#17 run the automated tests stored in this repository
Merged 2 months ago by plautrba. Opened 2 months ago by mmalik.
rpms/ mmalik/libsemanage run-local-tests  into  rawhide

@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@ 

- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

- #

- #   Makefile of /CoreOS/libsemanage/Sanity/semanage-handle-functions

- #   Description: Test functions from handle.h

- #   Author: Jan Zarsky <jzarsky@redhat.com>

- #

- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

- #

- #   Copyright (c) 2017 Red Hat, Inc.

- #

- #   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or

- #   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as

- #   published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of

- #   the License, or (at your option) any later version.

- #

- #   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be

- #   useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied


- #   PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.

- #

- #   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

- #   along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

- #

- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


- export TEST=/CoreOS/libsemanage/Sanity/semanage-handle-functions

- export TESTVERSION=1.0




- FILES=$(METADATA) runtest.sh Makefile PURPOSE functions.c test_*.c


- .PHONY: all install download clean


- run: $(FILES) build

- 	./runtest.sh


- build: $(BUILT_FILES)

- 	test -x runtest.sh || chmod a+x runtest.sh


- clean:

- 	rm -f *~ $(BUILT_FILES)



- include /usr/share/rhts/lib/rhts-make.include


- $(METADATA): Makefile

- 	@echo "Owner:           Jan Zarsky <jzarsky@redhat.com>" > $(METADATA)

- 	@echo "Name:            $(TEST)" >> $(METADATA)

- 	@echo "TestVersion:     $(TESTVERSION)" >> $(METADATA)

- 	@echo "Path:            $(TEST_DIR)" >> $(METADATA)

- 	@echo "Description:     Test functions from handle.h" >> $(METADATA)

- 	@echo "Type:            Sanity" >> $(METADATA)

- 	@echo "TestTime:        5m" >> $(METADATA)

- 	@echo "RunFor:          libsemanage" >> $(METADATA)

- 	@echo "Requires:        libsemanage libsemanage-devel glibc gcc" >> $(METADATA)

- 	@echo "Priority:        Normal" >> $(METADATA)

- 	@echo "License:         GPLv2+" >> $(METADATA)

- 	@echo "Confidential:    no" >> $(METADATA)

- 	@echo "Destructive:     no" >> $(METADATA)

- 	@echo "Releases:        -RHEL4 -RHELClient5 -RHELServer5" >> $(METADATA)


- 	rhts-lint $(METADATA)

@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ 

- PURPOSE of /CoreOS/libsemanage/Sanity/semanage-handle-functions

- Description: Test functions from handle.h

- Author: Jan Zarsky <jzarsky@redhat.com>

@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@ 

- #include <stdio.h>

- #include <stdlib.h>

- #include <string.h>

- #include <errno.h>

- #include <semanage/semanage.h>


- void check_result_int(const char *expected, int real) {

-     int exp = strtol(expected, NULL, 10);


-     if (exp != real) {

-         fprintf(stderr, "Expected %d but got %d\n", exp, real);

-         exit(1);

-     }

- }


- semanage_handle_t *test_handle_create() {

-     semanage_handle_t *sh = NULL;


-     sh = semanage_handle_create();

-     printf("semanage_handle_create(): %p\n", (void *) sh);


-     if (sh == NULL) {

-         perror("semanage_handle_create");

-         exit(1);

-     }


-     return sh;

- }


- int test_connect(semanage_handle_t *sh) {

-     int result = semanage_connect(sh);

-     printf("semanage_connect(%p): %d\n", (void *) sh, result);


-     if (result != 0) {

-         perror("semanage_connect");

-         exit(1);

-     }


-     return result;

- }


- int test_disconnect(semanage_handle_t *sh) {

-     int result = semanage_disconnect(sh);

-     printf("semanage_disconnect(%p): %d\n", (void *) sh, result);


-     if (result != 0) {

-         perror("semanage_disconnect");

-         exit(1);

-     }


-     return result;

- }


- int test_begin_transaction(semanage_handle_t *sh) {

-     int result = semanage_begin_transaction(sh);

-     printf("semanage_begin_transaction(%p): %d\n", (void *) sh, result);


-     if (result != 0) {

-         perror("semanage_begin_transaction");

-         exit(1);

-     }


-     return result;

- }


- int test_commit(semanage_handle_t *sh) {

-     int result = semanage_commit(sh);

-     printf("semanage_commit(%p): %d\n", (void *) sh, result);


-     if (result != 0) {

-         perror("semanage_commit");

-         exit(1);

-     }


-     return result;

- }


- #define STATE_INIT      1

- #define STATE_HANDLE    2

- #define STATE_CONN      3

- #define STATE_TRANS     4


- int get_state(const char *state_str) {

-     if (strcmp(state_str, "init") == 0)

-         return STATE_INIT;

-     if (strcmp(state_str, "handle") == 0)

-         return STATE_HANDLE;

-     if (strcmp(state_str, "conn") == 0)

-         return STATE_CONN;

-     if (strcmp(state_str, "trans") == 0)

-         return STATE_TRANS;


-     return 0;

- }


- semanage_handle_t * get_handle(const char *state_str) {

-     int state;

-     semanage_handle_t *sh = NULL;


-     state = get_state(state_str);


-     if (state >= STATE_INIT)

-         sh = NULL;


-     if (state >= STATE_HANDLE)

-         sh = test_handle_create();


-     if (state >= STATE_CONN)

-         test_connect(sh);


-     if (state >= STATE_TRANS)

-         test_begin_transaction(sh);


-     return sh;

- }


- void destroy_handle(semanage_handle_t *sh, const char *state_str) {

-     int state;


-     state = get_state(state_str);


-     if (state >= STATE_TRANS)

-         test_commit(sh);


-     if (state >= STATE_CONN)

-         test_disconnect(sh);


-     if (state >= STATE_HANDLE) {

-         semanage_handle_destroy(sh);

-         printf("semanage_handle_destroy(%p)\n", (void *) sh);

-     }

- }

@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ 

-                                         init    handle  conn    trans

- semanage_set_root                   x   ok      ok      ok      -

- semanage_root                       x   ok      ok      ok      -

- semanage_handle_create              x   ok      -       -       -        

- semanage_set_rebuild                    fail    ok      ok      -

- semanage_set_reload                     fail    ok      ok      -

- semanage_get_hll_compiler_path          fail    ?       ?       -

- semanage_set_create_store               fail    ok      ok      -       should be called after connect

- semanage_get_disable_dontaudit          fail    ?       ?       -

- semanage_set_disable_dontaudit          fail    ?       ?       -

- semanage_get_preserve_tunables          fail    ?       ?       -

- semanage_set_preserve_tunables          fail    ?       ?       -

- semanage_get_ignore_module_cache        fail    ?       ?       -

- semanage_set_ignore_module_cache        fail    ?       ?       -

- semanage_set_check_contexts             fail    ok      ok      -

- semanage_get_default_priority           fail    ok      ok      -

- semanage_set_default_priority           fail    ok      ok      -

- semanage_is_connected               x   fail    ok      ok      -

- semanage_select_store                   fail    ok      ok      -       should be called before connect

- semanage_set_store_root                 fail    ok      ok      -

- semanage_is_managed                 x   fail    ok      fail    -

- semanage_mls_enabled                x   fail    ?       ok      -

- semanage_connect                    x   fail    ok      ?       -

- semanage_access_check               x   fail    ok      ?       -

- semanage_disconnect                 x   fail    fail    ok      -       ok when disconnected twice

- semanage_handle_destroy             x   fail    ok      ok      -

- semanage_begin_transaction          x   fail    fail    ok      ok      ok when begin twice

- semanage_commit                     x   fail    fail    fail    ok

- semanage_reload_policy                  fail    ?       ?       ?

@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@ 

- #!/bin/bash

- # vim: dict+=/usr/share/beakerlib/dictionary.vim cpt=.,w,b,u,t,i,k

- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

- #

- #   runtest.sh of /CoreOS/libsemanage/Sanity/semanage-handle-functions

- #   Description: Test functions from handle.h

- #   Author: Jan Zarsky <jzarsky@redhat.com>

- #

- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

- #

- #   Copyright (c) 2017 Red Hat, Inc.

- #

- #   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or

- #   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as

- #   published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of

- #   the License, or (at your option) any later version.

- #

- #   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be

- #   useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied


- #   PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.

- #

- #   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

- #   along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

- #

- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


- # Include Beaker environment

- . /usr/bin/rhts-environment.sh || exit 1

- . /usr/share/beakerlib/beakerlib.sh || exit 1


- PACKAGE="libsemanage"


- rlJournalStart

-     rlPhaseStartSetup

-         rlAssertRpm ${PACKAGE}

-         rlAssertRpm ${PACKAGE}-devel

-         rlAssertRpm "glibc"

-         rlAssertRpm "gcc"


-         if rlIsRHEL ">=7" || rlIsFedora; then

-             rlRun -l "gcc test_root.c           -o test_root            -lsemanage -Wall -Wextra -std=c99"

-         fi


-         rlRun -l "gcc test_handle_create.c  -o test_handle_create   -lsemanage -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -std=c99"

-         rlRun -l "gcc test_access_check.c   -o test_access_check    -lsemanage -Wall -Wextra -std=c99"

-         rlRun -l "gcc test_is_managed.c     -o test_is_managed      -lsemanage -Wall -Wextra -std=c99"

-         rlRun -l "gcc test_connect.c        -o test_connect         -lsemanage -Wall -Wextra -std=c99"

-         rlRun -l "gcc test_is_connected.c   -o test_is_connected    -lsemanage -Wall -Wextra -std=c99"

-         rlRun -l "gcc test_mls_enabled.c    -o test_mls_enabled     -lsemanage -Wall -Wextra -std=c99"

-         rlRun -l "gcc test_transaction.c    -o test_transaction     -lsemanage -Wall -Wextra -std=c99"


-         ERR_FAIL=1

-         ERR_ABORT=134

-     rlPhaseEnd


-     if rlIsRHEL ">=7" || rlIsFedora; then

-     rlPhaseStartTest "semanage_root, semanage_test_root"

-         rlRun "./test_root init"

-         rlRun "./test_root handle"

-         rlRun "./test_root conn"

-         rlRun "./test_root init /somepath"

-         rlRun "./test_root handle /somepath"

-         rlRun "./test_root conn /somepath"

-     rlPhaseEnd

-     fi


-     rlPhaseStartTest "semanage_handle_create, semanage_handle_destroy"

-         rlRun "./test_handle_create init"

-     rlPhaseEnd


-     rlPhaseStartTest "semanage_access_check"

-         rlRun "./test_access_check init" $ERR_ABORT

-         rlRun "./test_access_check handle 2"

-         rlRun "./test_access_check conn 2"

-     rlPhaseEnd


-     rlPhaseStartTest "semanage_is_managed"

-         rlRun "./test_is_managed init" $ERR_ABORT

-         rlRun "./test_is_managed handle 1"

-         rlRun "./test_is_managed conn" $ERR_FAIL

-     rlPhaseEnd


-     rlPhaseStartTest "semanage_connect, semanage_disconnect"

-         rlRun "./test_connect init" $ERR_ABORT

-         rlRun "./test_connect init reversed" $ERR_ABORT

-         rlRun "./test_connect handle"

-         rlRun "./test_connect handle twice"

-         rlRun "./test_connect handle reversed" $ERR_ABORT

-         # why does it work??

