Blob Blame History Raw
diff -rupN --no-dereference pgadmin4-8.6/web/pgadmin/ pgadmin4-8.6-new/web/pgadmin/
--- pgadmin4-8.6/web/pgadmin/	2024-04-29 10:42:02.000000000 +0200
+++ pgadmin4-8.6-new/web/pgadmin/	2024-05-04 22:56:10.771329533 +0200
@@ -503,7 +503,7 @@ def create_app(app_name=None):
         # CSRF Token expiration till session expires
         'WTF_CSRF_TIME_LIMIT': getattr(config, 'CSRF_TIME_LIMIT', None),
-        'WTF_CSRF_METHODS': ['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE'],
+        'WTF_CSRF_METHODS': ['POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE'],
         # Disable deliverable check for email addresss
         # Disable CSRF for unauthenticated endpoints
diff -rupN --no-dereference pgadmin4-8.6/web/pgadmin/ pgadmin4-8.6-new/web/pgadmin/
--- pgadmin4-8.6/web/pgadmin/	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ pgadmin4-8.6-new/web/pgadmin/	2024-04-29 10:42:02.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,937 @@
+# pgAdmin 4 - PostgreSQL Tools
+# Copyright (C) 2013 - 2024, The pgAdmin Development Team
+# This software is released under the PostgreSQL Licence
+"""The main pgAdmin module. This handles the application initialisation tasks,
+such as setup of logging, dynamic loading of modules etc."""
+import logging
+import os
+import sys
+import re
+import ipaddress
+import traceback
+import shutil
+from types import MethodType
+from collections import defaultdict
+from importlib import import_module
+from flask import Flask, abort, request, current_app, session, url_for
+from flask_socketio import SocketIO
+from werkzeug.exceptions import HTTPException
+from flask_babel import Babel, gettext
+from flask_babel import gettext as _
+from flask_login import user_logged_in, user_logged_out
+from flask_mail import Mail
+from flask_paranoid import Paranoid
+from flask_security import Security, SQLAlchemyUserDatastore, current_user
+from flask_security.utils import login_user, logout_user
+from flask_migrate import Migrate
+from werkzeug.datastructures import ImmutableDict
+from werkzeug.local import LocalProxy
+from werkzeug.utils import find_modules
+from jinja2 import select_autoescape
+from pgadmin.model import db, Role, Server, SharedServer, ServerGroup, \
+from pgadmin.utils import PgAdminModule, driver, KeyManager, heartbeat
+from pgadmin.utils.preferences import Preferences
+from pgadmin.utils.session import create_session_interface, pga_unauthorised
+from pgadmin.utils.versioned_template_loader import VersionedTemplateLoader
+from datetime import timedelta, datetime
+from pgadmin.setup import get_version, set_version, check_db_tables
+from pgadmin.utils.ajax import internal_server_error, make_json_response
+from pgadmin.utils.csrf import pgCSRFProtect
+from pgadmin import authenticate
+from pgadmin.utils.security_headers import SecurityHeaders
+from pgadmin.utils.constants import KERBEROS, OAUTH2, INTERNAL, LDAP, WEBSERVER
+from jsonformatter import JsonFormatter
+# Explicitly set the mime-types so that a corrupted windows registry will not
+# affect pgAdmin 4 to be load properly. This will avoid the issues that may
+# occur due to security fix of X_CONTENT_TYPE_OPTIONS = "nosniff".
