Blob Blame History Raw
  # This playbook is used for testing SCLORG images in OpenShift 4
  # by Container Verification Pipeline (CVP).
  # The Ansible log created when this playbook is run is archived by CVP as an artifact.
- hosts: all # At runtime this playbook will be executed on a Jenkins slave against 'localhost'
  gather_facts: false
    - openshift

  # Here's an example of setting environment vars that will be picked up by
  # the shell script below.
    IMAGE_FULL_NAME: "{{ image_full_name }}"
    IMAGE_REGISTRY_URL: "{{ image_registry_url }}"
    IMAGE_NAMESPACE: "{{ image_namespace }}"
    IMAGE_NAME: "{{ image_name }}"
    IMAGE_TAG: "{{ image_tag }}"
    IMAGE_DIGEST: "{{ image_digest }}"
    OPENSHIFT_CLUSTER_URL: "{{ openshift_cluster_url }}"
    OPENSHIFT_AUTH_TOKEN: "{{ openshift_auth_token }}"
    OPENSHIFT_USERNAME: "{{ openshift_username }}"
    OPENSHIFT_PROJECT_NAME: "{{ openshift_project_name }}"
    CVP_ARTIFACTS_DIR: "{{ cvp_artifacts_dir }}"

    # CVP should have created the artifacts directory already, but it's always good to check.
    - name: "Make sure the artifacts directory exists"
        path: "{{ cvp_artifacts_dir }}"
        state: directory

    # This block is an example of a solely Ansible approach to test a container image in OpenShift.
    # It demonstrates how to interact with the unique 'sandbox' project created by CVP in OpenShift
    # to import, run, and interact with your container image.
    - name: "Run sclorg image name tests in OpenShift 4 environment."
        # Log into the cluster where CVP is running
        - name: Log into the OpenShift cluster
          shell: oc login {{ openshift_cluster_url }} --token="{{ openshift_auth_token }}" --insecure-skip-tls-verify

        # Connect to the newly-created temporary 'sandbox' project in OpenShift to run your tests
        - name: Select the project {{ openshift_project_name }}
          shell: oc project {{ openshift_project_name }}

        - name: Import the image into OpenShift
          shell: oc import-image {{ image_name }} --from={{ image_full_name }} --insecure=true --confirm
          retries: 3
          delay: 10

        # Derive fully qualified image name of your newly imported image for the next step
        - name: Get imported image registry URL
          shell: oc get is {{ image_name }} --output=jsonpath='{ .status.dockerImageRepository }'
          register: imported_image_url

        # Ensure that we can access the /apis/ endpoint on OCP4.x
        - name: Test the version command on v4.x
          shell: oc get clusterversions
          register: oc_version_cmd
          when: openshift_cluster_version == "v4.x"

        # Run tests on OpenShift 4
        - name: Run a sclorg test suite in OpenShift 4
          shell: VERSION={{ environment[0]['VERSION'] }} IMAGE_NAME={{ image_name }} OS={{ environment[0]['OS'] }} CVP=1 bash test/run-openshift-remote-cluster  | tee {{ cvp_artifacts_dir }}/{{ image_name }}.log