-         rlRun "./test_connect conn"

-     rlPhaseEnd


-     rlPhaseStartTest "semanage_is_connected"

-         rlRun "./test_is_connected init" $ERR_ABORT

-         rlRun "./test_is_connected handle 0"

-         rlRun "./test_is_connected conn 1"

-     rlPhaseEnd


-     rlPhaseStartTest "semanage_mls_enabled"

-         rlRun "./test_mls_enabled init" $ERR_ABORT

-         rlRun "./test_mls_enabled handle" $ERR_ABORT

-         rlRun "./test_mls_enabled conn 1"

-     rlPhaseEnd


-     rlPhaseStartTest "semanage_begin_transaction, semanage_commit"

-         rlRun "./test_transaction init" $ERR_ABORT

-         rlRun "./test_transaction init reversed" $ERR_ABORT

-         rlRun "./test_transaction handle" $ERR_ABORT

-         rlRun "./test_transaction handle reversed" $ERR_ABORT

-         rlRun "./test_transaction conn"

-         rlRun "./test_transaction conn twice"

-         rlRun "./test_transaction conn reversed" $ERR_FAIL

-     rlPhaseEnd


-     rlPhaseStartCleanup

-         rlRun "rm -f output test_root test_handle_create test_access_check \

-                test_is_managed test_connect test_is_connected \

-                test_mls_enabled test_transaction"

-     rlPhaseEnd

- rlJournalPrintText

- rlJournalEnd

@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ 

- #include <stdio.h>

- #include <stdlib.h>

- #include <string.h>

- #include <errno.h>

- #include <semanage/semanage.h>


- #include "functions.c"


- int main (int argc, char **argv) {

-     semanage_handle_t *sh;


-     if (argc < 2)

-         exit(1);


-     sh = get_handle(argv[1]);


-     int result = semanage_access_check(sh);

-     printf("semanage_access_check(%p): %d\n", (void *) sh, result);


-     if (result < 0 || (result != 0 && result != SEMANAGE_CAN_READ

-                        && result != SEMANAGE_CAN_WRITE)) {

-         perror("semanage_access_check");

-         exit(1);

-     }


-     if (argc >= 3)

-         check_result_int(argv[2], result);


-     destroy_handle(sh, argv[1]);


-     exit(0);

- }

@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ 

- #include <stdio.h>

- #include <stdlib.h>

- #include <string.h>

- #include <errno.h>

- #include <semanage/semanage.h>


- #include "functions.c"


- int main (int argc, char **argv) {

-     semanage_handle_t *sh;


-     if (argc < 2)

-         exit(1);


-     sh = get_handle(argv[1]);


-     if (argc >= 3 && strcmp(argv[2], "reversed") == 0) {

-         test_disconnect(sh);

-         test_connect(sh);

-     }

-     else {

-         test_connect(sh);

-         test_disconnect(sh);

-     }


-     if (argc >= 3 && strcmp(argv[2], "twice") == 0) {

-         test_disconnect(sh);

-     }


-     destroy_handle(sh, argv[1]);


-     exit(0);

- }

@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ 

- #include <stdio.h>

- #include <stdlib.h>

- #include <string.h>

- #include <errno.h>

- #include <semanage/semanage.h>


- #include "functions.c"


- int main (int argc, char **argv) {

-     semanage_handle_t *sh = test_handle_create();


-     semanage_handle_destroy(sh);


-     exit(0);

- }

@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ 

- #include <stdio.h>

- #include <stdlib.h>

- #include <string.h>

- #include <errno.h>

- #include <semanage/semanage.h>


- #include "functions.c"


- int main (int argc, char **argv) {

-     semanage_handle_t *sh;

-     int result;


-     if (argc < 2)

-         exit(1);


-     sh = get_handle(argv[1]);


-     result = semanage_is_connected(sh);

-     printf("semanage_is_connected(%p): %d\n", (void *) sh, result);


-     if (result != 0 && result != 1) {

-         perror("semanage_is_connected");

-         exit(1);

-     }


-     if (argc >= 3)

-         check_result_int(argv[2], result);


-     destroy_handle(sh, argv[1]);


-     exit(0);

- }

@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ 

- #include <stdio.h>

- #include <stdlib.h>

- #include <string.h>

- #include <errno.h>

- #include <semanage/semanage.h>


- #include "functions.c"


- int main (int argc, char **argv) {

-     semanage_handle_t *sh;

-     int result;


-     if (argc < 2)

-         exit(1);


-     sh = get_handle(argv[1]);


-     result = semanage_is_managed(sh);

-     printf("semanage_is_managed(%p): %d\n", (void *) sh, result);


-     if (result != 0 && result != 1) {

-         perror("semanage_is_managed");

-         exit(1);

-     }


-     if (argc >= 3)

-         check_result_int(argv[2], result);


-     destroy_handle(sh, argv[1]);


-     exit(0);

- }

@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ 

- #include <stdio.h>

- #include <stdlib.h>

- #include <string.h>

- #include <errno.h>

- #include <semanage/semanage.h>


- #include "functions.c"


- int main (int argc, char **argv) {

-     semanage_handle_t *sh;

-     int result;


-     if (argc < 2)

-         exit(1);


-     sh = get_handle(argv[1]);


-     result = semanage_mls_enabled(sh);

-     printf("semanage_mls_enabled(%p): %d\n", (void *) sh, result);


-     if (result != 0 && result != 1) {

-         perror("semanage_mls_enabled");

-         exit(1);

-     }


-     if (argc >= 4)

-         check_result_int(argv[3], result);


-     destroy_handle(sh, argv[1]);


-     exit(0);

- }

@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@ 

- #include <stdio.h>

- #include <stdlib.h>

- #include <string.h>

- #include <errno.h>

- #include <semanage/semanage.h>


- #include "functions.c"


- int main (int argc, char **argv) {

-     semanage_handle_t *sh;

-     const char *root;

-     int result;


-     if (argc < 2)

-         exit(1);


-     sh = get_handle(argv[1]);


-     root = semanage_root();

-     printf("semanage_root(): %s\n", root);


-     if (root == NULL) {

-         perror("semanage_root");

-         exit(1);

-     }


-     if (argc >= 3) {

-         result = semanage_set_root(argv[2]);

-         printf("semanage_set_root(\"%s\"): %d\n", argv[2], result);


-         if (root == NULL) {

-             perror("semanage_set_root");

-             exit(1);

-         }


-         root = semanage_root();

-         printf("semanage_root(): %s\n", root);


-         if (result != 0) {

-             perror("semanage_root");

-             exit(1);

-         }


-         if (strcmp(root, argv[2]) != 0) {

-             fprintf(stderr, "Expected \"%s\" but got \"%s\"\n", argv[2], root);

-             exit(1);

-         }

-     }


-     destroy_handle(sh, argv[1]);


-     exit(0);

- }

@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ 

- #include <stdio.h>

- #include <stdlib.h>

- #include <string.h>

- #include <errno.h>

- #include <semanage/semanage.h>


- #include "functions.c"


- int main (int argc, char **argv) {

-     semanage_handle_t *sh;


-     if (argc < 2)

-         exit(1);


-     sh = get_handle(argv[1]);


-     if (argc >= 3 && strcmp(argv[2], "reversed") == 0) {

-         test_commit(sh);

-         test_begin_transaction(sh);

-     }

-     else if (argc >= 3 && strcmp(argv[2], "twice") == 0) {

-         test_begin_transaction(sh);

-         test_begin_transaction(sh);

-         test_commit(sh);

-     }

-     else {

-         test_begin_transaction(sh);

-         test_commit(sh);

-     }


-     destroy_handle(sh, argv[1]);


-     exit(0);

- }

@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@ 

- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

- #

- #   Makefile of /CoreOS/libsemanage/Sanity/semanage-seuser-functions

- #   Description: Test semanage_seuser_* functions

- #   Author: Jan Zarsky <jzarsky@redhat.com>

- #

- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

- #

- #   Copyright (c) 2017 Red Hat, Inc.

- #

- #   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or

- #   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as

- #   published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of

- #   the License, or (at your option) any later version.

- #

- #   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be

- #   useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied


- #   PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.

