Blob Blame History Raw
%{!?__pear: %{expand: %%global __pear %{_bindir}/pear}}
%define pear_name Template
%define channel

Name:           php-ezc-Template
Version:        1.4.2
Release:        5%{?dist}
Summary:        A fully functional Templating system

Group:          Development/Libraries
License:        BSD
BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
BuildArch:      noarch

BuildRequires:  php-pear >= 1:1.4.9-1.2
BuildRequires:  php-channel(%{channel})
Requires:       php-common >= 5.2.1
Requires:       php-pear(%{channel}/Base) >= 1.7
Requires(post): %{__pear}
Requires(postun): %{__pear}

Provides:       php-pear(%{channel}/%{pear_name}) = %{version}

The template component provides a manageable way to separate application logic
from presentation data. The application logic is the PHP code of your
application, including the call to the Template component. Presentation data
are the template files.

The separation of application logic and presentation data is easier to maintain
and allows different people to work on separate parts. Another advantage is
that the Template language is more suitable for non programmers and web
designers. The language is designed to be easier to use and contains
more expressive constructs for repetitive tasks in the presentation data.

%setup -q -c
[ -f package2.xml ] || %{__mv} package.xml package2.xml
%{__mv} package2.xml %{pear_name}-%{version}/%{name}.xml
cd %{pear_name}-%{version}

# This are really doc, not data, not used in the code
sed -e '/design/s/role="data"/role="doc"/' \
    -i %{name}.xml

cd %{pear_name}-%{version}
# Empty build section, most likely nothing required.

cd %{pear_name}-%{version}
%{__rm} -rf %{buildroot}
%{__pear} install --nodeps --packagingroot %{buildroot} %{name}.xml

# Clean up unnecessary files
%{__rm} -rf %{buildroot}%{pear_phpdir}/.??*

# Install XML package description
%{__mkdir} -p %{buildroot}%{pear_xmldir}
%{__install} -pm 644 %{name}.xml %{buildroot}%{pear_xmldir}

%{__rm} -rf %{buildroot}

%{__pear} install --nodeps --soft --force --register-only \
    %{pear_xmldir}/%{name}.xml >/dev/null || :

if [ $1 -eq 0 ] ; then
    %{__pear} uninstall --nodeps --ignore-errors --register-only \
        %{channel}/%{pear_name} >/dev/null || :

%doc %{pear_docdir}/%{pear_name}

* Sun Aug 19 2012 Remi Collet <> - 1.4.2-5
- move design data to doc (not used in the code, really doc)
- doc in /usr/share/doc/pear

* Fri Jul 20 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1.4.2-4
- Rebuilt for

* Sat Jan 14 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1.4.2-3
- Rebuilt for

* Wed Feb 09 2011 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1.4.2-2
- Rebuilt for

* Thu Oct 26 2009 Guillaume Kulakowski <guillaume DOT kulakowski AT fedoraproject DOT org> - 1.4.2-1
- Update to 1.4.2

* Mon Oct 12 2009 Guillaume Kulakowski <guillaume DOT kulakowski AT fedoraproject DOT org> - 1.4.1-1
- Update to 1.4.1

* Sun Jul 26 2009 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1.4-2
- Rebuilt for

* Wed Jul 01 2009 Guillaume Kulakowski <guillaume DOT kulakowski AT fedoraproject DOT org> - 1.4-1
- Update to 1.4

* Mon Mar 16 2009 Guillaume Kulakowski <guillaume DOT kulakowski AT fedoraproject DOT org> - 1.3.2-1
- Initial packaging