Blob Blame History Raw
%%% File    : mod_ctlextra.erl
%%% Author  :
%%% Purpose : Adds more options for ejabberd_ctl
%%% Created :
%%% Id      :

%%% mod_ctlextra v0.2.2 for ejabberd 1.1.1 (18/May/2006) 
%%%  1. Copy mod_ctlextra.erl to your ejabberd/src
%%%  2. Add to your ejabberd.cfg, on the modules section:
%%%         {mod_ctlextra, []},
%%%  3. Recompile and restart ejabberd 
%%% USAGE:
%%%  - Now you have several new options for ejabberd-ctl
%%%  - Example for vcard: ejabberdctl eja@host vcard-get joe email
%%%  - The file used by 'pushroster' and 'pushroster-all' must be placed on 
%%%      the same directory where the .beam files are. Example content:
%%%         [{"bob", "myserver", "workers", "Bob"},
%%%          {"mart", "myserver", "workers", "Mart"},
%%%          {"Rich", "myserver", "bosses", "Rich"}].

-vsn('Version 0.2.1').




start(Host, _Opts) ->
		{"compile file", "recompile and reload file"},
		{"load-config file", "load config from file"},
		{"remove-node nodename", "remove an ejabberd node from the database"},

		% ejabberd_auth
		{"delete-older-users days", "delete users that have not logged in the last 'days'"},
		{"set-password user server password", "set password to user@server"},

		% ejd2odbc
		{"export2odbc server output", "export all possible tables on server to output"},

		% mod_offline
		{"delete-older-messages days", "delete offline messages older than 'days'"},

		% mod_shared_roster
		{"srg-create group host name description display", "create the group with options"},
		{"srg-delete group host", "delete the group"},
		{"srg-user-add user server group host", "add user@server to group on host"},
		{"srg-user-del user server group host", "delete user@server from group on host"},
		% mod_vcard
		{"vcard-get user host data [data2]", "get data from the vCard of the user"},
		{"vcard-set user host data [data2] content", "set data to content on the vCard"},

		% mod_announce
		% announce_send_online host message
		% announce_send_all host, message

		% mod_muc
		% muc-add room opts
		% muc-del room
		% muc-del-older 90 : delete rooms older than X days (with no activity (chat, presence, logins) in 6 months)

		% mod_roster
		{"add-rosteritem user1 server1 user2 server2 nick group subs", "Add user2@server2 to user1@server1"},
		%{"", "subs= none, from, to or both"},
		%{"", "example: add-roster peter localhost mike MiKe Employees both"},
		%{"", "will add to peter@localhost roster"},
		{"pushroster file user server", "push template roster in file to user@server"},
		{"pushroster-all file", "push template roster in file to all those users"},
		{"push-alltoall server group", "adds all the users to all the users in Group"},

		{"stats registeredusers", "number of registered users"},
		{"stats onlineusers", "number of logged users"},

		% misc
		{"killsession user server resource", "kill a user session"}
	], ?MODULE, ctl_process),
    ejabberd_ctl:register_commands(Host, [
		% mod_last
		{"num-active-users days", "number of users active in the last 'days'"},
		{"stats registeredusers", "number of registered users"},
		{"stats onlineusers", "number of logged users"}
	], ?MODULE, ctl_process),

stop(_Host) ->

ctl_process(_Val, ["blo"]) ->
	FResources = "eeeaaa aaa",
	io:format("~s", [FResources]),

ctl_process(_Val, ["delete-older-messages", Days]) ->

ctl_process(_Val, ["delete-older-users", Days]) ->
	{removed, N, UR} = delete_older_users(list_to_integer(Days)),
	io:format("Deleted ~p users: ~p~n", [N, UR]),

ctl_process(_Val, ["export2odbc", Server, Output1]) ->
	Output = list_to_atom(Output1),
	ejd2odbc:export_passwd(Server, Output),
	ejd2odbc:export_roster(Server, Output),
	ejd2odbc:export_offline(Server, Output),
	ejd2odbc:export_last(Server, Output),
	ejd2odbc:export_vcard(Server, Output),
	ejd2odbc:export_vcard_search(Server, Output),