- #

- #   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

- #   along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

- #

- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


- export TEST=/CoreOS/libsemanage/Sanity/semanage-seuser-functions

- export TESTVERSION=1.0




- FILES=$(METADATA) runtest.sh Makefile PURPOSE functions.c test_*.c


- .PHONY: all install download clean


- run: $(FILES) build

- 	./runtest.sh


- build: $(BUILT_FILES)

- 	test -x runtest.sh || chmod a+x runtest.sh


- clean:

- 	rm -f *~ $(BUILT_FILES)



- include /usr/share/rhts/lib/rhts-make.include


- $(METADATA): Makefile

- 	@echo "Owner:           Jan Zarsky <jzarsky@redhat.com>" > $(METADATA)

- 	@echo "Name:            $(TEST)" >> $(METADATA)

- 	@echo "TestVersion:     $(TESTVERSION)" >> $(METADATA)

- 	@echo "Path:            $(TEST_DIR)" >> $(METADATA)

- 	@echo "Description:     Test semanage_seuser_* functions" >> $(METADATA)

- 	@echo "Type:            Sanity" >> $(METADATA)

- 	@echo "TestTime:        5m" >> $(METADATA)

- 	@echo "RunFor:          libsemanage" >> $(METADATA)

- 	@echo "Requires:        libsemanage libsemanage-devel glibc gcc" >> $(METADATA)

- 	@echo "Priority:        Normal" >> $(METADATA)

- 	@echo "License:         GPLv2+" >> $(METADATA)

- 	@echo "Confidential:    no" >> $(METADATA)

- 	@echo "Destructive:     no" >> $(METADATA)

- 	@echo "Releases:        -RHEL4 -RHELClient5 -RHELServer5" >> $(METADATA)


- 	rhts-lint $(METADATA)

@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ 

- PURPOSE of /CoreOS/libsemanage/Sanity/semanage-seuser-functions

- Description: Test semanage_seuser_* functions

- Author: Jan Zarsky <jzarsky@redhat.com>

@@ -1,263 +0,0 @@ 

- #include <stdio.h>

- #include <stdlib.h>

- #include <string.h>

- #include <errno.h>

- #include <semanage/semanage.h>


- void check_result_int(const char *expected, int real) {

-     int exp = strtol(expected, NULL, 10);


-     if (exp != real) {

-         fprintf(stderr, "Expected %d but got %d\n", exp, real);

-         exit(1);

-     }

- }


- semanage_handle_t *test_handle_create() {

-     semanage_handle_t *sh = NULL;


-     sh = semanage_handle_create();

-     printf("semanage_handle_create(): %p\n", (void *) sh);


-     if (sh == NULL) {

-         perror("semanage_handle_create");

-         exit(2);

-     }


-     return sh;

- }


- int test_connect(semanage_handle_t *sh) {

-     int result = semanage_connect(sh);

-     printf("semanage_connect(%p): %d\n", (void *) sh, result);


-     if (result != 0) {

-         perror("semanage_connect");

-         exit(2);

-     }


-     return result;

- }


- int test_disconnect(semanage_handle_t *sh) {

-     int result = semanage_disconnect(sh);

-     printf("semanage_disconnect(%p): %d\n", (void *) sh, result);


-     if (result != 0) {

-         perror("semanage_disconnect");

-         exit(2);

-     }


-     return result;

- }


- int test_begin_transaction(semanage_handle_t *sh) {

-     int result = semanage_begin_transaction(sh);

-     printf("semanage_begin_transaction(%p): %d\n", (void *) sh, result);


-     if (result != 0) {

-         perror("semanage_begin_transaction");

-         exit(2);

-     }


-     return result;

- }


- int test_commit(semanage_handle_t *sh) {

-     int result = semanage_commit(sh);

-     printf("semanage_commit(%p): %d\n", (void *) sh, result);


-     if (result != 0) {

-         perror("semanage_commit");

-         exit(2);

-     }


-     return result;

- }


- semanage_seuser_key_t *test_get_key(semanage_handle_t *sh, const char *name) {

-     semanage_seuser_key_t *key;

-     int result = semanage_seuser_key_create(sh, name, &key);

-     printf("semanage_seuser_key_create(%p, %s, %p): %d\n",

-            (void *) sh, name, (void *) &key, result);


-     if (key == NULL || result < 0) {

-         perror("semanage_seuser_key_create");

-         exit(2);

-     }


-     return key;

- }


- semanage_seuser_t *test_get_seuser_nth(semanage_handle_t *sh, unsigned int index) {

-     int result;

-     semanage_seuser_t **records;

-     unsigned int count;


-     result = semanage_seuser_list(sh, &records, &count);

-     printf("semanage_seuser_list(%p, %p, %p): %d\n",

-            (void *) sh, (void *) &records, (void *) &count, result);


-     if (result < 0) {

-         perror("semanage_seuser_list");

-         exit(2);

-     }


-     if (count < index + 1)

-         exit(2);


-     return records[index];

- }


- semanage_seuser_t *test_get_seuser_new(semanage_handle_t *sh) {

-     int result;

-     semanage_seuser_t *seuser;


-     result = semanage_seuser_create(sh, &seuser);

-     printf("semanage_seuser_create(%p, %p): %d\n",

-            (void *) sh, (void *) seuser, result);


-     if (result < 0) {

-         perror("semanage_seuser_create");

-         exit(2);

-     }


-     return seuser;

- }


- semanage_seuser_t *test_get_seuser(semanage_handle_t *sh, const char *param) {

-     if (strcmp(param, "new") == 0)

-         return test_get_seuser_new(sh);


-     if (strcmp(param, "first") == 0)

-         return test_get_seuser_nth(sh, 0);


-     if (strcmp(param, "second") == 0)

-         return test_get_seuser_nth(sh, 1);


-     fprintf(stderr, "Unknown seuser \"%s\" specified\n", param);

-     exit(2);

- }


- void test_add_local_seuser(semanage_handle_t *sh, semanage_seuser_t *seuser) {

-     int result;

-     semanage_seuser_key_t *key;


-     result = semanage_seuser_key_extract(sh, seuser, &key);

-     printf("semanage_seuser_key_extract(%p, %p, %p): %d\n",

-            (void *) sh, (void *) seuser, (void *) &key, result);


-     if (result < 0) {

-         perror("semanage_seuser_key_extract");

-         exit(2);

-     }


-     result = semanage_seuser_modify_local(sh, key, seuser);

-     printf("semanage_seuser_modify_local(%p, %p, %p): %d\n",

-            (void *) seuser, (void *) key, (void *) seuser, result);


-     if (result < 0) {

-         perror("semanage_seuser_modify_local");

-         exit(2);

-     }

- }


- void test_del_local_seuser(semanage_handle_t *sh, semanage_seuser_t *seuser) {

-     int result;

-     semanage_seuser_key_t *key;


-     result = semanage_seuser_key_extract(sh, seuser, &key);

-     printf("semanage_seuser_key_extract(%p, %p, %p): %d\n",

-            (void *) sh, (void *) seuser, (void *) &key, result);


-     if (result < 0) {

-         perror("semanage_seuser_key_extract");

-         exit(2);

-     }


-     result = semanage_seuser_del_local(sh, key);

-     printf("semanage_seuser_del_local(%p, %p): %d\n",

-            (void *) seuser, (void *) key, result);


-     if (result < 0) {

-         perror("semanage_seuser_del_local");

-         exit(2);

-     }

- }


- #define STATE_INIT      1

- #define STATE_HANDLE    2

- #define STATE_CONN      3

- #define STATE_TRANS     4


- int get_state(const char *state_str) {

-     if (strcmp(state_str, "init") == 0)

-         return STATE_INIT;

-     if (strcmp(state_str, "handle") == 0)

-         return STATE_HANDLE;

-     if (strcmp(state_str, "conn") == 0)

-         return STATE_CONN;

-     if (strcmp(state_str, "trans") == 0)

-         return STATE_TRANS;


-     return 0;

- }


- semanage_handle_t * get_handle(const char *state_str) {

-     int state;

-     semanage_handle_t *sh = NULL;


-     state = get_state(state_str);


-     if (state >= STATE_INIT)

-         sh = NULL;


-     if (state >= STATE_HANDLE)

-         sh = test_handle_create();


-     if (state >= STATE_CONN)

-         test_connect(sh);


-     if (state >= STATE_TRANS)

-         test_begin_transaction(sh);


-     return sh;

- }


- void destroy_handle(semanage_handle_t *sh, const char *state_str) {

-     int state;


-     state = get_state(state_str);


-     if (state >= STATE_TRANS)

-         test_commit(sh);


-     if (state >= STATE_CONN)

-         test_disconnect(sh);


-     if (state >= STATE_HANDLE) {

-         semanage_handle_destroy(sh);

-         printf("semanage_handle_destroy(%p)\n", (void *) sh);

-     }

- }


- int strcmp_null(const char *str1, const char *str2) {

-     if (str1 == NULL && str2 == NULL)

-         return 0;


-     if (str1 == NULL) {

-         if (strcmp(str2, "NULL") == 0)

-             return 0;

-         else

-             return -1;

-     }


-     if (str2 == NULL) {

-         if (strcmp(str1, "NULL") == 0)

-             return 0;

-         else

-             return 1;

-     }


-     return strcmp(str1, str2);

- }

@@ -1,255 +0,0 @@ 

- #!/bin/bash

- # vim: dict+=/usr/share/beakerlib/dictionary.vim cpt=.,w,b,u,t,i,k

- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

- #

- #   runtest.sh of /CoreOS/libsemanage/Sanity/semanage-seuser-functions

- #   Description: Test semanage_seuser_* functions

- #   Author: Jan Zarsky <jzarsky@redhat.com>

- #

- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

- #

- #   Copyright (c) 2017 Red Hat, Inc.

- #

- #   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or

- #   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as

- #   published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of

- #   the License, or (at your option) any later version.

- #

- #   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be

- #   useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied


- #   PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.

- #

- #   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

- #   along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

- #

- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


- # Include Beaker environment

- . /usr/bin/rhts-environment.sh || exit 1

- . /usr/share/beakerlib/beakerlib.sh || exit 1


- PACKAGE="libsemanage"


- rlJournalStart

-     rlPhaseStartSetup

-         rlAssertRpm ${PACKAGE}

-         rlAssertRpm ${PACKAGE}-devel

-         rlAssertRpm "glibc"

-         rlAssertRpm "gcc"


-         for f in test_*.c ; do 

-             out=$(echo -n $f | cut -d'.' -f1)

-             rlRun "gcc $f -o $out -lsemanage -Wall -Wextra -Werror -std=c99"

-         done


-         POLICY_TYPE="$(grep -E '^SELINUXTYPE=' /etc/selinux/config | cut -d'=' -f2 | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | tr -d ' ')"


-         if rlIsFedora; then

-             SEUSERS_PATH="/var/lib/selinux/$POLICY_TYPE/active/seusers"

-         elif rlIsRHEL '>=7'; then

-             SEUSERS_PATH="/etc/selinux/$POLICY_TYPE/active/seusers"

-         else

-             SEUSERS_PATH="/etc/selinux/$POLICY_TYPE/seusers"

-         fi


-         rlRun "cat $SEUSERS_PATH"


-         SEUSERS_COUNT="$(cat $SEUSERS_PATH | grep -vE '^#|^$' | wc -l)"

-         rlRun "[[ \"$SEUSERS_COUNT\" -gt 0 ]]"


-         SEUSERS="$(cat $SEUSERS_PATH | grep -vE '^#|^$' | cut -d':' -f1 | tr '\n' ' ')"