+import mimetypes
+mimetypes.add_type('application/javascript', '.js')
+mimetypes.add_type('text/css', '.css')
+winreg = None
+if == 'nt':
+    import winreg
+socketio = SocketIO(manage_session=False, async_mode='threading',
+                    logger=False, engineio_logger=False, debug=False,
+                    ping_interval=25, ping_timeout=120)
+_INDEX_PATH = 'browser.index'
+class PgAdmin(Flask):
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        # Set the template loader to a postgres-version-aware loader
+        self.jinja_options = ImmutableDict(
+            autoescape=select_autoescape(enabled_extensions=('html', 'xml')),
+            loader=VersionedTemplateLoader(self)
+        )
+        self.logout_hooks = []
+        self.before_app_start = []
+        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+    def find_submodules(self, basemodule):
+        try:
+            for module_name in find_modules(basemodule, True):
+                if module_name in self.config['MODULE_BLACKLIST']:
+                        'Skipping blacklisted module: %s' % module_name
+                    )
+                    continue
+                    'Examining potential module: %s' % module_name)
+                module = import_module(module_name)
+                for key in list(module.__dict__.keys()):
+                    if isinstance(module.__dict__[key], PgAdminModule):
+                        yield module.__dict__[key]
+        except Exception:
+            return []
+    @property
+    def submodules(self):
+        for blueprint in self.blueprints.values():
+            if isinstance(blueprint, PgAdminModule):
+                yield blueprint
+    @property
+    def messages(self):
+        messages = dict()
+        for module in self.submodules:
+            messages.update(getattr(module, "messages", dict()))
+        return messages
+    @property
+    def exposed_endpoint_url_map(self):
+        #############################################################
+        # To handle WSGI paths
+        # If user has setup application under WSGI alias
+        # like 'localhost/pgadmin4' then we have to append '/pgadmin4'
+        # into endpoints
+        #############################################################
+        wsgi_root_path = ''
+        if url_for(_INDEX_PATH) != '/browser/':
+            wsgi_root_path = url_for(_INDEX_PATH).replace(
+                '/browser/', ''
+            )
+        def get_full_url_path(url):
+            """
+            Generate endpoint URL at per WSGI alias
+            """
+            return wsgi_root_path + url
+        # Fetch all endpoints and their respective url
+        for rule in current_app.url_map.iter_rules('static'):
+            yield rule.endpoint, get_full_url_path(rule.rule)
+        for module in self.submodules:
+            for endpoint in module.exposed_endpoints:
+                for rule in current_app.url_map.iter_rules(endpoint):
+                    yield rule.endpoint, get_full_url_path(rule.rule)
+        yield 'pgadmin.root', wsgi_root_path
+    @property
+    def menu_items(self):
+        from operator import attrgetter
+        menu_items = defaultdict(list)
+        for module in self.submodules:
+            for key, value in module.menu_items.items():
+                menu_items[key].extend(value)
+        menu_items = dict((key, sorted(value, key=attrgetter('priority')))
+                          for key, value in menu_items.items())
+        return menu_items
+    def register_logout_hook(self, module):
+        if hasattr(module, 'on_logout') and \
+                isinstance(getattr(module, 'on_logout'), MethodType):
+            self.logout_hooks.append(module)
+    def register_before_app_start(self, callback):
+        self.before_app_start.append(callback)
+    def run_before_app_start(self):
+        # call before app starts or is exported
+        with self.app_context(), self.test_request_context():
+            for callback in self.before_app_start:
+                callback()
+def _find_blueprint():
+    if request.blueprint:
+        return current_app.blueprints[request.blueprint]
+current_blueprint = LocalProxy(_find_blueprint)
+def create_app(app_name=None):
+    # Configuration settings
+    import config
+    if not app_name:
+        app_name = config.APP_NAME
+    # Check if app is created for CLI operations or Web
+    cli_mode = False
+    if app_name.endswith('-cli'):
+        cli_mode = True
+    # Only enable password related functionality in server mode.
+    if config.SERVER_MODE is True:
+        # Some times we need to access these config params where application
+        # context is not available (we can't use current_app.config in those
+        # cases even with current_app.app_context())
+        # So update these params in config itself.
+        # And also these updated config values will picked up by application
+        # since we are updating config before the application instance is
+        # created.
+        config.SECURITY_RECOVERABLE = True
+        config.SECURITY_CHANGEABLE = True
+        # Now we'll open change password page in dialog
+        # we don't want it to redirect to main page after password
+        # change operation so we will open the same password change page again.
+        config.SECURITY_POST_CHANGE_VIEW = 'browser.change_password'
+    """Create the Flask application, startup logging and dynamically load
+    additional modules (blueprints) that are found in this directory."""
