Blob Blame History Raw
diff --exclude-from=exclude -N -u -r nsapolicycoreutils/audit2allow/audit2allow policycoreutils-1.30.5/audit2allow/audit2allow
--- nsapolicycoreutils/audit2allow/audit2allow	2006-03-29 15:35:22.000000000 -0500
+++ policycoreutils-1.30.5/audit2allow/audit2allow	2006-04-14 07:44:00.000000000 -0400
@@ -24,431 +24,8 @@
 #                                        02111-1307  USA
-import commands, sys, os, pwd, string, getopt, re, selinux
-obj="(\{[^\}]*\}|[^ \t:]*)"
-allow_regexp="(allow|dontaudit)[ \t]+%s[ \t]*%s[ \t]*:[ \t]*%s[ \t]*%s" % (obj, obj, obj, obj)
-awk_script='/^[[:blank:]]*interface[[:blank:]]*\(/ {\n\
-	IFACENAME = gensub("^[[:blank:]]*interface[[:blank:]]*\\\\(\`?","","g",$0);\n\
-	IFACENAME = gensub("\'?,.*$","","g",IFACENAME);\n\
-/^[[:blank:]]*(allow|dontaudit)[[:blank:]]+.*;[[:blank:]]*$/ {\n\
-  if ((length(IFACENAME) > 0) && (IFACEFILE == FILENAME)){\n\
-		ALLOW = gensub("^[[:blank:]]*","","g",$0)\n\
-		ALLOW = gensub(";[[:blank:]]*$","","g",$0)\n\
-		print FILENAME "\\t" IFACENAME "\\t" ALLOW;\n\
-	}\n\
-class accessTrans:
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.dict={}
-	try:
-		fd=open("/usr/share/selinux/devel/include/support/obj_perm_sets.spt")
-	except IOError, error:
-		raise IOError("Reference policy generation requires the policy development package.\n%s" % error)
-        regexp="^define *\(`([^']*)' *, *` *\{([^}]*)}'"
-        for r in records:
-            m=re.match(regexp,r)
-            if m!=None:
-                self.dict[m.groups()[0]] = m.groups()[1].split()
-        fd.close()
-    def get(self, var):
-        l=[]
-        for v in var:
-            if v in self.dict.keys():
-                l += self.dict[v]
-            else:
-                if v not in ("{", "}"):
-                    l.append(v)
-        return l
-class interfaces:
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.dict={}
-        trans=accessTrans()
-	(input, output) = os.popen2("awk -f - /usr/share/selinux/devel/include/*/*.if 2> /dev/null")
-	input.write(awk_script)
-	input.close()
-	input.close()
-        if len(records) > 0:
-            regexp="([^ \t]*)[ \t]+([^ \t]*)[ \t]+%s" % allow_regexp
-            for r in records:
-                m=re.match(regexp,r)
-                if m==None:
-                    continue
-                val=m.groups()
-                file=os.path.basename(val[0]).split(".")[0]
-                iface=val[1]
-                Scon=val[3].split()
-                Tcon=val[4].split()
-                Class=val[5].split()
-                Access=trans.get(val[6].split())
-                for s in Scon:
-                    for t in Tcon:
-                        for c in Class:
-                            if (s, t, c) not in self.dict.keys():
-                                self.dict[(s, t, c)]=[]
-                            self.dict[(s, t, c)].append((Access, file, iface))
-    def out(self):
-        keys=self.dict.keys()
-        keys.sort()
-        for k in keys:
-            print k
-            for i in self.dict[k]:
-                print "\t", i
-    def match(self, Scon, Tcon, Class, Access):
-        keys=self.dict.keys()
-        ret=[]
-        if (Scon, Tcon, Class) in keys:
-            for i in self.dict[(Scon, Tcon, Class)]:
-                if Access in i[0]:
-                    if i[2].find(Access) >= 0:
-                        ret.insert(0, i)
-                    else:
-                        ret.append(i)
-            return ret
-        if ("$1", Tcon, Class) in keys:
-            for i in self.dict[("$1", Tcon, Class)]:
-                if Access in i[0]:
-                    if i[2].find(Access) >= 0:
-                        ret.insert(0, i)
-                    else:
-                        ret.append(i)
-            return ret
-        if (Scon, "$1", Class) in keys:
-            for i in self.dict[(Scon, "$1", Class)]:
-                if Access in i[0]:
-                    if i[2].find(Access) >= 0:
-                        ret.insert(0, i)
-                    else:
-                        ret.append(i)
-            return ret
-        else:
-            return ret
-class serule:
-	def __init__(self, type, source, target, seclass):
-		self.type=type
-		self.source=source
-		self.seclass=seclass
-		self.avcinfo={}
-		self.iface=None
-	def add(self, avc):
-		for a in avc[0]:
-			if a not in self.avcinfo.keys():
-				self.avcinfo[a]=[]
-			self.avcinfo[a].append(avc[1:])
-	def getAccess(self):
-		if len(self.avcinfo.keys()) == 1:
-			for i in self.avcinfo.keys():
-				return i
-		else:
-			keys=self.avcinfo.keys()
-			keys.sort()
-			ret="{"
-			for i in keys:
-				ret=ret + " " + i				
-			ret=ret+" }"
-			return ret
-	def out(self, verbose=0):
-		ret=""
-		ret=ret+"%s %s %s:%s %s;" % (self.type, self.source, self.gettarget(), self.seclass, self.getAccess())
-		if verbose:
-			keys=self.avcinfo.keys()
-			keys.sort()
-			for i in keys:
-				for x in self.avcinfo[i]:
-					ret=ret+"\n\t#TYPE=AVC  MSG=%s  " % x[0]
-					if len(x[1]):
-						ret=ret+"COMM=%s  " % x[1]
-					if len(x[2]):
-						ret=ret+"NAME=%s  " % x[2]
-					ret=ret + " : " + i 
-		return ret
-	def gen_reference_policy(self, iface):
-		ret=""
-		Scon=self.source
-		Tcon=self.gettarget()
-		Class=self.seclass
-		Access=self.getAccess()
-		m=iface.match(Scon,Tcon,Class,Access)
-		if len(m)==0:
-			return self.out()
-		else:
-			file=m[0][1]
-			ret="\n#%s\n"% self.out()
-			ret += "optional_policy(`%s', `\n" % m[0][1]
-			first=True
-			for i in m:
-				if file != i[1]:
-					ret += "')\ngen_require(`%s', `\n" % i[1]
-					file = i[1]
-					first=True
-				if first:
-					ret += "\t%s(%s)\n" % (i[2], Scon)
-					first=False
-				else:
-					ret += "#\t%s(%s)\n" % (i[2], Scon)
-			ret += "');"
-		return ret
-	def gettarget(self):
-		if self.source ==
-			return "self"
-		else:
-			return
-class seruleRecords:
-	def __init__(self, input, last_reload=0, verbose=0, te_ind=0):
-		self.last_reload=last_reload
-                self.initialize()
-		self.load(input, te_ind)
-		self.gen_ref_policy = False
-        def initialize(self):
-       		self.seRules={}
-		self.seclasses={}
-		self.types=[]
-		self.roles=[]
-	def gen_reference_policy(self):
-		self.gen_ref_policy = True
-		self.iface=interfaces()
-	def warning(self, error):
-		sys.stderr.write("%s: " % sys.argv[0])
-		sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % error)
-		sys.stderr.flush()
-	def load(self, input, te_ind=0):
-		VALID_CMDS=("allow", "dontaudit", "auditallow", "role")
-		avc=[]
-		found=0
-		line = input.readline()
-		if te_ind:
-			while line:
-				rec=line.split()
-				if len(rec) and rec[0] in VALID_CMDS:
-					self.add_terule(line)
-				line = input.readline()
-		else:
-			while line:
-				rec=line.split()
-				for i in rec:
-					if i=="avc:" or i=="message=avc:" or i=="msg='avc:":
-						found=1
-					else:
-						avc.append(i)
-				if found:
-					self.add(avc)
-					found=0
-					avc=[]
-				line = input.readline()
-	def get_target(self, i, rule):
-		target=[]
-		if rule[i][0] == "{":
-			for t in rule[i].split("{"):
-				if len(t):
-					target.append(t)
-			i=i+1
-			for s in rule[i:]:
-				if s.find("}") >= 0:
-					for s1 in s.split("}"):
-						if len(s1):
-							target.append(s1)
-						i=i+1
-						return (i, target)