-         rlRun "[[ -n \"$SEUSERS\" ]]"


-         first_line="$(cat $SEUSERS_PATH | grep -vE '^#|^$' | head -n 1)"

-         SEUSER="$(echo -n $first_line | cut -d':' -f1)"

-         rlRun "[[ -n \"$SEUSER\" ]]"

-         SEUSER_SENAME="$(echo -n $first_line | cut -d':' -f2)"

-         rlRun "[[ -n \"$SEUSER_SENAME\" ]]"

-         SEUSER_MLSRANGE="$(echo -n $first_line | cut -d':' -f3-4)"

-         rlRun "[[ -n \"$SEUSER_MLSRANGE\" ]]"


-         SEUSER_NONEXISTENT="nonuser"

-         SEUSER_DEFAULT="__default__"


-         ERR_FAIL=1

-         ERR_ABORT=134

-         ERR_SEGFAULT=139


-         # note: each test_*.c program takes first argument which specifies setup

-         #       before executing specified function

-         #       init      semanage handle == NULL

-         #       handle    semanage handle obtained via semanage_handle_create

-         #       conn      connected via semanage_connect

-         #       trans     inside transaction, via semanage_begin_transaction

-         # program returns 1 on error in function, 2 on error in setup

-     rlPhaseEnd


-     rlPhaseStartTest "semanage_seuser_key_create, semanage_seuser_key_free"

-         # FIXME

-         # rlRun "./test_key_create init   $SEUSER" $ERR_ABORT,$ERR_SEGFAULT

-         # rlRun "./test_key_create handle $SEUSER" $ERR_FAIL

-         rlRun "./test_key_create conn   $SEUSER"

-         rlRun "./test_key_create trans  $SEUSER"

-     rlPhaseEnd


-     rlPhaseStartTest "semanage_seuser_key_extract"

-         # FIXME

-         #rlRun "./test_key_extract conn  new"

-         rlRun "./test_key_extract conn  first"

-         # FIXME

-         #rlRun "./test_key_extract trans new"

-         rlRun "./test_key_extract trans first"

-     rlPhaseEnd


-     rlPhaseStartTest "semanage_seuser_compare"

-         rlRun "./test_compare conn  $SEUSER             same"

-         rlRun "./test_compare conn  $SEUSER_NONEXISTENT different"

-         rlRun "./test_compare trans $SEUSER             same"

-         rlRun "./test_compare trans $SEUSER_NONEXISTENT different"

-     rlPhaseEnd


-     rlPhaseStartTest "semanage_seuser_compare2"

-         rlRun "./test_compare2 conn  NULL 0"    $ERR_ABORT,$ERR_SEGFAULT

-         rlRun "./test_compare2 conn  0    NULL" $ERR_ABORT,$ERR_SEGFAULT

-         rlRun "./test_compare2 conn  NULL NULL" $ERR_ABORT,$ERR_SEGFAULT

-         rlRun "./test_compare2 conn  0    0"

-         rlRun "./test_compare2 conn  0    1"

-         rlRun "./test_compare2 trans NULL 0"    $ERR_ABORT,$ERR_SEGFAULT

-         rlRun "./test_compare2 trans 0    NULL" $ERR_ABORT,$ERR_SEGFAULT

-         rlRun "./test_compare2 trans NULL NULL" $ERR_ABORT,$ERR_SEGFAULT

-         rlRun "./test_compare2 trans 0    0"

-         rlRun "./test_compare2 trans 0    1"

-     rlPhaseEnd


-     rlPhaseStartTest "semanage_seuser_count"

-         rlRun "./test_count init"   $ERR_ABORT,$ERR_SEGFAULT

-         rlRun "./test_count handle" $ERR_FAIL

-         rlRun "./test_count conn  $SEUSERS_COUNT"

-         rlRun "./test_count trans $SEUSERS_COUNT"

-     rlPhaseEnd


-     rlPhaseStartTest "semanage_seuser_list"

-         rlRun "./test_list init"   $ERR_ABORT,$ERR_SEGFAULT

-         rlRun "./test_list handle" $ERR_FAIL

-         rlRun "./test_list conn  $SEUSERS_COUNT $SEUSERS"

-         rlRun "./test_list trans $SEUSERS_COUNT $SEUSERS"

-     rlPhaseEnd


-     rlPhaseStartTest "semanage_seuser_iterate"

-         rlRun "./test_iterate init"   $ERR_ABORT,$ERR_SEGFAULT

-         rlRun "./test_iterate handle" $ERR_FAIL

-         rlRun "./test_iterate conn  $SEUSERS"

-         rlRun "./test_iterate trans $SEUSERS"

-     rlPhaseEnd


-     rlPhaseStartTest "semanage_seuser_exists"

-         rlRun "./test_exists conn  $SEUSER_NONEXISTENT 0"

-         rlRun "./test_exists conn  $SEUSER_DEFAULT     1"

-         rlRun "./test_exists conn  $USER               1"

-         rlRun "./test_exists trans $SEUSER_NONEXISTENT 0"

-         rlRun "./test_exists trans $SEUSER_DEFAULT     1"

-         rlRun "./test_exists trans $SEUSER             1"

-     rlPhaseEnd


-     rlPhaseStartTest "semanage_seuser_query"

-         rlRun "./test_query conn  $SEUSER_NONEXISTENT" $ERR_FAIL

-         rlRun "./test_query conn  $SEUSER_DEFAULT"

-         rlRun "./test_query conn  $SEUSER"

-         rlRun "./test_query trans $SEUSER_NONEXISTENT" $ERR_FAIL

-         rlRun "./test_query trans $SEUSER_DEFAULT"

-         rlRun "./test_query trans $SEUSER"

-     rlPhaseEnd


-     rlPhaseStartTest "semanage_seuser_get_name"

-         rlRun "./test_get_name conn  new   NULL"

-         rlRun "./test_get_name conn  first $SEUSER"

-         rlRun "./test_get_name trans new   NULL"

-         rlRun "./test_get_name trans first $SEUSER"

-     rlPhaseEnd


-     rlPhaseStartTest "semanage_seuser_set_name"

-         name="someuser"

-         rlRun "./test_set_name conn  $name"

-         rlRun "./test_set_name trans $name"

-     rlPhaseEnd


-     rlPhaseStartTest "semanage_seuser_get_sename"

-         rlRun "./test_get_sename conn  new   NULL"

-         rlRun "./test_get_sename conn  first $SEUSER_SENAME"

-         rlRun "./test_get_sename trans new   NULL"

-         rlRun "./test_get_sename trans first $SEUSER_SENAME"

-     rlPhaseEnd


-     rlPhaseStartTest "semanage_seuser_set_sename"

-         sename="someuser_u"

-         rlRun "./test_set_sename conn  $sename"

-         rlRun "./test_set_sename trans $sename"

-     rlPhaseEnd


-     rlPhaseStartTest "semanage_seuser_get_mlsrange"

-         rlRun "./test_get_mlsrange conn  new   NULL"

-         rlRun "./test_get_mlsrange conn  first $SEUSER_MLSRANGE"

-         rlRun "./test_get_mlsrange trans new   NULL"

-         rlRun "./test_get_mlsrange trans first $SEUSER_MLSRANGE"

-     rlPhaseEnd


-     rlPhaseStartTest "semanage_seuser_set_mlsrange"

-         mlsrange="c0-s1:c0.c42"

-         rlRun "./test_set_mlsrange conn  $mlsrange"

-         rlRun "./test_set_mlsrange trans $mlsrange"

-     rlPhaseEnd


-     rlPhaseStartTest "semanage_seuser_clone"

-         # FIXME

-         #rlRun "./test_clone conn  new"

-         rlRun "./test_clone conn  first"

-         # FIXME

-         #rlRun "./test_clone trans new"

-         rlRun "./test_clone trans first"

-     rlPhaseEnd


-     rlPhaseStartTest "semanage_seuser_create"

-         # FIXME

-         #rlRun "./test_create init" $ERR_ABORT,$ERR_SEGFAULT

-         #rlRun "./test_create handle" $ERR_ABORT,$ERR_SEGFAULT

-         rlRun "./test_create conn"

-         rlRun "./test_create trans"

-     rlPhaseEnd


-     rlPhaseStartTest "semanage_seuser_modify_local"

-         # function requires transaction

-         #rlRun "./test_modify_local conn  new"   $ERR_FAIL

-         #rlRun "./test_modify_local conn  first" $ERR_FAIL

-         #rlRun "./test_modify_local trans new"   $ERR_FAIL

-         rlRun "./test_modify_local trans first"

-     rlPhaseEnd


-     rlPhaseStartTest "semanage_seuser_del_local"

-         # adding local seuser requires transaction

-         # FIXME

-         #rlRun "./test_del_local trans first new"

-         #rlRun "./test_del_local trans first second"

-         rlRun "./test_del_local trans first first"

-     rlPhaseEnd


-     rlPhaseStartTest "semanage_seuser_exists_local"

-         # adding local seuser requires transaction

-         rlRun "./test_exists_local trans first first  1"

-         rlRun "./test_exists_local trans first second 0"

-     rlPhaseEnd


-     rlPhaseStartTest "semanage_seuser_count_local"

-         # adding local seuser requires transaction

-         # FIXME

-         #rlRun "./test_count_local trans 0"

-         rlRun "./test_count_local trans 1"

-         rlRun "./test_count_local trans 2"

-     rlPhaseEnd


-     rlPhaseStartCleanup

-         testfiles="$(ls -1 test_* | grep -v '\.c' | tr '\n' ' ')"

-         rlRun "rm -f $testfiles"

-     rlPhaseEnd

- rlJournalPrintText

- rlJournalEnd

@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@ 

- #include <stdio.h>

- #include <stdlib.h>

- #include <string.h>

- #include <errno.h>

- #include <semanage/semanage.h>


- #include "functions.c"


- int main (int argc, char **argv) {

-     semanage_handle_t *sh;

-     semanage_seuser_t *seuser;

-     semanage_seuser_t *seuser_clone;

-     int result;

-     const char *str;

-     const char *str_clone;


-     if (argc < 3)

-         exit(2);


-     sh = get_handle(argv[1]);


-     seuser = test_get_seuser(sh, argv[2]);


-     result = semanage_seuser_clone(sh, seuser, &seuser_clone);

