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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<component type="desktop">
  <name>Ball: Buster</name>
  <summary>Move the paddle to bounce the ball and break all the bricks</summary>
      Game inspired by one of the great classics. The purpose of the game is
      to remove all the bricks on the screen, by hitting them with a ball.
      You can control the ball by bouncing it back at the bricks with a paddle
      which you control with your mouse.
    <p>The game features:</p>
     <li>A built in level editor</li>
     <li>20 powerups</li>
     <li>Particle effects</li>
     <li>Alpha effects</li>
     <li>Rotating and zooming</li>
  <url type="homepage"></url>
    <screenshot type="default"></screenshot>