This is an additional document added to the Fedora RPM package of chkrootkit. ----- It is in the nature of some of chkrootkit's checks that there may be some false positives among the reported findings. The chkrootkit user is advised to examine such files more closely (display them, query the RPM database about them, compare with backups on read-only media) and use another layer of protection (such as an intrusion detection tool). For example, where it is searched for hidden files below /usr/lib, which begin with a dot, chkrootkit may report files which belong into valid RPM packages, or which have been created at run-time by some software, and which are innocent. The output could look like this (the lines have been wrapped for readability): Searching for suspicious files and dirs, it may take a while... /usr/lib/firefox- /usr/lib/firefox- /usr/lib/firefox- /usr/lib/firefox- /usr/lib/qt-3.3/etc/settings/.qt_plugins_3.3rc.lock /usr/lib/qt-3.3/etc/settings/.qtrc.lock /usr/lib/firefox-1.5/.autoreg /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/i386-linux-thread-multi/.packlist /usr/lib/firefox- In this example, the files are valid files from Firefox (previous and current versions), Perl and the Qt GUI toolkit, but only the ".packlist" file is included in the main "perl" package. Creating and maintaining a simple white-list inside chkrootkit would bear the risk that a new rootkit uses the knowledge about white-listed file locations to store its malicious files. Another example is a check that looks for files in a place, which is used by a valid package nowadays. The output looks like: Searching for OBSD rk v1... /usr/lib/security /usr/lib/security/ Both files are included within the "libgcj" package, however, $ rpm --query --file /usr/lib/security/ libgcj-4.1.1-51.fc6 and are false positives, $ rpm --verify libgcj $ unless something has managed to manipulate the system in a way, so that simple checks like above cannot be trusted.