-				target.append(s)
-				i=i+1
-		else:
-			if rule[i].find(";") >= 0:
-				for s1 in rule[i].split(";"):
-					if len(s1):
-						target.append(s1)
-			else:
-				target.append(rule[i])
-		i=i+1
-		return (i, target)
-	def rules_split(self, rules):
-		(idx, target ) = self.get_target(0, rules)
-		(idx, subject) = self.get_target(idx, rules)
-		return (target, subject)
-	def add_terule(self, rule):
-		rc = rule.split(":")
-		rules=rc[0].split()
-		type=rules[0]
-		if type == "role":
-			print type
-		(sources, targets) = self.rules_split(rules[1:])
-		rules=rc[1].split()
-		(seclasses, access) = self.rules_split(rules)
-		for scon in sources:
-			for tcon in targets:
-				for seclass in seclasses:
-					self.add_rule(type, scon, tcon, seclass,access)
-	def add_rule(self, rule_type, scon, tcon, seclass, access, msg="", comm="", name=""):
-		self.add_seclass(seclass, access)
-		self.add_type(tcon)
-		self.add_type(scon)
-		if (rule_type, scon, tcon, seclass) not in self.seRules.keys():
-			self.seRules[(rule_type, scon, tcon, seclass)]=serule(rule_type, scon, tcon, seclass)
-		self.seRules[(rule_type, scon, tcon, seclass)].add((access, msg, comm, name ))
-	def add(self,avc):
-		scon=""
-		tcon=""
-		seclass=""
-		comm=""
-		name=""
-		msg=""
-		access=[]
-		if "security_compute_sid" in avc:
-			return
-		if "load_policy" in avc and self.last_reload:
-                        self.initialize()
-		if "granted" in avc:
-			return
-		try:
-			for i in range (0, len(avc)):
-				if avc[i]=="{":
-					i=i+1
-					while i<len(avc) and avc[i] != "}":
-						access.append(avc[i])
-						i=i+1
-					continue
-				t=avc[i].split('=')
-				if len(t) < 2:
-					continue
-				if t[0]=="scontext":
-					context=t[1].split(":")
-					scon=context[2]
-					srole=context[1]
-					continue
-				if t[0]=="tcontext":
-					context=t[1].split(":")
-					tcon=context[2]
-					trole=context[1]
-					continue
-				if t[0]=="tclass":
-					seclass=t[1]
-					continue
-				if t[0]=="comm":
-					comm=t[1]
-					continue
-				if t[0]=="name":
-					name=t[1]
-					continue
-				if t[0]=="msg":
-					msg=t[1]
-					continue
-			if scon=="" or tcon =="" or seclass=="":
-				return
-		except IndexError, e:
-			self.warning("Bad AVC Line: %s" % avc)
-			return
-		self.add_role(srole)
-		self.add_role(trole)
-		self.add_rule("allow", scon, tcon, seclass, access, msg, comm, name)
-	def add_seclass(self,seclass, access):
-		if seclass not in self.seclasses.keys():
-				self.seclasses[seclass]=[]
-		for a in access:
-			if a not in self.seclasses[seclass]:
-				self.seclasses[seclass].append(a)
-	def add_role(self,role):
-		if role not in self.roles:
-				self.roles.append(role)
-	def add_type(self,type):
-		if type not in self.types:
-				self.types.append(type)
-	def gen_module(self, module):
-            if self.gen_ref_policy:
-		return "policy_module(%s, 1.0);" % module
-            else:
-		return "module %s 1.0;" % module
-	def gen_requires(self):
-		self.roles.sort()
-		self.types.sort()
-		keys=self.seclasses.keys()
-		keys.sort()
-		rec="\n\nrequire {\n"
-#		if len(self.roles) > 0:
-#			for i in self.roles:
-#				rec += "\trole %s; \n" % i
-#			rec += "\n" 
-		for i in keys:
-			access=self.seclasses[i]
-			if len(access) > 1:
-				access.sort()
-				rec += "\tclass %s {" % i
-				for a in access:
-					rec += " %s" % a
-				rec += " }; \n"
-			else:
-				rec += "\tclass %s %s;\n" % (i, access[0])
-		rec += "\n" 
-		for i in self.types:
-			rec += "\ttype %s; \n" % i
-		rec += "};\n\n"
-		return rec
-	def out(self, require=0, module=""):
-		rec=""
-		if len(self.seRules.keys())==0:
-		       raise(ValueError("No AVC messages found."))