-     printf("semanage_seuser_clone(%p, %p): %d\n",

-            (void *) seuser, (void *) seuser_clone, result);


-     if (result < 0) {

-         perror("semanage_seuser_clone");

-         exit(1);

-     }


-     str = semanage_seuser_get_name(seuser);

-     str_clone = semanage_seuser_get_name(seuser_clone);


-     if (strcmp(str, str_clone) != 0) {

-         fprintf(stderr, "Different in get_name\n");

-         exit(1);

-     }


-     str = semanage_seuser_get_sename(seuser);

-     str_clone = semanage_seuser_get_sename(seuser_clone);


-     if (strcmp(str, str_clone) != 0) {

-         fprintf(stderr, "Different in get_sename\n");

-         exit(1);

-     }


-     str = semanage_seuser_get_mlsrange(seuser);

-     str_clone = semanage_seuser_get_mlsrange(seuser_clone);


-     if (strcmp(str, str_clone) != 0) {

-         fprintf(stderr, "Different in get_mlsrange\n");

-         exit(1);

-     }


-     destroy_handle(sh, argv[1]);


-     exit(0);

- }

@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ 

- #include <stdio.h>

- #include <stdlib.h>

- #include <string.h>

- #include <errno.h>

- #include <semanage/semanage.h>


- #include "functions.c"


- int main (int argc, char **argv) {

-     semanage_handle_t *sh;

-     semanage_seuser_t *seuser;

-     semanage_seuser_key_t *key;

-     int result;


-     if (argc < 3)

-         exit(2);


-     sh = get_handle(argv[1]);


-     seuser = test_get_seuser(sh, "first");


-     key = test_get_key(sh, argv[2]);


-     result = semanage_seuser_compare(seuser, key);

-     printf("semanage_seuser_compare(%p, %p): %d\n",

-            (void *) seuser, (void *) key, result);


-     if (argc >= 4) {

-         if (strcmp(argv[3], "same") == 0 && result != 0) {

-             fprintf(stderr, "Expected same but got different\n");

-             exit(1);

-         }

-         else if (strcmp(argv[3], "different") == 0 && result == 0) {

-             fprintf(stderr, "Expected different but got same\n");

-             exit(1);

-         }

-     }


-     semanage_seuser_key_free(key);


-     destroy_handle(sh, argv[1]);


-     exit(0);

- }

@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@ 

- #include <stdio.h>

- #include <stdlib.h>

- #include <string.h>

- #include <errno.h>

- #include <semanage/semanage.h>


- #include "functions.c"


- int main (int argc, char **argv) {

-     semanage_handle_t *sh;

-     semanage_seuser_t *seuser;

-     semanage_seuser_t *seuser2;

-     int result;

-     int first = -1;

-     int second = -1;


-     if (argc < 4)

-         exit(2);


-     sh = get_handle(argv[1]);


-     if (strcmp(argv[2], "NULL") == 0) {

-         seuser = NULL;

-     }

-     else {

-         first = strtol(argv[2], NULL, 10);

-         seuser = test_get_seuser_nth(sh, first);

-     }


-     if (strcmp(argv[3], "NULL") == 0) {

-         seuser2 = NULL;

-     }

-     else {

-         second = strtol(argv[3], NULL, 10);

-         seuser2 = test_get_seuser_nth(sh, second);

-     }


-     result = semanage_seuser_compare2(seuser, seuser2);

-     printf("semanage_seuser_compare(%p, %p): %d\n",

-            (void *) seuser, (void *) seuser2, result);


-     if (first == second && result != 0) {

-         fprintf(stderr, "Expected same but got different\n");

-         exit(1);

-     }

-     else if (first != second && result == 0) {

-         fprintf(stderr, "Expected different but got same\n");

-         exit(1);

-     }


-     destroy_handle(sh, argv[1]);


-     exit(0);

- }

@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ 

- #include <stdio.h>

- #include <stdlib.h>

- #include <string.h>

- #include <errno.h>

- #include <semanage/semanage.h>


- #include "functions.c"


- int main (int argc, char **argv) {

-     semanage_handle_t *sh;

-     unsigned int response;

-     int result;


-     if (argc < 2)

-         exit(2);


-     sh = get_handle(argv[1]);


-     result = semanage_seuser_count(sh, &response);

-     printf("semanage_seuser_count(%p, %p): %d, response: %u\n",

-            (void *) sh, (void *) &response, result, response);


-     if (result < 0) {

-         perror("semanage_seuser_count");

-         exit(1);

-     }


-     if (argc >= 3)

-         check_result_int(argv[2], response);


-     destroy_handle(sh, argv[1]);


-     exit(0);

- }

@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@ 

- #include <stdio.h>

- #include <stdlib.h>

- #include <string.h>

- #include <errno.h>

- #include <semanage/semanage.h>


- #include "functions.c"


- int main (int argc, char **argv) {

-     semanage_handle_t *sh;

-     semanage_seuser_t *seuser;

-     int result;

-     unsigned int response;

-     int num;


-     if (argc < 2)

-         exit(2);


-     sh = get_handle(argv[1]);


-     num = strtol(argv[2], NULL, 10);


-     for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {

-         seuser = test_get_seuser_nth(sh, i);


-         test_add_local_seuser(sh, seuser);

-     }


-     result = semanage_seuser_count_local(sh, &response);

-     printf("semanage_seuser_count_local(%p, %p): %d, response: %d\n",

-            (void *) sh, (void *) &response, result, response);


-     if (result < 0) {

-         perror("semanage_seuser_count_local");

-         exit(1);

-     }


-     if (argc >= 3)

-         check_result_int(argv[2], response);


-     test_del_local_seuser(sh, seuser);


-     destroy_handle(sh, argv[1]);


-     exit(0);

- }

@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@ 

- #include <stdio.h>

- #include <stdlib.h>

- #include <string.h>

- #include <errno.h>

- #include <semanage/semanage.h>


- #include "functions.c"


- int main (int argc, char **argv) {

-     semanage_handle_t *sh;

-     semanage_seuser_t *seuser;

-     int result;

-     const char *str;


-     if (argc < 2)

-         exit(2);


-     sh = get_handle(argv[1]);


-     result = semanage_seuser_create(sh, &seuser);

-     printf("semanage_seuser_create(%p, %p): %d\n",

-            (void *) sh, (void *) seuser, result);


-     if (result < 0) {

-         perror("semanage_seuser_create");

-         exit(1);

-     }


-     str = semanage_seuser_get_name(seuser);


-     if (str != NULL) {

-         fprintf(stderr, "Expected name == NULL, got %s\n", str);

-         exit(1);

-     }


-     str = semanage_seuser_get_sename(seuser);


-     if (str != NULL) {

-         fprintf(stderr, "Expected sename == NULL, got %s\n", str);

-         exit(1);

-     }


-     str = semanage_seuser_get_mlsrange(seuser);


-     if (str != NULL) {

-         fprintf(stderr, "Expected mlsrange == NULL, got %s\n", str);

-         exit(1);

-     }


-     destroy_handle(sh, argv[1]);


-     exit(0);

- }

@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@ 

- #include <stdio.h>

- #include <stdlib.h>

- #include <string.h>

- #include <errno.h>

- #include <semanage/semanage.h>


- #include "functions.c"


- int main (int argc, char **argv) {

-     semanage_handle_t *sh;

-     semanage_seuser_t *seuser;

-     semanage_seuser_t *seuser_del;

-     semanage_seuser_key_t *key;

-     semanage_seuser_t **records;

-     int result;

-     unsigned int count;


-     if (argc < 4)

-         exit(2);


-     sh = get_handle(argv[1]);


-     seuser = test_get_seuser(sh, argv[2]);


-     test_add_local_seuser(sh, seuser);


-     seuser_del = test_get_seuser(sh, argv[3]);


-     result = semanage_seuser_key_extract(sh, seuser_del, &key);

-     printf("semanage_seuser_key_extract(%p, %p, %p): %d\n",

-            (void *) sh, (void *) seuser_del, (void *) &key, result);


-     if (result < 0) {

-         perror("semanage_seuser_key_extract");

-         exit(2);

-     }


-     result = semanage_seuser_del_local(sh, key);

-     printf("semanage_seuser_del_local(%p, %p): %d\n",

-            (void *) seuser, (void *) key, result);


-     if (result < 0) {

-         perror("semanage_seuser_del_local");

-         exit(1);

-     }


-     result = semanage_seuser_list_local(sh, &records, &count);

-     printf("semanage_seuser_list_local(%p, %p, %p): %d\n",

-            (void *) sh, (void *) &records, (void *) &count, result);


-     if (result < 0) {

-         perror("semanage_seuser_list_local");

-         exit(2);

-     }


-     if (count != 0) {

-         fprintf(stderr, "Number of local seusers is not 0!\n");

-         exit(1);

-     }


-     destroy_handle(sh, argv[1]);


-     exit(0);

- }

@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ 

- #include <stdio.h>

- #include <stdlib.h>

- #include <string.h>

- #include <errno.h>

- #include <semanage/semanage.h>


- #include "functions.c"


- int main (int argc, char **argv) {

-     semanage_handle_t *sh;

-     semanage_seuser_key_t *key;

-     int result;

-     int response;


-     if (argc < 3)

-         exit(2);


-     sh = get_handle(argv[1]);


-     key = test_get_key(sh, argv[2]);


-     result = semanage_seuser_exists(sh, key, &response);

-     printf("semanage_seuser_exists(%p, %p, %p): %d, response: %d\n",

-            (void *) sh, (void *) key, (void *) &response, result, response);


-     if (result < 0) {

-         perror("semanage_seuser_exists");

-         exit(1);

-     }


-     if (argc >= 4)

-         check_result_int(argv[3], response);


-     destroy_handle(sh, argv[1]);


-     exit(0);

- }

@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ 

- #include <stdio.h>

- #include <stdlib.h>

- #include <string.h>

- #include <errno.h>

- #include <semanage/semanage.h>


- #include "functions.c"


- int main (int argc, char **argv) {

-     semanage_handle_t *sh;

-     semanage_seuser_t *seuser;

-     semanage_seuser_t *seuser_exists;

-     semanage_seuser_key_t *key;

-     int result;

-     int response;

-     int exp;


-     if (argc < 4)

-         exit(2);


-     sh = get_handle(argv[1]);


-     seuser = test_get_seuser(sh, argv[2]);

-     seuser_exists = test_get_seuser(sh, argv[3]);


