Blob Blame History Raw

%global verdir %(echo ${version} | cut -d. -f1,2)

Name: mingw-gtk-vnc
Version: 1.3.0
Release: 3%{?dist}
Summary: MinGW Windows port of VNC client GTK widget

License: LGPLv2+

BuildArch: noarch

BuildRequires: mingw32-filesystem >= 95
BuildRequires: mingw64-filesystem >= 95
BuildRequires: mingw32-gcc
BuildRequires: mingw64-gcc
BuildRequires: mingw32-binutils
BuildRequires: mingw64-binutils

BuildRequires: mingw32-cairo
BuildRequires: mingw64-cairo
BuildRequires: mingw32-gettext
BuildRequires: mingw64-gettext
BuildRequires: mingw32-libgcrypt
BuildRequires: mingw64-libgcrypt
BuildRequires: mingw32-gnutls
BuildRequires: mingw64-gnutls
BuildRequires: mingw32-gtk3
BuildRequires: mingw64-gtk3

BuildRequires: pkgconfig
BuildRequires: meson
BuildRequires: gcc
BuildRequires: gettext

BuildRequires: /usr/bin/pod2man

gtk-vnc is a VNC viewer widget for GTK. It is built using coroutines
allowing it to be completely asynchronous while remaining single threaded.

# Mingw32
%package -n mingw32-gvnc
Summary: MinGW Windows port of VNC GObject

%package -n mingw32-gvnc-tools
Summary: Command line VNC tools

%package -n mingw32-gtk-vnc2
Summary: A GTK3 widget for VNC clients
Requires: pkgconfig
Obsoletes: mingw32-gtk-vnc < 1.0.0

%description -n mingw32-gvnc
gvnc is a GObject for managing a VNC connection. It provides all the
infrastructure required to build a VNC client without having to deal
with the raw protocol itself.

%description -n mingw32-gvnc-tools
Provides useful command line utilities for interacting with
VNC servers. Includes the gvnccapture program for capturing
screenshots of a VNC desktop

%description -n mingw32-gtk-vnc2
gtk-vnc is a VNC viewer widget for GTK. It is built using coroutines
allowing it to be completely asynchronous while remaining single threaded.

# Mingw64
%package -n mingw64-gvnc
Summary: MinGW Windows port of VNC GObject

%package -n mingw64-gvnc-tools
Summary: Command line VNC tools

%package -n mingw64-gtk-vnc2
Summary: A GTK3 widget for VNC clients
Requires: pkgconfig
Obsoletes: mingw64-gtk-vnc < 1.0.0

%description -n mingw64-gvnc
gvnc is a GObject for managing a VNC connection. It provides all the
infrastructure required to build a VNC client without having to deal
with the raw protocol itself.

%description -n mingw64-gvnc-tools
Provides useful command line utilities for interacting with
VNC servers. Includes the gvnccapture program for capturing
screenshots of a VNC desktop

%description -n mingw64-gtk-vnc2
gtk-vnc is a VNC viewer widget for GTK. It is built using coroutines
allowing it to be completely asynchronous while remaining single threaded.


%autosetup -n gtk-vnc-%{version}

%mingw_meson -Dintrospection=disabled

export DESTDIR=%{buildroot}
%mingw_ninja install

rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{mingw32_mandir}/man1/gvnccapture.1*
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{mingw64_mandir}/man1/gvnccapture.1*

%mingw_find_lang gtk-vnc

# Mingw32
%files -n mingw32-gvnc -f gtk-vnc.lang
%doc ChangeLog
%doc ChangeLog-old
%doc NEWS

%files -n mingw32-gtk-vnc2

%files -n mingw32-gvnc-tools

# Mingw64
%files -n mingw64-gvnc -f gtk-vnc.lang
%doc ChangeLog
%doc ChangeLog-old
%doc NEWS

%files -n mingw64-gtk-vnc2

%files -n mingw64-gvnc-tools

* Fri Mar 25 2022 Sandro Mani <> - 1.3.0-3
- Rebuild with mingw-gcc-12

* Thu Jan 20 2022 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1.3.0-2
- Rebuilt for

* Mon Nov 22 2021 Daniel P. Berrangé <> - 1.3.0-1
- Update to 1.3.0 release

* Thu Jul 22 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1.2.0-2
- Rebuilt for

* Wed Apr 14 2021 Daniel P. Berrangé <> - 1.2.0-1
- Update to 1.2.0 release
- Update URLs better sites
- Use versioned obsoletes tags

* Tue Jan 26 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1.0.0-6
- Rebuilt for

* Wed Aug 12 13:40:41 GMT 2020 Sandro Mani <> - 1.0.0-5
- Rebuild (mingw-gettext)

* Tue Jul 28 2020 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1.0.0-4
- Rebuilt for

* Mon Apr 20 2020 Sandro Mani <> - 1.0.0-3
- Rebuild (gettext)

* Wed Jan 29 2020 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1.0.0-2
- Rebuilt for