-		if module != "":
-			rec += self.gen_module(module)
-			rec += self.gen_requires()
-		else:
-			if requires:
-				rec+=self.gen_requires()
-		keys=self.seRules.keys()
-		keys.sort()
-		for i in keys:
-			if self.gen_ref_policy:
-				rec += self.seRules[i].gen_reference_policy(self.iface)+"\n"
-			else:
-				rec += self.seRules[i].out(verbose)+"\n"
-		return rec
+import commands, sys, os, getopt, selinux
+from avc import *
 if __name__ == '__main__':
@@ -469,10 +46,11 @@
 		-M               generate loadable module package, conflicts with -o\n\
 		-o, --output     append output to <outputfile>, conflicts with -M\n\
 		-r, --requires   generate require output \n\
-		-t, --tefile     Indicates input is Existing Type Enforcement file\n\
+		-t, --tefile     Add input from Existing Type Enforcement file\n\
 		-f, --fcfile     Existing Type Enforcement file, requires -M\n\
 		-v, --verbose    verbose output\n\
-		'
+                -A, --analyze    Analyze output\n\
+                '
 		if msg != "":
 			print msg
@@ -498,13 +76,15 @@
-		te_ind=0
+		analyze=False
+		te_inputs=[]
 		gopts, cmds = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],
-					    'adf:hi:lm:M:o:rtvR',
+					    'Aadf:hi:lm:M:o:rt:vR',
-					     'dmesg',
+                                             'analyze',
+                                             'dmesg',
@@ -513,12 +93,12 @@
-					     'tefile',
+					     'tefile=',
 		for o,a in gopts:
 			if o == "-a" or o == "--all":
-				if input_ind or te_ind:
+				if input_ind:
 				input=open("/var/log/messages", "r")
@@ -551,9 +131,8 @@
 			if o == "-r" or o == "--requires":
 			if o == "-t" or o == "--tefile":
-				if auditlogs:
-					usage()
-				te_ind=1
+				te_inputs.append(open(a, "r"))
 			if o == "-R" or o == "--reference":
@@ -565,25 +144,37 @@
 			if o == "-v" or o == "--verbose":
+			if o == "-A" or o == "--analyze":
+				analyze=True
 		if len(cmds) != 0:
 		if fc_file != "" and not buildPP:
 			usage("Error %s: Option -fc requires -M" % sys.argv[0])
-		out=seruleRecords(input, last_reload, verbose, te_ind)
+                serules=SERules(last_reload, verbose)
+                for i in te_inputs:
+                    te=TERules(serules)
+                    te.load(i)
+                serules.load(input)
 		if ref_ind:
-			out.gen_reference_policy()
+			serules.gen_reference_policy()
+		if analyze:
+			serules.analyze()
-		if auditlogs:
+		if auditlogs and os.path.exists("/var/log/audit/audit.log"):
 			input=os.popen("ausearch -m avc")
-			out.load(input)
+			serules.load(input)
 		if buildPP:
 			print ("Generating type enforcment file: %s.te" % module)
-		output.write(out.out(requires, module))
+		output.write(serules.out(requires, module))
 		if buildPP:
 			cmd="checkmodule %s -m -o %s.mod %s.te" % (get_mls_flag(), module, module)
diff --exclude-from=exclude -N -u -r nsapolicycoreutils/audit2allow/audit2allow.1 policycoreutils-1.30.5/audit2allow/audit2allow.1
--- nsapolicycoreutils/audit2allow/audit2allow.1	2006-03-10 09:48:04.000000000 -0500
+++ policycoreutils-1.30.5/audit2allow/audit2allow.1	2006-04-14 07:44:00.000000000 -0400
@@ -98,6 +98,11 @@
+.B NOTE: These examples are for systems using the audit package.  If you do 
+.B not use the audit package,  the AVC messages will be in /var/log/messages.