-     test_add_local_seuser(sh, seuser);


-     result = semanage_seuser_key_extract(sh, seuser_exists, &key);

-     printf("semanage_seuser_key_extract(%p, %p, %p): %d\n",

-            (void *) sh, (void *) seuser_exists, (void *) &key, result); 

-     if (result < 0) {

-         perror("semanage_seuser_key_extract");

-         exit(2);

-     }


-     result = semanage_seuser_exists_local(sh, key, &response);

-     printf("semanage_seuser_exists_local(%p, %p, %p): %d\n",

-            (void *) sh, (void *) key, (void *) &response, result);


-     if (result < 0) {

-         perror("semanage_seuser_exists_local");

-         exit(1);

-     }


-     if (argc >= 5) {

-         exp = strtol(argv[4], NULL, 10);


-         if (response != exp) {

-             fprintf(stderr, "Expected %d but got %d\n", exp, response);

-             exit(1);

-         }

-     }


-     test_del_local_seuser(sh, seuser);


-     destroy_handle(sh, argv[1]);


-     exit(0);

- }

@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ 

- #include <stdio.h>

- #include <stdlib.h>

- #include <string.h>

- #include <errno.h>

- #include <semanage/semanage.h>


- #include "functions.c"


- int main (int argc, char **argv) {

-     semanage_handle_t *sh;

-     semanage_seuser_t *seuser;


-     if (argc < 4)

-         exit(2);


-     sh = get_handle(argv[1]);


-     seuser = test_get_seuser(sh, argv[2]);


-     const char *name = semanage_seuser_get_mlsrange(seuser);

-     printf("semanage_seuser_get_mlsrange(%p): %s\n",

-            (void *) seuser, name);


-     if (strcmp_null(argv[3], name) != 0) {

-         fprintf(stderr, "Expected %s but got %s\n", argv[2], name);

-         exit(1);

-     }


-     destroy_handle(sh, argv[1]);


-     exit(0);

- }

@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ 

- #include <stdio.h>

- #include <stdlib.h>

- #include <string.h>

- #include <errno.h>

- #include <semanage/semanage.h>


- #include "functions.c"


- int main (int argc, char **argv) {

-     semanage_handle_t *sh;

-     semanage_seuser_t *seuser;


-     if (argc < 4)

-         exit(2);


-     sh = get_handle(argv[1]);


-     seuser = test_get_seuser(sh, argv[2]);


-     const char *name = semanage_seuser_get_name(seuser);

-     printf("semanage_seuser_get_name(%p): %s\n",

-            (void *) seuser, name);


-     if (strcmp_null(argv[3], name) != 0) {

-         fprintf(stderr, "Expected %s but got %s\n", argv[2], name);

-         exit(1);

-     }


-     destroy_handle(sh, argv[1]);


-     exit(0);

- }

@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ 

- #include <stdio.h>

- #include <stdlib.h>

- #include <string.h>

- #include <errno.h>

- #include <semanage/semanage.h>


- #include "functions.c"


- int main (int argc, char **argv) {

-     semanage_handle_t *sh;

-     semanage_seuser_t *seuser;


-     if (argc < 4)

-         exit(2);


-     sh = get_handle(argv[1]);


-     seuser = test_get_seuser(sh, argv[2]);


-     const char *name = semanage_seuser_get_sename(seuser);

-     printf("semanage_seuser_get_sename(%p): %s\n",

-            (void *) seuser, name);


-     if (strcmp_null(argv[3], name) != 0) {

-         fprintf(stderr, "Expected %s but got %s\n", argv[2], name);

-         exit(1);

-     }


-     destroy_handle(sh, argv[1]);


-     exit(0);

- }

@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ 

- #include <stdio.h>

- #include <stdlib.h>

- #include <string.h>

- #include <errno.h>

- #include <semanage/semanage.h>


- #include "functions.c"


- int counter = 0;


- int handler(const semanage_seuser_t *record, void *varg) {

-     char **args = (char **) varg;


-     const char *name = semanage_seuser_get_name(record);


-     if (strcmp(name, args[2 + counter++]) != 0)

-         return -1;


-     return 0;

- }


- int main (int argc, char **argv) {

-     semanage_handle_t *sh;

-     int result;


-     if (argc < 2)

-         exit(2);


-     sh = get_handle(argv[1]);


-     char **param = NULL;


-     if (argc >= 3) {

-         param = argv;

-     }


-     result = semanage_seuser_iterate(sh, &handler, (void *) param);

-     printf("semanage_seuser_iterate(%p, %p, %p): %d\n",

-            (void *) sh, (void *) &handler, (void *) param, result);


-     if (result < 0) {

-         perror("semanage_seuser_iterate");

-         exit(1);

-     }


-     destroy_handle(sh, argv[1]);


-     exit(0);

- }

@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ 

- #include <stdio.h>

- #include <stdlib.h>

- #include <string.h>

- #include <errno.h>

- #include <semanage/semanage.h>


- #include "functions.c"


- int main (int argc, char **argv) {

-     semanage_handle_t *sh;

-     semanage_seuser_key_t *key;

-     const char *name;

-     int result;


-     if (argc < 3)

-         exit(2);


-     sh = get_handle(argv[1]);


-     if (strcmp(argv[2], "NULL") == 0)

-         name = NULL;

-     else

-         name = argv[2];


-     result = semanage_seuser_key_create(sh, name, &key);

-     printf("semanage_seuser_key_create(%p, %s, %p): %d\n",

-            (void *) sh, name, (void *) &key, result);


-     if (result < 0 || key == NULL) {

-         perror("semanage_seuser_key_create");

-         exit(1);

-     }


-     semanage_seuser_key_free(key);


-     destroy_handle(sh, argv[1]);


-     exit(0);

- }

@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@ 

- #include <stdio.h>

- #include <stdlib.h>

- #include <string.h>

- #include <errno.h>

- #include <semanage/semanage.h>


- #include "functions.c"


- int main (int argc, char **argv) {

-     semanage_handle_t *sh;

-     semanage_seuser_t *seuser;

-     semanage_seuser_key_t *key;

-     int result;


-     if (argc < 3)

-         exit(2);


-     sh = get_handle(argv[1]);


-     seuser = test_get_seuser(sh, argv[2]);


-     result = semanage_seuser_key_extract(sh, seuser, &key);

-     printf("semanage_seuser_key_extract(%p, %p, %p): %d\n",

-            (void *) sh, (void *) seuser, (void *) &key, result);


-     if (result < 0) {

-         perror("semanage_seuser_key_extract");

-         exit(1);

-     }


-     result = semanage_seuser_compare(seuser, key);

-     printf("semanage_seuser_compare(%p, %p): %d\n",

-            (void *) seuser, (void *) key, result);


-     if (result != 0) {

-         perror("semanage_seuser_compare");

-         exit(1);

-     }


-     semanage_seuser_key_free(key);


-     destroy_handle(sh, argv[1]);


-     exit(0);

- }

@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@ 

- #include <stdio.h>

- #include <stdlib.h>

- #include <string.h>

- #include <errno.h>

- #include <semanage/semanage.h>


- #include "functions.c"


- int main (int argc, char **argv) {

-     semanage_handle_t *sh;

-     semanage_seuser_t **records;

-     unsigned int count;

-     int result;


-     if (argc < 2)

-         exit(2);


-     sh = get_handle(argv[1]);


-     result = semanage_seuser_list(sh, &records, &count);

-     printf("semanage_seuser_list(%p, %p, %p): %d",

-            (void *) sh, (void *) &records, (void *) &count, result);


-     if (result < 0) {

-         perror("semanage_seuser_list");

-         exit(1);

-     }


-     printf(", count: %u, records: ", count);


-     const char *name;


-     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++) {

-         name = semanage_seuser_get_name(records[i]);

-         printf("%p (%s), ", (void *) records[i], name);

-     }


-     printf("\n");


-     if (argc >= 3) {

-         unsigned int exp_count = strtoul(argv[2], NULL, 10);


-         if (count != exp_count) {

-             printf("Expected %u but got %u\n", exp_count, count);

-             exit(1);

-         }


-         const char *name;


-         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++) {

-             name = semanage_seuser_get_name(records[i]);


-             if (strcmp(name, argv[3 + i]) != 0) {

-                 printf("Expected %s but got %s\n", name, argv[3 + i]);

-                 exit(1);

-             }

-         }

-     }


-     destroy_handle(sh, argv[1]);


-     exit(0);

- }

@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@ 

- #include <stdio.h>

- #include <stdlib.h>

- #include <string.h>

- #include <errno.h>

- #include <semanage/semanage.h>


- #include "functions.c"


- int main (int argc, char **argv) {

-     semanage_handle_t *sh;

-     semanage_seuser_t *seuser;

-     semanage_seuser_key_t *key;

-     semanage_seuser_t **records;

-     int result;

-     unsigned int count;


-     if (argc < 3)

-         exit(2);


-     sh = get_handle(argv[1]);


-     seuser = test_get_seuser(sh, argv[2]);


-     result = semanage_seuser_key_extract(sh, seuser, &key);

-     printf("semanage_seuser_key_extract(%p, %p, %p): %d\n",

-            (void *) sh, (void *) seuser, (void *) &key, result);


-     if (result < 0) {

-         perror("semanage_seuser_key_extract");

-         exit(2);

-     }


-     result = semanage_seuser_modify_local(sh, key, seuser);

-     printf("semanage_seuser_modify_local(%p, %p, %p): %d\n",

-            (void *) seuser, (void *) key, (void *) seuser, result);


-     if (result < 0) {

-         perror("semanage_seuser_modify_local");

-         exit(1);

-     }


-     result = semanage_seuser_list_local(sh, &records, &count);

-     printf("semanage_seuser_list_local(%p, %p, %p): %d\n",

-            (void *) sh, (void *) &records, (void *) &count, result);


-     if (result < 0) {

-         perror("semanage_seuser_list_local");

-         exit(2);

-     }


-     if (count != 1) {

-         fprintf(stderr, "Number of local seusers is %u, expected 1!\n", count);

-         exit(1);

-     }


-     if (semanage_seuser_compare(records[0], key) != 0) {

-         fprintf(stderr, "Local seuser is different!\n");

-         exit(1);

-     }


-     destroy_handle(sh, argv[1]);


-     exit(0);

