Blob Blame History Raw
%define srpmhash() %{lua:
local files = rpm.expand("%_specdir/gnutls.spec")
for i, p in ipairs(patches) do
   files = files.." "..p
for i, p in ipairs(sources) do
   files = files.." "..p
local sha256sum = assert(io.popen("cat "..files.."| sha256sum"))
local hash = sha256sum:read("*a")
print(string.sub(hash, 0, 16))

%global with_srp 0%{?fedora} < 38

%global with_mingw 0
%if 0%{?fedora}
%global with_mingw 0%{!?_without_mingw:1}

Version: 3.8.0
Release: %{?autorelease}%{!?autorelease:1%{?dist}}
Patch: gnutls-3.2.7-rpath.patch

# Delete only after the kernel has been patched for thested systems
Patch: gnutls-3.7.8-ktls_disable_keyupdate_test.patch

# follow
Patch: gnutls-3.7.8-ktls_skip_tls12_chachapoly_test.patch

%bcond_without bootstrap
%bcond_without dane
%bcond_without fips
%bcond_with tpm12
%bcond_without tpm2
%bcond_without gost
%bcond_with certificate_compression
%bcond_without tests

Summary: A TLS protocol implementation
Name: gnutls
# The libraries are LGPLv2.1+, utilities are GPLv3+
License: GPLv3+ and LGPLv2+
BuildRequires: p11-kit-devel >= 0.21.3, gettext-devel
BuildRequires: readline-devel, libtasn1-devel >= 4.3
%if %{with certificate_compression}
BuildRequires: zlib-devel, brotli-devel, libzstd-devel
%if %{with bootstrap}
BuildRequires: automake, autoconf, gperf, libtool, texinfo
BuildRequires: nettle-devel >= 3.5.1
%if %{with tpm12}
BuildRequires: trousers-devel >=
%if %{with tpm2}
BuildRequires: tpm2-tss-devel >= 3.0.3
BuildRequires: libidn2-devel
BuildRequires: libunistring-devel
BuildRequires: net-tools, datefudge, softhsm, gcc, gcc-c++
BuildRequires: gnupg2
BuildRequires: git-core

# for a sanity check on cert loading
BuildRequires: p11-kit-trust, ca-certificates
Requires: crypto-policies
Requires: p11-kit-trust
Requires: libtasn1 >= 4.3
Requires: nettle >= 3.4.1
%if %{with tpm12}
Recommends: trousers >=

%if %{with dane}
BuildRequires: unbound-devel unbound-libs
BuildRequires: make gtk-doc

%if %{with_mingw}
BuildRequires:  mingw32-filesystem >= 95
BuildRequires:  mingw32-gcc
BuildRequires:  mingw32-gcc-c++
BuildRequires:  mingw32-libtasn1 >= 4.3
BuildRequires:  mingw32-readline
BuildRequires:  mingw32-zlib
BuildRequires:  mingw32-p11-kit >= 0.23.1
BuildRequires:  mingw32-nettle >= 3.6
BuildRequires:  mingw64-filesystem >= 95
BuildRequires:  mingw64-gcc
BuildRequires:  mingw64-gcc-c++
BuildRequires:  mingw64-libtasn1 >= 4.3
BuildRequires:  mingw64-readline
BuildRequires:  mingw64-zlib
BuildRequires:  mingw64-p11-kit >= 0.23.1
BuildRequires:  mingw64-nettle >= 3.6

%define short_version %(echo %{version} | grep -m1 -o "[0-9]*\.[0-9]*" | head -1)

# Wildcard bundling exception
Provides: bundled(gnulib) = 20130424

%package c++
Summary: The C++ interface to GnuTLS
Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}

%package devel
Summary: Development files for the %{name} package
Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: %{name}-c++%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
%if %{with dane}
Requires: %{name}-dane%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: pkgconfig

%package utils
License: GPLv3+
Summary: Command line tools for TLS protocol
Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
%if %{with dane}
Requires: %{name}-dane%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}

%if %{with dane}
%package dane
Summary: A DANE protocol implementation for GnuTLS
Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}

GnuTLS is a secure communications library implementing the SSL, TLS and DTLS 
protocols and technologies around them. It provides a simple C language 
application programming interface (API) to access the secure communications 
protocols as well as APIs to parse and write X.509, PKCS #12, OpenPGP and 
other required structures. 

%description c++
GnuTLS is a secure communications library implementing the SSL, TLS and DTLS 
protocols and technologies around them. It provides a simple C language 
application programming interface (API) to access the secure communications 
protocols as well as APIs to parse and write X.509, PKCS #12, OpenPGP and 
other required structures. 

%description devel
GnuTLS is a secure communications library implementing the SSL, TLS and DTLS 
protocols and technologies around them. It provides a simple C language 
application programming interface (API) to access the secure communications 
protocols as well as APIs to parse and write X.509, PKCS #12, OpenPGP and 
other required structures. 
This package contains files needed for developing applications with
the GnuTLS library.

%description utils
GnuTLS is a secure communications library implementing the SSL, TLS and DTLS 
protocols and technologies around them. It provides a simple C language 
application programming interface (API) to access the secure communications 
protocols as well as APIs to parse and write X.509, PKCS #12, OpenPGP and 
other required structures. 
This package contains command line TLS client and server and certificate
manipulation tools.

%if %{with dane}
%description dane
GnuTLS is a secure communications library implementing the SSL, TLS and DTLS 
protocols and technologies around them. It provides a simple C language 
application programming interface (API) to access the secure communications 
protocols as well as APIs to parse and write X.509, PKCS #12, OpenPGP and 
other required structures. 
This package contains library that implements the DANE protocol for verifying
TLS certificates through DNSSEC.