ctl_process(_Val, ["set-password", User, Server, Password]) ->
    ejabberd_auth:set_password(User, Server, Password),

ctl_process(_Val, ["vcard-get", User, Server, Data]) ->
	{ok, Res} = vcard_get(User, Server, {Data}),
    io:format("~s~n", [Res]),

ctl_process(_Val, ["vcard-get", User, Server, Data1, Data2]) ->
	{ok, Res} = vcard_get(User, Server, {Data1, Data2}),
    io:format("~s~n", [Res]),

ctl_process(_Val, ["vcard-set", User, Server, Data, Content]) ->
	{ok, Res} = vcard_set(User, Server, Data, Content),
    io:format("~s~n", [Res]),

ctl_process(_Val, ["vcard-set", User, Server, Data1, Data2, Content]) ->
	{ok, Res} = vcard_set(User, Server, Data1, Data2, Content),
    io:format("~s~n", [Res]),

ctl_process(_Val, ["compile", Module]) ->

ctl_process(_Val, ["remove-node", Node]) ->
	mnesia:del_table_copy(schema, list_to_atom(Node)),

ctl_process(_Val, ["srg-create", Group, Host, Name, Description, Display]) ->
	Opts = [{name, Name}, {displayed_groups, [Display]}, {description, Description}],
	{atomic, ok} = mod_shared_roster:create_group(Host, Group, Opts),

ctl_process(_Val, ["srg-delete", Group, Host]) ->
	{atomic, ok} = mod_shared_roster:delete_group(Host, Group),

ctl_process(_Val, ["srg-user-add", User, Server, Group, Host]) ->
	{atomic, ok} = mod_shared_roster:add_user_to_group(Host, {User, Server}, Group),

ctl_process(_Val, ["srg-user-del", User, Server, Group, Host]) ->
	{atomic, ok} = mod_shared_roster:remove_user_from_group(Host, {User, Server}, Group),

ctl_process(_Val, ["add-rosteritem", LocalUser, LocalServer, RemoteUser, RemoteServer, Nick, Group, Subs]) ->
    case add_rosteritem(LocalUser, LocalServer, RemoteUser, RemoteServer, Nick, Group, list_to_atom(Subs), []) of
	{atomic, ok} ->
	{error, Reason} ->
	    io:format("Can't add ~p@~p to ~p@~p: ~p~n",
		      [RemoteUser, RemoteServer, LocalUser, LocalServer, Reason]),
	{badrpc, Reason} ->
	    io:format("Can't add roster item to user ~p: ~p~n",
		      [LocalUser, Reason]),

ctl_process(_Val, ["pushroster", File, User, Server]) ->
    case pushroster(File, User, Server) of
	ok ->
	{error, Reason} ->
	    io:format("Can't push roster ~p to ~p@~p: ~p~n",
		      [File, User, Server, Reason]),
	{badrpc, Reason} ->
	    io:format("Can't push roster ~p: ~p~n",
		      [File, Reason]),

ctl_process(_Val, ["pushroster-all", File]) ->
    case pushroster_all([File]) of
	ok ->
	{error, Reason} ->
	    io:format("Can't push roster ~p: ~p~n",
		      [File, Reason]),
	{badrpc, Reason} ->
	    io:format("Can't push roster ~p: ~p~n",
		      [File, Reason]),

ctl_process(_Val, ["push-alltoall", Server, Group]) ->
    case push_alltoall(Server, Group) of
	ok ->
	{error, Reason} ->
	    io:format("Can't push all to all: ~p~n",
	{badrpc, Reason} ->
	    io:format("Can't push all to all: ~p~n",

ctl_process(_Val, ["load-config", Path]) ->
    case ejabberd_config:load_file(Path) of
        {atomic, ok} ->
        {error, Reason} ->
            io:format("Can't load config file ~p: ~p~n",
                      [filename:absname(Path), Reason]),
        {badrpc, Reason} ->
            io:format("Can't load config file ~p: ~p~n",
                      [filename:absname(Path), Reason]),

ctl_process(_Val, ["stats", Stat]) ->
	Res = case Stat of
		"registeredusers" -> mnesia:table_info(passwd, size);
		"onlineusers" -> mnesia:table_info(session, size)
    io:format("~p~n", [Res]),

