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# Example configuration file for the mod_security Apache module

LoadModule security_module modules/

<IfModule mod_security.c>

    # Turn the filtering engine On or Off
    SecFilterEngine On

    # The audit engine works independently and
    # can be turned On of Off on the per-server or
    # on the per-directory basis
    SecAuditEngine RelevantOnly

    # Make sure that URL encoding is valid
    SecFilterCheckURLEncoding On
    # Unicode encoding check
    SecFilterCheckUnicodeEncoding On
    # Only allow bytes from this range
    SecFilterForceByteRange 1 255

    # Cookie format checks.
    SecFilterCheckCookieFormat On	
    # The name of the audit log file
    SecAuditLog logs/audit_log

    # Should mod_security inspect POST payloads
    SecFilterScanPOST On

    # Default action set
    SecFilterDefaultAction "deny,log,status:406"

    # Simple example filter
    # SecFilter 111
    # Prevent path traversal (..) attacks
    # SecFilter "\.\./"

    # Weaker XSS protection but allows common HTML tags
    # SecFilter "<( |\n)*script"

    # Prevent XSS atacks (HTML/Javascript injection)
    # SecFilter "<(.|\n)+>"

    # Very crude filters to prevent SQL injection attacks
    # SecFilter "delete[[:space:]]+from"
    # SecFilter "insert[[:space:]]+into"
    # SecFilter "select.+from"

    # Require HTTP_USER_AGENT and HTTP_HOST headers
    SecFilterSelective "HTTP_USER_AGENT|HTTP_HOST" "^$"

    # Only accept request encodings we know how to handle
    # we exclude GET requests from this because some (automated)
    # clients supply "text/html" as Content-Type
    SecFilterSelective REQUEST_METHOD "!^GET$" chain
    SecFilterSelective HTTP_Content-Type "!(^$|^application/x-www-form-urlencoded$|^multipart/form-data)"

    # Require Content-Length to be provided with
    # every POST request
    SecFilterSelective REQUEST_METHOD "^POST$" chain
    SecFilterSelective HTTP_Content-Length "^$"

    # Don't accept transfer encodings we know we don't handle
    # (and you don't need it anyway)
    SecFilterSelective HTTP_Transfer-Encoding "!^$"

    # Some common application-related rules from

    #Nuke Bookmarks XSS
    SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "/modules\.php\?name=Bookmarks\&file=(del_cat\&catname|del_mark\&markname|edit_cat\&catname|edit_cat\&catcomment|marks\&catname|uploadbookmarks\&category)=(<[[:space:]]*script|(http|https|ftp)\:/)"

    #Nuke Bookmarks Marks.php SQL Injection Vulnerability
    SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "modules\.php\?name=Bookmarks\&file=marks\&catname=.*\&category=.*/\*\*/(union|select|delete|insert)"

    #PHPNuke general XSS attempt
    SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "/modules\.php\?*name=<[[:space:]]*script"

    # PHPNuke SQL injection attempt
    SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "/modules\.php\?*name=Search*instory="

    #phpnuke sql insertion
    SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "/modules\.php*name=Forums.*file=viewtopic*/forum=.*\'/"

    # WEB-PHP phpbb quick-reply.php arbitrary command attempt

    SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "/quick-reply\.php" chain
    SecFilter "phpbb_root_path="

    #Topic Calendar Mod for phpBB Cross-Site Scripting Attack
    SecFilterSelective THE_REQUEST "/calendar_scheduler\.php\?start=(<[[:space:]]*script|(http|https|ftp)\:/)"
    # phpMyAdmin: Safe

    #phpMyAdmin Export.PHP File Disclosure Vulnerability
    SecFilterSelective SCRIPT_FILENAME "export\.php$" chain
    SecFilterSelective ARG_what "\.\."

    #phpMyAdmin path vln
    SecFilterSelective REQUEST_URI "/css/phpmyadmin\.css\.php\?GLOBALS\[cfg\]\[ThemePath\]=/etc"