+    app = PgAdmin(__name__, static_url_path='/static')
+    # Removes unwanted whitespace from render_template function
+    app.jinja_env.trim_blocks = True
+    app.config.from_object(config)
+    app.config.update(dict(PROPAGATE_EXCEPTIONS=True))
+    ##########################################################################
+    # Setup logging and log the application startup
+    ##########################################################################
+    # We won't care about errors in the logging system, we are more
+    # interested in application errors.
+    logging.raiseExceptions = False
+    # Add SQL level logging, and set the base logging level
+    logging.addLevelName(25, 'SQL')
+    app.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+    app.logger.handlers = []
+    # We also need to update the handler on the webserver in order to see
+    # request. Setting the level prevents werkzeug from setting up it's own
+    # stream handler thus ensuring all the logging goes through the pgAdmin
+    # logger.
+    logger = logging.getLogger('werkzeug')
+    logger.setLevel(config.CONSOLE_LOG_LEVEL)
+    # Set SQLITE_PATH to TEST_SQLITE_PATH while running test cases
+    if (
+        'PGADMIN_TESTING_MODE' in os.environ and
+        os.environ['PGADMIN_TESTING_MODE'] == '1'
+    ):
+        config.SQLITE_PATH = config.TEST_SQLITE_PATH
+        config.MASTER_PASSWORD_REQUIRED = False
+        config.UPGRADE_CHECK_ENABLED = False
+    if not cli_mode:
+        # Ensure the various working directories exist
+        from pgadmin.setup import create_app_data_directory
+        create_app_data_directory(config)
+        # File logging
+        from pgadmin.utils.enhanced_log_rotation import \
+            EnhancedRotatingFileHandler
+        fh = EnhancedRotatingFileHandler(config.LOG_FILE,
+                                         config.LOG_ROTATION_SIZE,
+                                         config.LOG_ROTATION_AGE,
+                                         config.LOG_ROTATION_MAX_LOG_FILES)
+        fh.setLevel(config.FILE_LOG_LEVEL)
+        if config.JSON_LOGGER:
+            json_formatter = JsonFormatter(config.FILE_LOG_FORMAT_JSON)
+            fh.setFormatter(json_formatter)
+        else:
+            fh.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(config.FILE_LOG_FORMAT))
+        app.logger.addHandler(fh)
+        logger.addHandler(fh)
+    # Console logging
+    ch = logging.StreamHandler()
+    ch.setLevel(config.CONSOLE_LOG_LEVEL)
+    if config.JSON_LOGGER:
+        json_formatter = JsonFormatter(config.CONSOLE_LOG_FORMAT_JSON)
+        ch.setFormatter(json_formatter)
+    else:
+        ch.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(config.CONSOLE_LOG_FORMAT))
+    app.logger.addHandler(ch)
+    logger.addHandler(ch)
+    # Log the startup
+'Starting %s v%s...', config.APP_NAME, config.APP_VERSION)
+    app.logger.debug("Python syspath: %s", sys.path)
+    ##########################################################################
+    # Setup i18n
+    ##########################################################################
+    # Initialise i18n
+    babel = Babel(app)
+    def get_locale():
+        """Get the language for the user."""
+        language = 'en'
+        if config.SERVER_MODE is False:
+            # Get the user language preference from the miscellaneous module
+            user_id = None
+            if current_user and current_user.is_authenticated:
+                user_id =
+            else:
+                user = user_datastore.find_user(email=config.DESKTOP_USER)
+                if user is not None:
+                    user_id =
+            user_language = Preferences.raw_value(
+                'misc', 'user_language', 'user_language', user_id
+            )
+            if user_language is not None:
+                language = user_language
+        else:
+            # If language is available in get request then return the same
+            # otherwise check the session or cookie
+            data = request.form
+            if 'language' in data:
+                language = data['language'] or language
+                setattr(session, 'PGADMIN_LANGUAGE', language)
+            elif hasattr(session, 'PGADMIN_LANGUAGE'):
+                language = getattr(session, 'PGADMIN_LANGUAGE', language)
+            elif hasattr(request.cookies, 'PGADMIN_LANGUAGE'):
+                language = getattr(
+                    request.cookies, 'PGADMIN_LANGUAGE', language
+                )
+        return language
+    babel.init_app(app, locale_selector=get_locale)
+    ##########################################################################
+    # Setup authentication
+    ##########################################################################
+    if config.CONFIG_DATABASE_URI is not None and \
+            len(config.CONFIG_DATABASE_URI) > 0:
+    else:
+        app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'sqlite:///{0}?timeout={1}' \
+            .format(config.SQLITE_PATH.replace('\\', '/'),
+                    getattr(config, 'SQLITE_TIMEOUT', 500)
+                    )
+    # Override USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST and INVALID_PASSWORD messages from flask.