%if %{with_mingw}
%package -n mingw32-%{name}
Summary:        MinGW GnuTLS TLS/SSL encryption library
Requires:       pkgconfig
Requires:       mingw32-libtasn1 >= 4.3
BuildArch:      noarch

%description -n mingw32-gnutls
GnuTLS TLS/SSL encryption library.  This library is cross-compiled
for MinGW.

%package -n mingw64-%{name}
Summary:        MinGW GnuTLS TLS/SSL encryption library
Requires:       pkgconfig
Requires:       mingw64-libtasn1 >= 4.3
BuildArch:      noarch

%description -n mingw64-gnutls
GnuTLS TLS/SSL encryption library.  This library is cross-compiled
for MinGW.


%{gpgverify} --keyring='%{SOURCE2}' --signature='%{SOURCE1}' --data='%{SOURCE0}'

%autosetup -p1 -S git

%define _lto_cflags %{nil}

%if %{with bootstrap}
autoreconf -fi

sed -i -e 's|sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec="/lib /usr/lib|sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec="/lib /usr/lib %{_libdir}|g' configure
rm -f lib/minitasn1/*.c lib/minitasn1/*.h

echo "SYSTEM=NORMAL" >> tests/system.prio

CCASFLAGS="$CCASFLAGS -Wa,--generate-missing-build-notes=yes"

%if %{with fips}
eval $(sed -n 's/^\(\(NAME\|VERSION_ID\)=.*\)/OS_\1/p' /etc/os-release)

mkdir native_build
pushd native_build
%global _configure ../configure
%configure \
%if %{with fips}
           --enable-fips140-mode \
           --with-fips140-module-name="$FIPS_MODULE_NAME" \
           --with-fips140-module-version=%{version}-%{srpmhash} \
%if %{with gost}
    	   --enable-gost \
	   --disable-gost \
%if %{with_srp}
           --enable-srp-authentication \
%ifarch %{ix86}
           --disable-year2038 \
	   --enable-sha1-support \
           --disable-static \
           --disable-openssl-compatibility \
           --disable-non-suiteb-curves \
           --with-system-priority-file=%{_sysconfdir}/crypto-policies/back-ends/gnutls.config \
           --with-default-trust-store-pkcs11="pkcs11:" \
%if %{with tpm12}
           --with-trousers-lib=%{_libdir}/ \
           --without-tpm \
%if %{with tpm2}
           --with-tpm2 \
           --without-tpm2 \
           --enable-ktls \
           --htmldir=%{_docdir}/manual \
%if %{with dane}
           --with-unbound-root-key-file=/var/lib/unbound/root.key \
           --enable-libdane \
           --disable-libdane \
%if %{with certificate_compression}
	   --with-zlib --with-brotli --with-zstd \
	   --without-zlib --without-brotli --without-zstd \
           --disable-rpath \


%if %{with_mingw}
# MinGW does not support CCASFLAGS
export CCASFLAGS=""
%mingw_configure \
%if %{with_srp}
    --enable-srp-authentication \
    --enable-sha1-support \
    --disable-static \
    --disable-openssl-compatibility \
    --disable-non-suiteb-curves \
    --disable-libdane \
    --disable-rpath \
    --disable-nls \
    --disable-cxx \
    --enable-local-libopts \
    --enable-shared \
    --without-tpm \
    --with-included-unistring \
    --disable-doc \
%mingw_make %{?_smp_mflags}

%make_install -C native_build
pushd native_build
make -C doc install-html DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_infodir}/dir
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/*.la
%if %{without dane}
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/pkgconfig/gnutls-dane.pc

%if %{with fips}
# doing it twice should be a no-op the second time,
# and this way we avoid redefining it and missing a future change
fname=`basename $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/*.*`
./lib/fipshmac "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/" > "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/.$fname.hmac"
sed -i "s^$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr^^" "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/.$fname.hmac"
ln -s ".$fname.hmac" "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/"

%if %{with fips}
%define __spec_install_post \
	%{?__debug_package:%{__debug_install_post}} \
	%{__arch_install_post} \
	%{__os_install_post} \

%find_lang gnutls

%if %{with_mingw}

# Remove .la files
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{mingw32_libdir}/*.la
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{mingw64_libdir}/*.la

# The .def files aren't interesting for other binaries
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{mingw32_bindir}/*.def
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{mingw64_bindir}/*.def

# Remove info and man pages which duplicate stuff in Fedora already.
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{mingw32_infodir}
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{mingw32_mandir}
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{mingw32_docdir}/gnutls

rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{mingw64_infodir}
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{mingw64_mandir}
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{mingw64_docdir}/gnutls

# Remove test libraries
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{mingw32_libdir}/crypt32.dll*
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{mingw32_libdir}/ncrypt.dll*
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{mingw64_libdir}/crypt32.dll*
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{mingw64_libdir}/ncrypt.dll*


%if %{with tests}
pushd native_build
make check %{?_smp_mflags} GNUTLS_SYSTEM_PRIORITY_FILE=/dev/null

%files -f native_build/gnutls.lang
%if %{with fips}

%files c++

%files devel


%files utils
%if %{with tpm12}
%if %{with_srp}
%if %{with dane}
%doc doc/certtool.cfg

%if %{with dane}
%files dane

%if %{with_mingw}
%files -n mingw32-%{name}
%if %{with_srp}

%files -n mingw64-%{name}
%if %{with_srp}
