#31 Example plan for the shared virtualenv tests
Opened 3 years ago by psss. Modified 2 years ago
rpms/ psss/python-tox tmt  into  rawhide

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@ 

+ 1

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ 

+ summary: Test virtual environments

+ discover:

+     how: fmf

+     url: https://src.fedoraproject.org/forks/psss/tests/python.git

+     ref: tmt

+     filter: component:python-tox

+ execute:

+     how: tmt

file removed
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@ 

- ---

- - hosts: localhost

-   tags:

-     - classic

-   tasks:

-     - dnf:

-         name: "*"

-         state: latest


- - hosts: localhost

-   tags:

-   - classic

-   pre_tasks:

-   - import_role:

-       name: standard-test-source

-     vars:

-       fetch_only: True


-   roles:

-   - role: standard-test-basic

-     repositories:

-     - repo: "https://src.fedoraproject.org/tests/python.git"

-       dest: "python"

-     - repo: "https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/pyproject-rpm-macros.git"

-       dest: "pyproject-rpm-macros"

-     tests:

-     - mock_with_tests:

-         dir: .

-         run: pyproject-rpm-macros/tests/mocktest.sh python-tox --enable-network --with tests

-     - all_supplementing_pythons:

-         dir: tests

-         run: ./all_supplementing_pythons.py

-     - smoke27:

-         dir: python/smoke

-         run: VERSION=2.7 METHOD=virtualenv ./venv.sh

-     - smoke35_optional:

-         dir: python/smoke

-         run: VERSION=3.5 INSTALL_OR_SKIP=true ./venv.sh

-     - smoke36:

-         dir: python/smoke

-         run: VERSION=3.6 ./venv.sh

-     - smoke37:

-         dir: python/smoke

-         run: VERSION=3.7 ./venv.sh

-     - smoke38:

-         dir: python/smoke

-         run: VERSION=3.8 ./venv.sh

-     - smoke39:

-         dir: python/smoke

-         run: VERSION=3.9 ./venv.sh

-     - smoke310:

-         dir: python/smoke

-         run: VERSION=3.10 ./venv.sh

-     - smoke311:

-         dir: python/smoke

-         run: VERSION=3.11 ./venv.sh

-     - smoke_pypy37:

-         dir: python/smoke

-         run: PYTHON=pypy3.7 VERSION=3.7 ./venv.sh

-     - smoke_pypy38:

-         dir: python/smoke

-         run: PYTHON=pypy3.8 VERSION=3.8 ./venv.sh

-     - smoke_pypy39:

-         dir: python/smoke

-         run: PYTHON=pypy3.9 VERSION=3.9 ./venv.sh

-     - pyproject_pytest:

-         dir: pyproject-rpm-macros/tests

-         run: ./mocktest.sh python-pytest

-     - pyproject_pluggy:

-         dir: pyproject-rpm-macros/tests

-         run: ./mocktest.sh python-pluggy

-     - pyproject_openqa_client:

-         dir: pyproject-rpm-macros/tests

-         run: ./mocktest.sh python-openqa_client

-     required_packages:

-     - gcc

-     - virtualenv

-     - python2.7

-     - python3.6

-     - python3.7

-     - python3.8

-     - python3.9

-     - python3.10-devel

-     - python3.11-devel

-     - python2-devel

-     - pypy3.7-devel

-     - pypy3.8-devel

-     - pypy3.9-devel

-     - python3-tox

-     - dnf

-     - mock

-     - rpmdevtools

-     - rpm-build

-     - python3-pyyaml

Demonstrates how the tmt configuration would look like.
For now fetches tests from the share tests fork.
Run tests using tmt run -v to try this out.

One part I don't understand: Will this also run in Fedora CI (Jenkins or Zuul), or is this something I can only run manually?

Yes, we want to get this integrated with Fedora CI. The Testing Farm Team is working on enabling the new pipeline which will support tmt as well. The first proof-of-concept should be ready for experimenting in the coming weeks (around July).

So, currently, the answer is not yet. What kind of feedback would you like to see?

  • Should I review the PR here and ask about the code?
  • Should I try to run the tests locally with tmt and report back?
  • Should I just wait?

Yes, please review the PR, try to run tests, ask questions what is not clear. Here are some hints:

Run all tests in a vm:

tmt run

Run tests in a container:

tmt run --all provision --how container

Run selected tests:

tmt run test --name regexp

Show more details:

tmt run --verbose
tmt run --debug
tmt run -vvvddd

We'll be glad for any feedback.

Ehm. I seriously need to have a look at this, but it seems I kinda procrastinated this away. Sorry about that.

By the way, tmt is now available in Fedora CI.

I know. We are currently experimenting with it in pipenv and might eventually switch everything. OTOH it is still not supported in Zuul and Fedora CI is unreliable alone. I'd rather switch once we have a redundancy.

Zuul now supports this but I don't understand the change here. How do we control witch tests we run?

rebased onto 2ff4796519eac50bbf36bbeb3e23cece400f02bc

2 years ago

There are several ways how to select relevant tests: Choose by test name, filter by component or tag. For the python-tox use case probably the most natural would be to mark relevant tests in the shared repo with component: python-tox and use the filter.

summary: Test virtual environments
    how: fmf
    url: https://src.fedoraproject.org/forks/psss/tests/python.git
    ref: tmt
    filter: component:python-tox
    how: tmt

I've updated both pull requests to demonstrate it. Choosing tests by name would look like this:

    how: fmf
    url: https://src.fedoraproject.org/forks/psss/tests/python.git
    ref: tmt
      - /smoke/venv/python37
      - /smoke/venv/python38
      - /smoke/venv/python39

Advantage of this approach is that the environment variable stuff and required packages for individual tests can be maintained at one place only.

1 new commit added

  • Remove sti
2 years ago

Merge Failed.

This change or one of its cross-repo dependencies was unable to be automatically merged with the current state of its repository. Please rebase the change and upload a new patchset.
Error merging src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/python-tox for 31,21f03b91a82fc3abd9d4c88de31fccf5bb807817

rebased onto f6c72f3

2 years ago

Build succeeded.