+    app.config['SECURITY_MSG_USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST'] = \
+        app.config['SECURITY_MSG_INVALID_PASSWORD'] = \
+        (gettext("Incorrect username or password."), "error")
+    # Create database connection object and mailer
+    db.init_app(app)
+    Migrate(app, db)
+    ##########################################################################
+    # Upgrade the schema (if required)
+    ##########################################################################
+    from config import SQLITE_PATH
+    from pgadmin.setup import db_upgrade
+    def backup_db_file():
+        """
+        Create a backup of the current database file
+        and create new database file with default settings.
+        """
+        backup_file_name = "{0}.{1}".format(
+            SQLITE_PATH,'%Y%m%d%H%M%S'))
+        os.rename(SQLITE_PATH, backup_file_name)
+        app.logger.error('Exception in database migration.')
+'Creating new database file.')
+        try:
+            db_upgrade(app)
+            os.environ[
+                'CORRUPTED_DB_BACKUP_FILE'] = backup_file_name
+  'Database migration completed.')
+        except Exception:
+            app.logger.error('Database migration failed')
+            app.logger.error(traceback.format_exc())
+            raise RuntimeError('Migration failed')
+    def upgrade_db():
+        """
+        Execute the migrations.
+        """
+        try:
+            db_upgrade(app)
+            os.environ['CORRUPTED_DB_BACKUP_FILE'] = ''
+        except Exception:
+            app.logger.error('Database migration failed')
+            app.logger.error(traceback.format_exc())
+            backup_db_file()
+        # check all tables are present in the db.
+        is_db_error, invalid_tb_names = check_db_tables()
+        if is_db_error:
+            app.logger.error(
+                'Table(s) {0} are missing in the'
+                ' database'.format(invalid_tb_names))
+            backup_db_file()
+    def run_migration_for_sqlite():
+        with app.app_context():
+            # Run migration for the first time i.e. create database
+            # If version not available, user must have aborted. Tables are not
+            # created and so its an empty db
+            if not os.path.exists(SQLITE_PATH) or get_version() == -1:
+                # If running in cli mode then don't try to upgrade, just raise
+                # the exception
+                if not cli_mode:
+                    upgrade_db()
+                else:
+                    if not os.path.exists(SQLITE_PATH):
+                        raise FileNotFoundError(
+                            'SQLite database file "' + SQLITE_PATH +
+                            '" does not exists.')
+                    raise RuntimeError(
+                        'The configuration database file is not valid.')
+            else:
+                schema_version = get_version()
+                # Run migration if current schema version is greater than the
+                # schema version stored in version table
+                if CURRENT_SCHEMA_VERSION > schema_version:
+                    # Take a backup of the old database file.
+                    try:
+                        prev_database_file_name = \
+                            "{0}.prev.bak".format(SQLITE_PATH)
+                        shutil.copyfile(SQLITE_PATH, prev_database_file_name)
+                    except Exception as e:
+                        app.logger.error(e)
+                    upgrade_db()
+                else:
+                    # check all tables are present in the db.
+                    is_db_error, invalid_tb_names = check_db_tables()
+                    if is_db_error:
+                        app.logger.error(
+                            'Table(s) {0} are missing in the'
+                            ' database'.format(invalid_tb_names))
+                        backup_db_file()
+                # Update schema version to the latest
+                if CURRENT_SCHEMA_VERSION > schema_version:
+                    set_version(CURRENT_SCHEMA_VERSION)
+                    db.session.commit()
+            if != 'nt':
+                os.chmod(config.SQLITE_PATH, 0o600)
+    def run_migration_for_others():
+        with app.app_context():
+            # Run migration for the first time i.e. create database
+            # If version not available, user must have aborted. Tables are not
+            # created and so its an empty db
+            if get_version() == -1:
+                db_upgrade(app)
+            else:
+                schema_version = get_version()
+                # Run migration if current schema version is greater than
+                # the schema version stored in version table.
