#102 Alternative tmt approach with local tests
Opened 2 years ago by psss. Modified 2 years ago
rpms/ psss/python-tox tmt-local-tests  into  rawhide

file added
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+ 1

file added
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+ /plan:

+     summary: Test virtual environments

+     prepare:

+       - how: install

+         package: git-core

+       - how: shell

+         script: git clone https://src.fedoraproject.org/forks/psss/tests/python.git $TMT_PLAN_DATA/tests

+     discover:

+         how: fmf

+     execute:

+         how: tmt


+ /tests:

+     test: cd $TMT_PLAN_DATA/tests/smoke && ./venv.sh

+     require:

+       - gcc

+       - virtualenv

+       - python3-devel

+       - python3-tox


+     /python37:

+         environment:

+             VERSION: 3.7

+         require+:

+           - python37


+     /python38:

+         environment:

+             VERSION: 3.8

+         require+:

+           - python38


+     /python39:

+         environment:

+             VERSION: 3.9

+         require+:

+           - python39

file removed
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@ 

- ---

- - hosts: localhost

-   tags:

-     - classic

-   tasks:

-     - dnf:

-         name: "*"

-         state: latest


- - hosts: localhost

-   tags:

-   - classic

-   pre_tasks:

-   - import_role:

-       name: standard-test-source

-     vars:

-       fetch_only: True


-   roles:

-   - role: standard-test-basic

-     repositories:

-     - repo: "https://src.fedoraproject.org/tests/python.git"

-       dest: "python"

-     - repo: "https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/pyproject-rpm-macros.git"

-       dest: "pyproject-rpm-macros"

-     tests:

-     - mock_with_tests:

-         dir: .

-         run: pyproject-rpm-macros/tests/mocktest.sh python-tox --enable-network --with tests

-     - all_supplementing_pythons:

-         dir: tests

-         run: ./all_supplementing_pythons.py

-     - smoke27:

-         dir: python/smoke

-         run: VERSION=2.7 METHOD=virtualenv ./venv.sh

-     - smoke35_optional:

-         dir: python/smoke

-         run: VERSION=3.5 INSTALL_OR_SKIP=true ./venv.sh

-     - smoke36:

-         dir: python/smoke

-         run: VERSION=3.6 ./venv.sh

-     - smoke37:

-         dir: python/smoke

-         run: VERSION=3.7 ./venv.sh

-     - smoke38:

-         dir: python/smoke

-         run: VERSION=3.8 ./venv.sh

-     - smoke39:

-         dir: python/smoke

-         run: VERSION=3.9 ./venv.sh

-     - smoke310:

-         dir: python/smoke

-         run: VERSION=3.10 ./venv.sh

-     - smoke311:

-         dir: python/smoke

-         run: VERSION=3.11 ./venv.sh

-     - smoke_pypy37:

-         dir: python/smoke

-         run: PYTHON=pypy3.7 VERSION=3.7 ./venv.sh

-     - smoke_pypy38:

-         dir: python/smoke

-         run: PYTHON=pypy3.8 VERSION=3.8 ./venv.sh

-     - smoke_pypy39:

-         dir: python/smoke

-         run: PYTHON=pypy3.9 VERSION=3.9 ./venv.sh

-     - pyproject_pytest:

-         dir: pyproject-rpm-macros/tests

-         run: ./mocktest.sh python-pytest

-     - pyproject_pluggy:

-         dir: pyproject-rpm-macros/tests

-         run: ./mocktest.sh python-pluggy

-     - pyproject_openqa_client:

-         dir: pyproject-rpm-macros/tests

-         run: ./mocktest.sh python-openqa_client

-     required_packages:

-     - gcc

-     - virtualenv

-     - python2.7

-     - python3.6

-     - python3.7

-     - python3.8

-     - python3.9

-     - python3.10-devel

-     - python3.11-devel

-     - python2-devel

-     - pypy3.7-devel

-     - pypy3.8-devel

-     - pypy3.9-devel

-     - python3-tox

-     - dnf

-     - mock

-     - rpmdevtools

-     - rpm-build

-     - python3-pyyaml

Allows arbitrary custom parametrization of the test script but
does not prevent duplication of test metadata.

Build succeeded.