ctl_process(_Val, ["killsession", User, Server, Resource]) ->
        jlib:make_jid("", "", ""), 
        jlib:make_jid(User, Server, Resource),
        {xmlelement, "broadcast", [], [{exit, "killed"}]}),

ctl_process(Val, _Args) ->

ctl_process(_Val, Host, ["num-active-users", Days]) ->
	Number = num_active_users(Host, list_to_integer(Days)),
    io:format("~p~n", [Number]),

ctl_process(_Val, Host, ["stats", Stat]) ->
	Res = case Stat of
		"registeredusers" -> length(ejabberd_auth:get_vh_registered_users(Host));
		"onlineusers" -> length(ejabberd_sm:get_vh_session_list(Host))
    io:format("~p~n", [Res]),

ctl_process(Val, _Host, _Args) ->


add_rosteritem(LU, LS, RU, RS, Nick, Group, Subscription, Xattrs) ->
	subscribe(LU, LS, RU, RS, Nick, Group, Subscription, Xattrs),
	% TODO: if the server is not local and Subs=to or both: send subscription request
	% TODO: check if the 'remote server' is a virtual host here, else do nothing
	%add_rosteritem2(RU, RS, LU, LS, LU, "", invert_subs(Subscription), Xattrs, Host).
	subscribe(RU, RS, LU, LS, LU, "", invert_subs(Subscription), Xattrs).

invert_subs(none) -> none;
invert_subs(to) -> none;
invert_subs(from) -> to;
invert_subs(both) -> both.

subscribe(LocalUser, LocalServer, RemoteUser, RemoteServer, Nick, Group, Subscription, Xattrs) ->
		fun() ->
				{LocalUser,LocalServer,{RemoteUser,RemoteServer,[]}}, % usj
				{LocalUser,LocalServer},                 % us
				{RemoteUser,RemoteServer,[]},      % jid
				Nick,                  % name: "Mom", []
				Subscription,  % subscription: none, to=you see him, from=he sees you, both
				none,          % ask: out=send request, in=somebody requests you, none
				[Group],       % groups: ["Family"]
				Xattrs,        % xattrs: [{"category","conference"}]
				[]             % xs: []

pushroster(File, User, Server) ->
	{ok, [Roster]} = file:consult(File),
	subscribe_roster({User, Server, "", User}, Roster).

pushroster_all(File) ->
	{ok, [Roster]} = file:consult(File),

subscribe_all(Roster) ->
	subscribe_all(Roster, Roster).
subscribe_all([], _) ->
subscribe_all([User1 | Users], Roster) ->
	subscribe_roster(User1, Roster),
	subscribe_all(Users, Roster).

subscribe_roster(_, []) ->
% Do not subscribe a user to itself
subscribe_roster({Name, Server, Group, Nick}, [{Name, Server, _, _} | Roster]) ->
	subscribe_roster({Name, Server, Group, Nick}, Roster);
% Subscribe Name2 to Name1
subscribe_roster({Name1, Server1, Group1, Nick1}, [{Name2, Server2, Group2, Nick2} | Roster]) ->
	subscribe(Name1, Server1, Name2, Server2, Nick2, Group2, both, []),
	subscribe_roster({Name1, Server1, Group1, Nick1}, Roster).

push_alltoall(S, G) ->
	Users = ejabberd_auth:get_vh_registered_users(S),
	Users2 = build_list_users(G, Users, []),

build_list_users(_Group, [], Res) ->
build_list_users(Group, [{User, Server}|Users], Res) ->
	build_list_users(Group, Users, [{User, Server, Group, User}|Res]).

vcard_get(User, Server, DataX) ->
    [{_, _, A1}] = mnesia:dirty_read(vcard, {User, Server}),
    Elem = vcard_get(DataX, A1),
    {ok, xml:get_tag_cdata(Elem)}.

vcard_get({Data1, Data2}, A1) ->
    A2 = xml:get_subtag(A1, Data1),
    A3 = xml:get_subtag(A2, Data2),
    case A3 of
		"" -> A2;
		_ -> A3

vcard_get({Data}, A1) ->
    xml:get_subtag(A1, Data).