+                if CURRENT_SCHEMA_VERSION > schema_version:
+                    db_upgrade(app)
+                    # Update schema version to the latest
+                    set_version(CURRENT_SCHEMA_VERSION)
+                    db.session.commit()
+    # Run the migration as per specified by the user.
+    if config.CONFIG_DATABASE_URI is not None and \
+            len(config.CONFIG_DATABASE_URI) > 0:
+        run_migration_for_others()
+    else:
+        run_migration_for_sqlite()
+    Mail(app)
+    # Don't bother paths when running in cli mode
+    if not cli_mode:
+        from pgadmin.utils import paths
+        paths.init_app()
+    # Setup Flask-Security
+    user_datastore = SQLAlchemyUserDatastore(db, User, Role)
+    security = Security(None, user_datastore)
+    ##########################################################################
+    # Setup security
+    ##########################################################################
+    with app.app_context():
+        config.CSRF_SESSION_KEY = Keys.query.filter_by(
+            name='CSRF_SESSION_KEY').first().value
+        config.SECRET_KEY = Keys.query.filter_by(
+            name='SECRET_KEY').first().value
+        config.SECURITY_PASSWORD_SALT = Keys.query.filter_by(
+            name='SECURITY_PASSWORD_SALT').first().value
+    # Update the app.config with proper security keyes for signing CSRF data,
+    # signing cookies, and the SALT for hashing the passwords.
+    app.config.update(dict({
+        'SECRET_KEY': config.SECRET_KEY,
+        # CSRF Token expiration till session expires
+        'WTF_CSRF_TIME_LIMIT': getattr(config, 'CSRF_TIME_LIMIT', None),
+        'WTF_CSRF_METHODS': ['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE'],
+        # Disable deliverable check for email addresss
+        # Disable CSRF for unauthenticated endpoints
+    }))
+    app.config.update(dict({
+        'LDAP': LDAP,
+        'OAUTH2': OAUTH2,
+    }))
+    security.init_app(app, user_datastore)
+    # register custom unauthorised handler.
+    if sys.version_info < (3, 8):
+        app.login_manager.unauthorized_handler(pga_unauthorised)
+    else:
+        # Flask-Security-Too > 5.4.* requires custom unauth handeler
+        # to be registeres with it.
+        security.unauthn_handler(pga_unauthorised)
+    # Set the permanent session lifetime to the specified value in config file.
+    app.permanent_session_lifetime = timedelta(
+        days=config.SESSION_EXPIRATION_TIME)
+    if not cli_mode:
+        app.session_interface = create_session_interface(
+            app, config.SESSION_SKIP_PATHS
+        )
+    # Make the Session more secure against XSS & CSRF when running in web mode
+        paranoid = Paranoid(app)
+        paranoid.redirect_view = _INDEX_PATH
+    ##########################################################################
+    # Load all available server drivers
+    ##########################################################################
+    driver.init_app(app)
+    authenticate.init_app(app)
+    heartbeat.init_app(app)
+    ##########################################################################
+    # Register language to the preferences after login
+    ##########################################################################
+    @user_logged_in.connect_via(app)
+    def register_language(sender, user):
+        # After logged in, set the language in the preferences if we get from
+        # the login page
+        data = request.form
+        if 'language' in data:
+            language = data['language']
+            # Set the user language preference
+            misc_preference = Preferences.module('misc')
+            user_languages = misc_preference.preference(
+                'user_language'
+            )
+            if user_languages and language:
+                language = user_languages.set(language)
+    ##########################################################################
+    # Register any local servers we can discover
+    ##########################################################################
+    @user_logged_in.connect_via(app)
+    def on_user_logged_in(sender, user):
+        # If Auto Discover servers is turned off then return from the
+        # function.