- }

@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@ 

- #include <stdio.h>

- #include <stdlib.h>

- #include <string.h>

- #include <errno.h>

- #include <semanage/semanage.h>


- #include "functions.c"


- int main (int argc, char **argv) {

-     semanage_handle_t *sh;

-     semanage_seuser_key_t *key;

-     semanage_seuser_t *response;

-     int result;


-     if (argc < 3)

-         exit(2);


-     sh = get_handle(argv[1]);


-     result = semanage_seuser_key_create(sh, argv[2], &key);

-     printf("semanage_seuser_key_create(%p, %s, %p): %d\n",

-            (void *) sh, argv[2], (void *) &key, result);


-     if (result < 0 || key == NULL) {

-         perror("semanage_seuser_key_create");

-         exit(2);

-     }


-     result = semanage_seuser_query(sh, key, &response);

-     printf("semanage_seuser_query(%p, %p, %p): %d, response: %p\n",

-            (void *) sh, (void *) key, (void *) &response, result, (void *) response);


-     if (result < 0) {

-         perror("semanage_seuser_query");

-         exit(1);

-     }


-     const char *name = semanage_seuser_get_name(response);

-     printf("semanage_seuser_get_name(%p): %s\n",

-            (void *) response, name);


-     if (strcmp(argv[2], name) != 0) {

-         perror("semanage_seuser_get_name");

-         exit(2);

-     }


-     destroy_handle(sh, argv[1]);


-     exit(0);

- }

@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@ 

- #include <stdio.h>

- #include <stdlib.h>

- #include <string.h>

- #include <errno.h>

- #include <semanage/semanage.h>


- #include "functions.c"


- int main (int argc, char **argv) {

-     semanage_handle_t *sh;

-     semanage_seuser_t *user;

-     int result;

-     const char *mlsrange;


-     if (argc < 3)

-         exit(2);


-     sh = get_handle(argv[1]);


-     user = test_get_seuser(sh, "first");


-     if (strcmp(argv[2], "NULL") == 0)

-         mlsrange = NULL;

-     else 

-         mlsrange = argv[2];


-     const char *old_mlsrange = semanage_seuser_get_mlsrange(user);

-     printf("semanage_seuser_get_mlsrange(%p): %s\n",

-            (void *) user, old_mlsrange);


-     if (old_mlsrange == NULL) {

-         perror("semanage_seuser_get_mlsrange");

-         exit(2);

-     }


-     if (strcmp(old_mlsrange, mlsrange) == 0) {

-         printf("New mlsrange is the same\n");

-         exit(2);

-     }


-     result = semanage_seuser_set_mlsrange(sh, user, mlsrange);

-     printf("semanage_seuser_set_mlsrange(%p, %p, %s): %d\n",

-            (void *) sh, (void *) user, mlsrange, result);


-     if (result < 0) {

-         perror("semanage_seuser_set_mlsrange");

-         exit(1);

-     }


-     const char *new_mlsrange = semanage_seuser_get_mlsrange(user);

-     printf("semanage_seuser_get_mlsrange(%p): %s\n",

-            (void *) user, new_mlsrange);


-     if (strcmp(new_mlsrange, mlsrange) != 0) {

-         perror("semanage_seuser_get_mlsrange");

-         exit(1);

-     }


-     destroy_handle(sh, argv[1]);


-     exit(0);

- }

@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@ 

- #include <stdio.h>

- #include <stdlib.h>

- #include <string.h>

- #include <errno.h>

- #include <semanage/semanage.h>


- #include "functions.c"


- int main (int argc, char **argv) {

-     semanage_handle_t *sh;

-     semanage_seuser_t *user;

-     int result;

-     const char *name;


-     if (argc < 3)

-         exit(2);


-     sh = get_handle(argv[1]);


-     user = test_get_seuser(sh, "first");


-     if (strcmp(argv[2], "NULL") == 0)

-         name = NULL;

-     else 

-         name = argv[2];


-     const char *old_name = semanage_seuser_get_name(user);

-     printf("semanage_seuser_get_name(%p): %s\n",

-            (void *) user, old_name);


-     if (old_name == NULL) {

-         perror("semanage_seuser_get_name");

-         exit(2);

-     }


-     if (strcmp(old_name, name) == 0) {

-         printf("New name is the same\n");

-         exit(2);

-     }


-     result = semanage_seuser_set_name(sh, user, name);

-     printf("semanage_seuser_set_name(%p, %p, %s): %d\n",

-            (void *) sh, (void *) user, name, result);


-     if (result < 0) {

-         perror("semanage_seuser_set_name");

-         exit(1);

-     }


-     const char *new_name = semanage_seuser_get_name(user);

-     printf("semanage_seuser_get_name(%p): %s\n",

-            (void *) user, new_name);


-     if (strcmp(new_name, name) != 0) {

-         perror("semanage_seuser_get_name");

-         exit(1);

-     }


-     destroy_handle(sh, argv[1]);


-     exit(0);

- }

@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@ 

- #include <stdio.h>

- #include <stdlib.h>

- #include <string.h>

- #include <errno.h>

- #include <semanage/semanage.h>


- #include "functions.c"


- int main (int argc, char **argv) {

-     semanage_handle_t *sh;

-     semanage_seuser_t *user;

-     int result;

-     const char *name;


-     if (argc < 3)

-         exit(2);


-     sh = get_handle(argv[1]);


-     user = test_get_seuser(sh, "first");


-     if (strcmp(argv[2], "NULL") == 0)

-         name = NULL;

-     else 

-         name = argv[2];


-     const char *old_name = semanage_seuser_get_sename(user);

-     printf("semanage_seuser_get_sename(%p): %s\n",

-            (void *) user, old_name);


-     if (old_name == NULL) {

-         perror("semanage_seuser_get_sename");

-         exit(2);

-     }


-     if (strcmp(old_name, name) == 0) {

-         printf("New name is the same\n");

-         exit(2);

-     }


-     result = semanage_seuser_set_sename(sh, user, name);

-     printf("semanage_seuser_set_sename(%p, %p, %s): %d\n",

-            (void *) sh, (void *) user, name, result);


-     if (result < 0) {

-         perror("semanage_seuser_set_sename");

-         exit(1);

-     }


-     const char *new_name = semanage_seuser_get_sename(user);

-     printf("semanage_seuser_get_sename(%p): %s\n",

-            (void *) user, new_name);


-     if (strcmp(new_name, name) != 0) {

-         perror("semanage_seuser_get_sename");

-         exit(1);

-     }


-     destroy_handle(sh, argv[1]);


-     exit(0);

- }

@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@ 

- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

- #

- #   Makefile of /CoreOS/libsemanage/Sanity/verify-options-in-semanage-conf

- #   Description: Are the verify options in semanage.conf honored?

- #   Author: Milos Malik <mmalik@redhat.com>

- #

- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

- #

- #   Copyright (c) 2016 Red Hat, Inc.

- #

- #   This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing

- #   to use, modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms

- #   and conditions of the GNU General Public License version 2.

- #

- #   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be

- #   useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied


- #   PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

- #

- #   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public

- #   License along with this program; if not, write to the Free

- #   Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,

- #   Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

- #

- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


- export TEST=/CoreOS/libsemanage/Sanity/verify-options-in-semanage-conf

- export TESTVERSION=1.0




- FILES=$(METADATA) runtest.sh Makefile PURPOSE empty.te


- .PHONY: all install download clean


- run: $(FILES) build

- 	./runtest.sh


- build: $(BUILT_FILES)

- 	test -x runtest.sh || chmod a+x runtest.sh


- clean:

- 	rm -f *~ $(BUILT_FILES)


- include /usr/share/rhts/lib/rhts-make.include


- $(METADATA): Makefile

- 	@echo "Owner:           Milos Malik <mmalik@redhat.com>" > $(METADATA)

- 	@echo "Name:            $(TEST)" >> $(METADATA)

- 	@echo "TestVersion:     $(TESTVERSION)" >> $(METADATA)

- 	@echo "Path:            $(TEST_DIR)" >> $(METADATA)

- 	@echo "Description:     Are the verify options in semanage.conf honored?" >> $(METADATA)

- 	@echo "Type:            Sanity" >> $(METADATA)

- 	@echo "TestTime:        10m" >> $(METADATA)

- 	@echo "RunFor:          libsemanage" >> $(METADATA)

- 	@echo "Requires:        libselinux libselinux-utils libsemanage policycoreutils policycoreutils-python selinux-policy selinux-policy-devel" >> $(METADATA)

- 	@echo "Priority:        Normal" >> $(METADATA)

- 	@echo "License:         GPLv2" >> $(METADATA)

- 	@echo "Confidential:    no" >> $(METADATA)

- 	@echo "Destructive:     no" >> $(METADATA)

- 	@echo "Releases:        -RHEL4 -RHELClient5 -RHELServer5" >> $(METADATA)


- 	rhts-lint $(METADATA)


@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ 

- PURPOSE of /CoreOS/libsemanage/Sanity/verify-options-in-semanage-conf

- Author: Milos Malik <mmalik@redhat.com>


- Are the verify options in semanage.conf honored?

- Tested options: verify kernel, verify module, verify linked

- Tested tools: semodule, semanage

- Positive and negative cases are tested.

- Original information found at http://selinuxproject.org/page/PolicyValidate


@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ 

- policy_module(empty,1.0)


@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@ 

- #!/bin/bash

- # vim: dict+=/usr/share/beakerlib/dictionary.vim cpt=.,w,b,u,t,i,k

- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

- #

- #   runtest.sh of /CoreOS/libsemanage/Sanity/verify-options-in-semanage-conf

- #   Description: Are the verify options in semanage.conf honored?

- #   Author: Milos Malik <mmalik@redhat.com>

- #

- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

- #

- #   Copyright (c) 2016 Red Hat, Inc.

- #

- #   This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing

- #   to use, modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms

- #   and conditions of the GNU General Public License version 2.

