Blob Blame History Raw
--- clamav-0.98.5/shared/optparser.c		2014-11-13 23:30:44.000000000 +0100
+++ clamav-0.98.5/shared/optparser.c.cliopts	2014-11-19 11:44:52.357577022 +0100
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@
     { "AllowAllMatchScan", NULL, 0, CLOPT_TYPE_BOOL, MATCH_BOOL, 1, NULL, 0, OPT_CLAMD, "Permit use of the ALLMATCHSCAN command.", "yes" },
-    { "Foreground", NULL, 0, CLOPT_TYPE_BOOL, MATCH_BOOL, 0, NULL, 0, OPT_CLAMD | OPT_FRESHCLAM | OPT_MILTER, "Don't fork into background.", "no" },
+    { "Foreground", "nofork", 0, CLOPT_TYPE_BOOL, MATCH_BOOL, 0, NULL, 0, OPT_CLAMD | OPT_FRESHCLAM | OPT_MILTER, "Don't fork into background.", "no" },
     { "Debug", NULL, 0, CLOPT_TYPE_BOOL, MATCH_BOOL, 0, NULL, 0, OPT_CLAMD | OPT_FRESHCLAM, "Enable debug messages in libclamav.", "no" },