+        if not config.AUTO_DISCOVER_SERVERS:
+            return
+        # Keep hold of the user ID
+        user_id =
+        # Get the first server group for the user
+        servergroup_id = 1
+        servergroups = ServerGroup.query.filter_by(
+            user_id=user_id
+        ).order_by("id")
+        if int(servergroups.count()) > 0:
+            servergroup = servergroups.first()
+            servergroup_id =
+        '''Add a server to the config database'''
+        def add_server(user_id, servergroup_id, name, superuser, port,
+                       discovery_id, comment):
+            # Create a server object if needed, and store it.
+            servers = Server.query.filter_by(
+                user_id=user_id,
+                discovery_id=svr_discovery_id
+            ).order_by("id")
+            if int(servers.count()) > 0:
+                return
+            svr = Server(user_id=user_id,
+                         servergroup_id=servergroup_id,
+                         name=name,
+                         host='localhost',
+                         port=port,
+                         maintenance_db='postgres',
+                         username=superuser,
+                         connection_params={'sslmode': 'prefer',
+                                            'connect_timeout': 10},
+                         comment=comment,
+                         discovery_id=discovery_id)
+            db.session.add(svr)
+            db.session.commit()
+        # Figure out what servers are present
+        if winreg is not None:
+            arch_keys = set()
+            proc_arch = os.environ['PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE'].lower()
+            try:
+                proc_arch64 = os.environ['PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432'].lower()
+            except Exception:
+                proc_arch64 = None
+            if proc_arch == 'x86' and not proc_arch64:
+                arch_keys.add(0)
+            elif proc_arch == 'x86' or proc_arch == 'amd64':
+                arch_keys.add(winreg.KEY_WOW64_32KEY)
+                arch_keys.add(winreg.KEY_WOW64_64KEY)
+            for arch_key in arch_keys:
+                for server_type in ('PostgreSQL', 'EnterpriseDB'):
+                    try:
+                        root_key = winreg.OpenKey(
+                            winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
+                            "SOFTWARE\\" + server_type + "\\Services", 0,
+                            winreg.KEY_READ | arch_key
+                        )
+                        for i in range(0, winreg.QueryInfoKey(root_key)[0]):
+                            inst_id = winreg.EnumKey(root_key, i)
+                            inst_key = winreg.OpenKey(root_key, inst_id)
+                            svr_name = winreg.QueryValueEx(
+                                inst_key, 'Display Name'
+                            )[0]
+                            svr_superuser = winreg.QueryValueEx(
+                                inst_key, 'Database Superuser'
+                            )[0]
+                            svr_port = winreg.QueryValueEx(inst_key, 'Port')[0]
+                            svr_discovery_id = inst_id
+                            svr_comment = gettext(
+                                "Auto-detected {0} installation with the data "
+                                "directory at {1}").format(
+                                    winreg.QueryValueEx(
+                                        inst_key, 'Display Name'
+                                    )[0],
+                                    winreg.QueryValueEx(
+                                        inst_key, 'Data Directory'
+                                    )[0])
+                            add_server(
+                                user_id, servergroup_id, svr_name,
+                                svr_superuser, svr_port,
+                                svr_discovery_id, svr_comment
+                            )
+                            inst_key.Close()
+                    except Exception:
+                        pass
+        else:
+            # We use the postgres-winreg.ini file on non-Windows
+            from configparser import ConfigParser
+            registry = ConfigParser()
+        try:
+  '/etc/postgres-reg.ini')
+            sections = registry.sections()
+            # Loop the sections, and get the data from any that are PG or PPAS
+            for section in sections:
+                if (
+                    section.startswith('PostgreSQL/') or
+                    section.startswith('EnterpriseDB/')
+                ):
+                    svr_name = registry.get(section, 'Description')
+                    svr_superuser = registry.get(section, 'Superuser')
+                    # getint function throws exception if value is blank.
+                    # Ex: Port=
+                    # In such case we should handle the exception and continue
+                    # to read the next section of the config file.