- #

- #   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be

- #   useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied


- #   PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

- #

- #   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public

- #   License along with this program; if not, write to the Free

- #   Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,

- #   Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

- #

- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


- # Include Beaker environment

- . /usr/bin/rhts-environment.sh || exit 1

- . /usr/share/beakerlib/beakerlib.sh || exit 1


- PACKAGE="libsemanage"

- MODULE_NAME="empty"

- SEMANAGE_CONF="/etc/selinux/semanage.conf"


- rlJournalStart

- 	rlPhaseStartSetup

- 		rlAssertRpm ${PACKAGE}

- 		rlAssertRpm policycoreutils

- 		rlAssertRpm selinux-policy

- 		rlFileBackup ${SEMANAGE_CONF}

- 		rlRun "rpm -qf /usr/sbin/semanage"

- 		rlRun "grep -v -e '^#' -e '^$' ${SEMANAGE_CONF}"

- 		OUTPUT_FILE=`mktemp`


- 		rlRun "setenforce 1"

- 		rlRun "sestatus"

- 		rlRun "ls -l ${MODULE_NAME}.te"

- 		rlRun "make -f /usr/share/selinux/devel/Makefile"

- 		rlRun "ls -l ${MODULE_NAME}.pp"

-     rlPhaseEnd


- 	rlLog "positive cases follow"

- 	# TODO: /bin/true could be replaced a script, which prints the supplied arguments into a file for further inspection


- 	rlPhaseStartTest "verify kernel"

- 		rlRun "semodule -r ${MODULE_NAME}" 0,1

- 		rlFileRestore

- 		rlRun "echo -en '[verify kernel]\npath = /bin/true\nargs = \$@\n[end]\n' >> ${SEMANAGE_CONF}"

- 		rlRun "semodule -i ${MODULE_NAME}.pp 2>&1 | tee ${OUTPUT_FILE}"

- 		rlAssertNotGrep "semodule.*failed" ${OUTPUT_FILE} -i

- 		rlRun "semodule -l | grep ${MODULE_NAME}"

- 		rlRun "semanage module -a ${MODULE_NAME}.pp 2>&1 | tee ${OUTPUT_FILE}"

- 		rlAssertNotGrep "could not commit semanage transaction|no such file or directory" ${OUTPUT_FILE} -Ei

- 		rlRun "semanage module -l | grep ${MODULE_NAME}"

- 	rlPhaseEnd


- 	rlPhaseStartTest "verify module"

- 		rlRun "semodule -r ${MODULE_NAME}" 0,1

- 		rlFileRestore

- 		rlRun "echo -en '[verify module]\npath = /bin/true\nargs = \$@\n[end]\n' >> ${SEMANAGE_CONF}"

- 		rlRun "semodule -i ${MODULE_NAME}.pp 2>&1 | tee ${OUTPUT_FILE}"

- 		rlAssertNotGrep "semodule.*failed" ${OUTPUT_FILE} -i

- 		rlRun "semodule -l | grep ${MODULE_NAME}"

- 		rlRun "semanage module -a ${MODULE_NAME}.pp 2>&1 | tee ${OUTPUT_FILE}"

- 		rlAssertNotGrep "could not commit semanage transaction|no such file or directory" ${OUTPUT_FILE} -Ei

- 		rlRun "semanage module -l | grep ${MODULE_NAME}"

- 	rlPhaseEnd


-     if rlIsRHEL '<7.3' ; then # because "[verify linked]" was dropped

- 	rlPhaseStartTest "verify linked"

- 		rlRun "semodule -r ${MODULE_NAME}" 0,1

- 		rlFileRestore

- 		rlRun "echo -en '[verify linked]\npath = /bin/true\nargs = \$@\n[end]\n' >> ${SEMANAGE_CONF}"

- 		rlRun "semodule -i ${MODULE_NAME}.pp 2>&1 | tee ${OUTPUT_FILE}"

- 		rlAssertNotGrep "semodule.*failed" ${OUTPUT_FILE} -i

- 		rlRun "semodule -l | grep ${MODULE_NAME}"

- 		rlRun "semanage module -a ${MODULE_NAME}.pp 2>&1 | tee ${OUTPUT_FILE}"

- 		rlAssertNotGrep "could not commit semanage transaction|no such file or directory" ${OUTPUT_FILE} -Ei

- 		rlRun "semanage module -l | grep ${MODULE_NAME}"

- 	rlPhaseEnd

-     fi


- 	rlLog "negative cases follow"

- 	# TODO: /bin/false could be replaced a script, which prints the supplied arguments into a file for further inspection


- 	rlPhaseStartTest "verify kernel"

- 		rlRun "semodule -r ${MODULE_NAME}" 0,1

- 		rlFileRestore

- 		rlRun "echo -en '[verify kernel]\npath = /bin/false\nargs = \$@\n[end]\n' >> ${SEMANAGE_CONF}"

- 		rlRun "semodule -i ${MODULE_NAME}.pp 2>&1 | tee ${OUTPUT_FILE}"

- 		rlAssertGrep "semodule.*failed" ${OUTPUT_FILE} -i

- 		rlRun "semodule -l | grep ${MODULE_NAME}" 1

- 		rlRun "semanage module -a ${MODULE_NAME}.pp 2>&1 | tee ${OUTPUT_FILE}"

- 		rlAssertGrep "could not commit semanage transaction|no such file or directory" ${OUTPUT_FILE} -Ei

- 		rlRun "semanage module -l | grep ${MODULE_NAME}" 1

- 	rlPhaseEnd


- 	rlPhaseStartTest "verify module"

- 		rlRun "semodule -r ${MODULE_NAME}" 0,1

- 		rlFileRestore

- 		rlRun "echo -en '[verify module]\npath = /bin/false\nargs = \$@\n[end]\n' >> ${SEMANAGE_CONF}"

- 		rlRun "semodule -i ${MODULE_NAME}.pp 2>&1 | tee ${OUTPUT_FILE}"

- 		rlAssertGrep "semodule.*failed" ${OUTPUT_FILE} -i

- 		rlRun "semodule -l | grep ${MODULE_NAME}" 1

- 		rlRun "semanage module -a ${MODULE_NAME}.pp 2>&1 | tee ${OUTPUT_FILE}"

- 		rlAssertGrep "could not commit semanage transaction|no such file or directory" ${OUTPUT_FILE} -Ei

- 		rlRun "semanage module -l | grep ${MODULE_NAME}" 1

- 	rlPhaseEnd


-     if rlIsRHEL '<7.3' ; then # because "[verify linked]" was dropped

- 	rlPhaseStartTest "verify linked"

- 		rlRun "semodule -r ${MODULE_NAME}" 0,1

- 		rlFileRestore

- 		rlRun "echo -en '[verify linked]\npath = /bin/false\nargs = \$@\n[end]\n' >> ${SEMANAGE_CONF}"

- 		rlRun "semodule -i ${MODULE_NAME}.pp 2>&1 | tee ${OUTPUT_FILE}"

- 		rlAssertGrep "semodule.*failed" ${OUTPUT_FILE} -i

- 		rlRun "semodule -l | grep ${MODULE_NAME}" 1

- 		rlRun "semanage module -a ${MODULE_NAME}.pp 2>&1 | tee ${OUTPUT_FILE}"

- 		rlAssertGrep "could not commit semanage transaction|no such file or directory" ${OUTPUT_FILE} -Ei

- 		rlRun "semanage module -l | grep ${MODULE_NAME}" 1

- 	rlPhaseEnd

-     fi


- 	rlPhaseStartCleanup

- 		rlRun "rm -f ${MODULE_NAME}.pp ${OUTPUT_FILE}"

- 		rlFileRestore	

- 	rlPhaseEnd

- rlJournalPrintText

- rlJournalEnd


Build succeeded.

1 test failed because of the following problem:

:: [ 08:11:20 ] :: [  BEGIN   ] :: Running 'podman build -t localhost/selinux . --no-cache'
STEP 1/2: FROM quay.io/centos/centos:stream9
Trying to pull quay.io/centos/centos:stream9...
Error: creating build container: copying system image from manifest list: parsing image configuration: Get "https://cdn03.quay.io/quayio-production-s3/sha256/45/45689e0cee12aefb5288e0753144918fa625f4086a607f83afa6ab43e5c6ed02?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAI5LUAQGPZRPNKSJA%2F20240417%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20240417T081121Z&X-Amz-Expires=600&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=2fbd3c7b9e300fdf74e92ad6565f66e278c6f6cff87484cb938c0989ce6da45e&cf_sign=UW2btn28oy1vcSmUYGvYRF3eWshDM%2Fd22BpMbXp2p74shJSFhfW%2B6wxM9oUmN8EWXDPOTia3tEARIw7K86%2FDzxTAKyzR2wDHoRYQFHbRAt%2BHhITvFr76eXzedXaRcLGAHRb51%2BB0sTAeSE2%2BJakWrf0t2tE8D1IZJ6%2FBGfFCrSrPR8%2F7asu7hvdExxDvlmCk0s1eL%2BWO%2FjrTECQ1NaiGyyU2P0%2FlxHGsQwkTwrRJewDuXZd3sJIdHGEIIUPZK1NMzB218N642pqATWdi6KL8iJnwSOldQUNS1yPNlBkLEPLnasGjr7MhLsfalVDz1AU91UlVjxa8gcdn6GOJ54mFIg%3D%3D&cf_expiry=1713342081&region=us-east-1&namespace=centos": dial tcp: lookup cdn03.quay.io: no such host
:: [ 08:11:21 ] :: [   FAIL   ] :: Command 'podman build -t localhost/selinux . --no-cache' (Expected 0, got 125)

The rest of automated tests passed as expected.

I would rather move the tests to https://src.fedoraproject.org/tests/selinux and run them with the other tests from selinux.fmf plan

OK, I can move them there.

The verify-options-in-semanage-conf test is already present in the https://src.fedoraproject.org/tests/selinux/blob/main/f/libsemanage directory.

Here is the PR which adds the 2 remaining tests into https://src.fedoraproject.org/tests/selinux repository:
* https://src.fedoraproject.org/tests/selinux/pull-request/492

Once the PR#492 is merged, I will modify this PR#17 to delete all 3 tests that are now present in https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/libsemanage/blob/rawhide/f/tests

rebased onto cedff95

2 months ago

Fedora CI dist-git tests - All tests passed as expected.

Zuul - All tests passed as expected.

Build succeeded.

Pull-Request has been merged by plautrba

2 months ago
Changes Summary 42
file removed
file removed
file removed
file removed
file removed
file removed
file removed
file removed
file removed
file removed
file removed
file removed
file removed
file removed
file removed
file removed
file removed
file removed
file removed
file removed
file removed
file removed
file removed
file removed
file removed
file removed
file removed
file removed
file removed
file removed
file removed
file removed
file removed
file removed
file removed
file removed
file removed
file removed
file removed
file removed
file removed
file removed