vcard_set(User, Server, Data1, Data2, Content) ->
	Content2 = {xmlelement, Data2, [], [{xmlcdata,Content}]},
	R = {xmlelement, Data1, [], [Content2]},
	vcard_set2(User, Server, R, Data1).

vcard_set(User, Server, Data, Content) ->
	R = {xmlelement, Data, [], [{xmlcdata,Content}]},
	vcard_set2(User, Server, R, Data).

vcard_set2(User, Server, R, Data) ->
	% Get old vcard
    [{_, _, A1}] = mnesia:dirty_read(vcard, {User, Server}),
	{_, _, _, A2} = A1,

    A3 = lists:keydelete(Data, 2, A2),
    A4 = [R | A3],

	% Build new vcard
	SubEl = {xmlelement, "vCard", [{"xmlns","vcard-temp"}], A4},
	IQ = #iq{type=set, sub_el = SubEl},
	JID = jlib:make_jid(User, Server, ""),

	mod_vcard:process_sm_iq(JID, JID, IQ),
	{ok, "done"}.

-record(last_activity, {us, timestamp, status}).

delete_older_users(Days) ->
	% Convert older time
	SecOlder = Days*24*60*60,

	% Get current time
	{MegaSecs, Secs, _MicroSecs} = now(),
	TimeStamp_now = MegaSecs * 1000000 + Secs,

	% Get the list of registered users
	Users = ejabberd_auth:dirty_get_registered_users(),

	% For a user, remove if required and answer true
	F = fun({LUser, LServer}) ->
		% Check if the user is logged
		case ejabberd_sm:get_user_resources(LUser, LServer) of
			% If it isn't
			[] ->
				% Look for his last_activity
				case mnesia:dirty_read(last_activity, {LUser, LServer}) of
				% If it is
					% existent:
					[#last_activity{timestamp = TimeStamp}] ->
						% get his age
						Sec = TimeStamp_now - TimeStamp,
						% If he is
							% younger than SecOlder: 
							Sec < SecOlder ->
								% do nothing
							% older: 
							true ->
								% remove the user
								ejabberd_auth:remove_user(LUser, LServer),
					% nonexistent:
					[] ->
						% remove the user
						ejabberd_auth:remove_user(LUser, LServer),
			% Else
			_ ->
				% do nothing
	% Apply the function to every user in the list
	Users_removed = lists:filter(F, Users),
	{removed, length(Users_removed), Users_removed}.

num_active_users(Host, Days) ->
	list_last_activity(Host, true, Days).

% Code based on ejabberd/src/web/ejabberd_web_admin.erl
list_last_activity(Host, Integral, Days) ->
    {MegaSecs, Secs, _MicroSecs} = now(),
    TimeStamp = MegaSecs * 1000000 + Secs,
    TS = TimeStamp - Days * 86400,
    case catch mnesia:dirty_select(
		 last_activity, [{{last_activity, {'_', Host}, '$1', '_'},
				  [{'>', '$1', TS}],
				  [{'trunc', {'/',
					      {'-', TimeStamp, '$1'},
					      86400}}]}]) of
	{'EXIT', _Reason} ->
	Vals ->
	    Hist = histogram(Vals, Integral),
		Hist == [] ->
		true ->
		    Left = if
			       Days == infinity ->
			       true ->
				   Days - length(Hist)
		    Tail = if
			       Integral ->
				   lists:duplicate(Left, lists:last(Hist));
			       true ->
				   lists:duplicate(Left, 0)
		    lists:nth(Days, Hist ++ Tail)
histogram(Values, Integral) ->
    histogram(lists:sort(Values), Integral, 0, 0, []).
histogram([H | T], Integral, Current, Count, Hist) when Current == H ->
    histogram(T, Integral, Current, Count + 1, Hist);
histogram([H | _] = Values, Integral, Current, Count, Hist) when Current < H ->
	Integral ->
	    histogram(Values, Integral, Current + 1, Count, [Count | Hist]);
	true ->
	    histogram(Values, Integral, Current + 1, 0, [Count | Hist])
histogram([], _Integral, _Current, Count, Hist) ->
	Count > 0 ->
	    lists:reverse([Count | Hist]);
	true ->