+                    try:
+                        svr_port = registry.getint(section, 'Port')
+                    except ValueError:
+                        continue
+                    svr_discovery_id = section
+                    description = registry.get(section, 'Description')
+                    data_directory = registry.get(section, 'DataDirectory')
+                    svr_comment = gettext("Auto-detected {0} installation "
+                                          "with the data directory at {1}"
+                                          ).format(description, data_directory)
+                    add_server(user_id, servergroup_id, svr_name,
+                               svr_superuser, svr_port, svr_discovery_id,
+                               svr_comment)
+        except Exception as e:
+            print(str(e))
+            db.session.rollback()
+    @user_logged_in.connect_via(app)
+    @user_logged_out.connect_via(app)
+    def force_session_write(app, user):
+        session.force_write = True
+    @user_logged_in.connect_via(app)
+    def store_crypt_key(app, user):
+        # in desktop mode, master password is used to encrypt/decrypt
+        # and is stored in the keyManager memory
+        if config.SERVER_MODE and 'password' in request.form:
+            current_app.keyManager.set(request.form['password'])
+    @user_logged_out.connect_via(app)
+    def current_user_cleanup(app, user):
+        from config import PG_DEFAULT_DRIVER
+        from pgadmin.utils.driver import get_driver
+        from flask import current_app
+        for mdl in current_app.logout_hooks:
+            try:
+                mdl.on_logout()
+            except Exception as e:
+                current_app.logger.exception(e)
+        _driver = get_driver(PG_DEFAULT_DRIVER)
+        _driver.gc_own()
+        # remove key
+        current_app.keyManager.reset()
+    ##########################################################################
+    # Load plugin modules
+    ##########################################################################
+    from .submodules import get_submodules
+    for module in get_submodules():
+'Registering blueprint module: %s' % module)
+        if app.blueprints.get( is None:
+            app.register_blueprint(module)
+            app.register_logout_hook(module)
+    @app.before_request
+    def limit_host_addr():
+        """
+        This function validate the hosts from ALLOWED_HOSTS before allowing
+        HTTP request to avoid Host Header Injection attack
+        :return: None/JSON response with 403 HTTP status code
+        """
+        client_host = str(':', maxsplit=1)[0]
+        valid = True
+        allowed_hosts = config.ALLOWED_HOSTS
+        if len(allowed_hosts) != 0:
+            regex = re.compile(
+                r'\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}(?:/\d{1,2}|)')
+            # Create separate list for ip addresses and host names
+            ip_set = list(filter(lambda ip: regex.match(ip), allowed_hosts))
+            host_set = list(filter(lambda ip: not regex.match(ip),
+                                   allowed_hosts))
+            is_ip = regex.match(client_host)
+            if is_ip:
+                ip_address = []
+                for ip in ip_set:
+                    ip_address.extend(list(ipaddress.ip_network(ip)))
+                valid = ip_address.__contains__(
+                    ipaddress.ip_address(client_host)
+                )
+            else:
+                valid = host_set.__contains__(client_host)
+        if not valid:
+            return make_json_response(
+                status=403, success=0,
+                errormsg=_("403 FORBIDDEN")
+            )
+    ##########################################################################
+    # Handle the desktop login
+    ##########################################################################
+    @app.before_request
+    def before_request():
+        """Login the default user if running in desktop mode"""
+        # Check the auth key is valid, if it's set, and we're not in server
+        # mode, and it's not a help file request.
+        if not config.SERVER_MODE and app.PGADMIN_INT_KEY != '' and ((
+            'key' not in request.args or
+            request.args['key'] != app.PGADMIN_INT_KEY) and
+            request.cookies.get('PGADMIN_INT_KEY') != app.PGADMIN_INT_KEY and
+            request.endpoint != 'help.static'
+        ):
+            abort(401)
+        if not config.SERVER_MODE and not current_user.is_authenticated:
+            user = user_datastore.find_user(email=config.DESKTOP_USER)
+            # Throw an error if we failed to find the desktop user, to give
+            # the sysadmin a hint. We'll continue to try to login anyway as
+            # that'll through a nice 500 error for us.
+            if user is None:
+                app.logger.error(
+                    'The desktop user %s was not found in the configuration '
+                    'database.'
