%global scalaz_version 7.0.0 %global scala_short_version 2.10 # set this to 1 once scalacheck is available in Fedora (currently: # yes) and scalaz's scalacheck support compiles (currently: no) %global have_scalacheck 0 # set this to 1 once sbt is available in Fedora %global have_native_sbt 1 Name: scalaz Version: %{scalaz_version} Release: 6%{?dist} Summary: Extension to the core Scala library for functional programming License: BSD URL: http://typelevel.org Source0: https://github.com/scalaz/scalaz/archive/v%{scalaz_version}.tar.gz#/%{name}-v%{version}.tar.gz Source1: https://raw.github.com/willb/climbing-nemesis/master/climbing-nemesis.py Patch0: scalaz-7.0.0-build.patch BuildArch: noarch BuildRequires: mvn(org.scalacheck:scalacheck_%{scala_short_version}) BuildRequires: scala %if %{have_native_sbt} BuildRequires: sbt %endif BuildRequires: javapackages-tools Requires: javapackages-tools Requires: scala Requires: jansi %description Scalaz is a Scala library for functional programming. It provides purely functional data structures to complement those from the Scala standard library. It defines a set of foundational type classes (e.g. Functor, Monad) and corresponding instances for a large number of data structures. %package javadoc Summary: Javadoc for %{name} %description javadoc This package contains javadoc for %{name}. %prep %setup -q %patch0 -p1 %if %{have_native_sbt} rm ./sbt %endif cp %{SOURCE1} . chmod 755 climbing-nemesis.py sed -i -e 's/1[.]10[.]0/1.11.0/g' project/build.scala # Improve scala version sed -i -e 's/2.10.3/2.10.4/g' project/build.scala %if 0%{have_scalacheck} == 0 sed -i -e 's/scalacheckBinding, tests,//g' project/build.scala %else sed -i -e 's/ tests,//g' project/build.scala ./climbing-nemesis.py org.scalacheck scalacheck_%{scala_short_version} ivy-local %endif cp etc/LICENCE LICENCE %build %if %{have_native_sbt} cp -r /usr/share/sbt/ivy-local . mkdir boot export SBT_BOOT_DIR=$(pwd)/boot export SBT_IVY_DIR=$(pwd)/ivy-local sbt package makePom doc %else ./sbt package makePom doc %endif %install mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{_javadir}/%{name}/ mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{_mavenpomdir} mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{_javadocdir}/%{name} for jar in $(find . -wholename \*/scala-%{scala_short_version}/%{name}-\*.jar); do echo $jar shortname=$(echo $jar | sed -e 's/^.*[/]\([a-z-]\+\)_%{scala_short_version}-%{scalaz_version}.jar$/\1/g') cp -p $jar %{buildroot}/%{_javadir}/scalaz/${shortname}.jar done for apidir in $(find . -name api -type d | grep -v ivy-local); do module=$(echo $apidir | cut -f2 -d/) mkdir %{buildroot}/%{_javadocdir}/%{name}/$module cp -rp $apidir/* %{buildroot}/%{_javadocdir}/%{name}/$module # Remove bundle stuff: e.g. jquery-ui.js jquery.js jquery.layout.js find %{buildroot}/%{_javadocdir}/%{name}/$module/lib -name "*.js" -print -delete done for pom in $(find . -name %{name}-\*.pom ) ; do shortname=$(echo $pom | sed -e 's/^.*[/]\([a-z-]\+\)_%{scala_short_version}-%{scalaz_version}.pom$/\1/g') echo installing POM $pom to %{_mavenpomdir}/JPP.%{name}-${shortname}.pom cp -p $pom %{buildroot}/%{_mavenpomdir}/JPP.%{name}-${shortname}.pom echo %{_mavenpomdir}/JPP.%{name}-${shortname}.pom >> .rpm_pomfiles shortnames=( "${shortnames[@]}" $shortname ) done echo shortnames are ${shortnames[@]} for sub in ${shortnames[@]} ; do echo running add_maven_depmap JPP.%{name}-${sub}.pom %{name}/${sub}.jar %add_maven_depmap JPP.%{name}-${sub}.pom %{name}/${sub}.jar done %files -f .mfiles %dir %{_javadir}/%{name} %doc README.md %license LICENCE %files javadoc %{_javadocdir}/%{name} %license LICENCE %changelog * Thu Feb 04 2016 Fedora Release Engineering - 7.0.0-6 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_24_Mass_Rebuild * Sun Aug 09 2015 gil cattaneo 7.0.0-5 - fix FTBFS rhbz#1239991 - fix some rpmlint problem - introduce license macro * Fri Jun 19 2015 Fedora Release Engineering - 7.0.0-4 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_23_Mass_Rebuild * Sun Jun 08 2014 Fedora Release Engineering - 7.0.0-3 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild * Wed Feb 26 2014 William Benton - 7.0.0-2 - updated paths for released sbt - install POM files now - generate javadocs * Tue Nov 26 2013 William Benton - 7.0.0-1 - initial package