makes sure the dependencies are installed.

Based on some discussions on matrix chatroom, I've tried the approach of making the base package archful and the actual distributed pacakges noarch, but I have encountered rpmlint issues when using %pyproject_extras_subpkg due to the lack of BuildArch: noarch

This PR adds the BuildArch: noarch by default and option_A (as in archful, not good with names) to override the behavior

Not sure why value_F was used there, I've opted for opt.A

@music @decathorpe thoughts on the implementation?

Build failed. More information on how to proceed and troubleshoot errors available at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zuul-based-ci

rebased onto 8125cea

a month ago

Build failed. More information on how to proceed and troubleshoot errors available at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zuul-based-ci

rebased onto 63c20b4

a month ago

Build succeeded.

Making the package noarch by default is a very breaking change. Any package that uses the macro and ships extension modules will have to add -A or else it will produce different norach packages on i686 and on other arches.

What exactly are you trying to solve?

Would the ability to insert BuildArch: noarch (e.g. with -a) solve your use case? (In other words, make this opt-in rather than opt-out.)

Pretty much the reasoning was that the extra dependency packages are (generally) pure metadata packages that simply provide the Requires dependencies. The only situation where this is not the case is if additional entries are injected into %files at which point additional flags are needed for %pyproject_extras_subpkg. @music also felt that there are some weird setup that are not considered, @churchyard maybe you know of some?

Would the ability to insert BuildArch: noarch (e.g. with -a) solve your use case? (In other words, make this opt-in rather than opt-out.)

Indeed that would also be an option, and I am a bit indifferent about either approach. The few points for adding BuildArch: noarch:

  • More common defaults for most python packages
  • More backwards compatible macros. For a while, either -a or -A (opt-in/opt-out) flags would have to be introduced based on Fedora version, and the question would be which is the more common case?

The cases we need to consider are:

  • Python-only packages: Should already have BuildArch: noarch at the top-level, so they are unaffected by either approach
  • Arched extra packages, i.e. they are inserting/splitting architecture dependent files. Unaffected if going with -a, but require fixing with -A. Works currently.
    Generally these packages should be very rare. Should also consider that the installation is not equivalent with pip install since there would not have such optional packaging
  • header-only like packages, i.e. wanting to run the build on all architectures, but otherwise a python-only package, e.g. scikit-build-core, a build backend for python+CMake. Requires fixing -a, but unaffected if going with -A. Requires either approach.
    Quite common for numerical and scientific packages.

@decathorpe seems to be in favor of BuildArch: noarch as default, maybe there are more comments on that?

The extra dependency packages have the dist-info (or egg-info) directory listed as %ghost. The directory may be in %{python_sitelib} (/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages) for pure Python packages or in %{python_sitearch} (/usr/lib64/python3.12/site-packages on 64bit, /usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages on 32bit) for packages with extension modules.

Extra subpackages for archful Python packages MUST be archful. Despite being metapackages they contain %ghost files with arch-specific path.

Indeed, pure Python packages are probably more common than packages with extension modules. However, extension modules are not exactly rare to come by, or "special cases".

OTOH arched packages with noarch python subpackages are not very common. I'd consider them "special cases".


$ repoquery -q --repo=rawhide -l python3-sqlalchemy1.4+mysql-1.4.52-1.fc41.x86_64

This cannot be noarch. It has files in /usr/lib64 on x86_64.


$ repoquery -q --repo=rawhide -l python3-trimesh+easy-4.2.4-1.fc41.x86_64

This is clearly wrong, python3-trimesh+easy should be noarch, as is python3-trimesh.

Some stats.

There are 68 packages matching python3-.+\+.+\.x86_64. This omits packages with Python extras not called python3-foo+bar but foo+bar, but let's roll with it.

$ repoquery -q --repo=rawhide -a | grep -E 'python3-.+\+.+\.x86_64' | wc -l

Those packages belong to 20 "base" packages:

$ repoquery -q --repo=rawhide -a | grep -E 'python3-.+\+.+\.x86_64' | cut -d+ -f1 | sort -u | wc -l

Out of those 20, only 2 can (and should) be noarch:

$ repoquery -q --repo=rawhide -l $(repoquery -q --repo=rawhide -a | grep -E 'python3-.+\+.+\.x86_64') | grep 'dist-info$'

I'd rather change the 2 than the remaining 18 (also, any future ones as well).

Considering also packages not named python3-, we only see one more (matrix_synapse), rightfully arched:

$ repoquery -q --repo=rawhide -l $(repoquery -q --repo=rawhide -a | grep -E '.+\+.+\.x86_64') | grep 'dist-info$'

Oh, ok, thanks for the insight on the issue. I don't suppose there is a way to copy the archfullness from the -n package passed to %pyproject_extras_subpkg?

That's unfortunately just a string, there is no way of querying anything here :(

I forgot to grep for egg-info packages, but there are only 3 relevant ones and they are all in lib64:

$ repoquery -q --repo=rawhide -l $(repoquery -q --repo=rawhide -a | grep -E '.+\+.+\.x86_64') | grep 'egg-info$'

Ok, so for this one, I will invert the macro so that patching those 2 packages will be easier. Patching it for previous versions would be tricky unless we cherry-pick this for the previous? Also does OpenSuse also use %pyproject_extras_subpkg that we would need to synchronize with?

Ok, so for this one, I will invert the macro so that patching those 2 packages will be easier.

Please do.

Patching it for previous versions would be tricky unless we cherry-pick this for the previous?

Either cherry-pick for older Fedoras, or let me do it, either works fine. f40 can still be fast-forwarded from rawhide.

No idea about openSUSE, do they even generate provides from upstream metadata?

The new flag will need to be added to pyproject-rpm-macros as well.

rebased onto da464d7

a month ago

Merge Failed.

This change or one of its cross-repo dependencies was unable to be automatically merged with the current state of its repository. Please rebase the change and upload a new patchset.

A little bikeshedding: is -a the best name for noarch? Should it be -A for noarch, -a for arch?

I'd rather change the 2 than the remaining 18 (also, any future ones as well).

I’m surprised there are only two! I think there have been more in the past, but some of them have been due to conditionals and special cases that have been resolved over time. I’ve also encountered a few cases that were so idiosyncratic that the metapackages had to be defined manually without using %pyproject_extra_subpkg; I don’t think those are worth talking about here.

Would the ability to insert BuildArch: noarch (e.g. with -a) solve your use case? (In other words, make this opt-in rather than opt-out.)

This would be a nice feature.

I have considered the arched-ness of the python-trimesh extras metapackages a “wart” rather than a serious problem – not worth defining them manually instead of using %pyproject_extras_subpkg, but definitely worth fixing if it becomes straightforward to do so.

A little bikeshedding: is -a the best name for noarch? Should it be -A for noarch, -a for arch?

No particular opinion on that, words are hard. It does kinda feel like -a and arch are intuitive, but noarch has me stumped.

Another option could be to use a global macro and not support selectively injecting BuildArch: noarch. Or maybe you could do it by re-defining the macro