+                    % config.DESKTOP_USER
+                )
+                abort(401)
+            login_user(user)
+        elif config.SERVER_MODE and not current_user.is_authenticated and \
+                request.endpoint in ('redirects.index', 'security.login') and \
+            return authenticate.login()
+        # if the server is restarted the in memory key will be lost
+        # but the user session may still be active. Logout the user
+        # to get the key again when login
+        if config.SERVER_MODE and current_user.is_authenticated and \
+            app.PGADMIN_EXTERNAL_AUTH_SOURCE not in [
+                KERBEROS, OAUTH2, WEBSERVER] and \
+                current_app.keyManager.get() is None and \
+                request.endpoint not in ('security.login', 'security.logout'):
+            logout_user()
+    @app.after_request
+    def after_request(response):
+        if 'key' in request.args:
+            domain = dict()
+            if config.COOKIE_DEFAULT_DOMAIN and \
+                    config.COOKIE_DEFAULT_DOMAIN != 'localhost':
+                domain['domain'] = config.COOKIE_DEFAULT_DOMAIN
+            response.set_cookie('PGADMIN_INT_KEY', value=request.args['key'],
+                                path=config.SESSION_COOKIE_PATH,
+                                secure=config.SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE,
+                                httponly=config.SESSION_COOKIE_HTTPONLY,
+                                samesite=config.SESSION_COOKIE_SAMESITE,
+                                **domain)
+        SecurityHeaders.set_response_headers(response)
+        return response
+    ##########################################################################
+    # Cache busting
+    ##########################################################################
+    # Version number to be added to all static file url requests
+    # This is used by url_for function when generating urls
+    # This will solve caching issues when application is upgrading
+    # This is called - Cache Busting
+    @app.url_defaults
+    def add_internal_version(endpoint, values):
+        extensions = config.APP_VERSION_EXTN
+        # Add the internal version only if it is set
+        if config.APP_VERSION_PARAM is not None and \
+           config.APP_VERSION_PARAM != '':
+            # If there is a filename, add the version
+            if 'filename' in values \
+               and values['filename'].endswith(extensions):
+                values[config.APP_VERSION_PARAM] = config.APP_VERSION_INT
+            else:
+                # Sometimes there may be direct endpoint for some files
+                # There will be only one rule for such endpoints
+                urls = [url for url in app.url_map.iter_rules(endpoint)]
+                if len(urls) == 1 and urls[0].rule.endswith(extensions):
+                    values[config.APP_VERSION_PARAM] = \
+                        config.APP_VERSION_INT
+    # Strip away internal version param before sending further to app as it was
+    # required for cache busting only
+    @app.url_value_preprocessor
+    def strip_version_number(endpoint, values):
+        if values and config.APP_VERSION_PARAM in values:
+            values.pop(config.APP_VERSION_PARAM)
+    ##########################################################################
+    # Minify output. Not required in desktop mode
+    ##########################################################################
+    if not config.DEBUG and config.SERVER_MODE:
+        from flask_compress import Compress
+        Compress(app)
+    @app.context_processor
+    def inject_blueprint():
+        """
+        Inject a reference to the current blueprint, if any.
+        """
+        return {
+            'current_app': current_app,
+            'current_blueprint': current_blueprint,
+        }
+    @app.errorhandler(Exception)
+    def all_exception_handler(e):
+        current_app.logger.error(e, exc_info=True)
+        return internal_server_error(errormsg=str(e))
+    # Exclude HTTPexception from above handler (all_exception_handler)
+    # HTTPException are user defined exceptions and those should be returned
+    # as is
+    @app.errorhandler(HTTPException)
+    def http_exception_handler(e):
+        current_app.logger.error(e, exc_info=True)
+        return e
+    # Intialize the key manager
+    app.keyManager = KeyManager()
+    ##########################################################################
+    # Protection against CSRF attacks
+    ##########################################################################
+    with app.app_context():
+        pgCSRFProtect.init_app(app)
+    ##########################################################################
+    # All done!
+    ##########################################################################
+    socketio.init_app(app, cors_allowed_origins="*")
+    return app