+.B Please substiture /var/log/messages for /var/log/audit/audit.log in the 
+.B examples.
 .B Using audit2allow to generate monolithic (non-module) policy
 $ cd /etc/selinux/$SELINUXTYPE/src/policy
 $ cat /var/log/audit/audit.log | audit2allow >> domains/misc/local.te
diff --exclude-from=exclude -N -u -r nsapolicycoreutils/audit2allow/ policycoreutils-1.30.5/audit2allow/
--- nsapolicycoreutils/audit2allow/	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
+++ policycoreutils-1.30.5/audit2allow/	2006-04-14 07:44:00.000000000 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,518 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (C) 2006 Red Hat 
+# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
+# is a plugin modules used by audit2allow and other objects to process
+# avc messages from the log files
+# Based off original audit2allow perl script: which credits
+#, Copyright (C) 2001 Justin R. Smith (
+#    2003 Oct 11: Add -l option by Yuichi Nakamura(
+#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+#    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+#    published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+#    the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#    GNU General Public License for more details.
+#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+#    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA     
+#                                        02111-1307  USA
+import sys, os, pwd, string, re, selinux
+obj="(\{[^\}]*\}|[^ \t:]*)"
+allow_regexp="(allow|dontaudit)[ \t]+%s[ \t]*%s[ \t]*:[ \t]*%s[ \t]*%s" % (obj, obj, obj, obj)
+awk_script='/^[[:blank:]]*interface[[:blank:]]*\(/ {\n\
+	IFACENAME = gensub("^[[:blank:]]*interface[[:blank:]]*\\\\(\`?","","g",$0);\n\
+	IFACENAME = gensub("\'?,.*$","","g",IFACENAME);\n\
+/^[[:blank:]]*(allow|dontaudit)[[:blank:]]+.*;[[:blank:]]*$/ {\n\
+  if ((length(IFACENAME) > 0) && (IFACEFILE == FILENAME)){\n\
+		ALLOW = gensub("^[[:blank:]]*","","g",$0)\n\
+		ALLOW = gensub(";[[:blank:]]*$","","g",$0)\n\
+		print FILENAME "\\t" IFACENAME "\\t" ALLOW;\n\
+	}\n\
+class context:
+    def __init__(self, scontext):
+        self.scontext=scontext
+        con=scontext.split(":")
+        self.user=con[0]
+        self.role=con[1]
+        self.type=con[2]
+        if len(con) > 3:
+  [3]
+        else:
+  "s0"
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self.scontext
+class accessTrans:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.dict={}
+	try:
+		fd=open("/usr/share/selinux/devel/include/support/obj_perm_sets.spt")
+	except IOError, error:
+		raise IOError("Reference policy generation requires the policy development package.\n%s" % error)
+        regexp="^define *\(`([^']*)' *, *` *\{([^}]*)}'"
+        for r in records:
+            m=re.match(regexp,r)
+            if m!=None:
+                self.dict[m.groups()[0]] = m.groups()[1].split()
+        fd.close()
+    def get(self, var):
+        l=[]
+        for v in var:
+            if v in self.dict.keys():
+                l += self.dict[v]
+            else:
+                if v not in ("{", "}"):
+                    l.append(v)
+        return l
+class interfaces:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.dict={}
+        trans=accessTrans()
+	(input, output) = os.popen2("awk -f - /usr/share/selinux/devel/include/*/*.if 2> /dev/null")
+	input.write(awk_script)
+	input.close()
+	input.close()
+        if len(records) > 0:
+            regexp="([^ \t]*)[ \t]+([^ \t]*)[ \t]+%s" % allow_regexp
+            for r in records:
+                m=re.match(regexp,r)
+                if m==None:
+                    continue
+                val=m.groups()
+                file=os.path.basename(val[0]).split(".")[0]
+                iface=val[1]
+                Scon=val[3].split()
+                Tcon=val[4].split()
+                Class=val[5].split()
+                Access=trans.get(val[6].split())
+                for s in Scon:
+                    for t in Tcon:
+                        for c in Class:
+                            if (s, t, c) not in self.dict.keys():
+                                self.dict[(s, t, c)]=[]
+                            self.dict[(s, t, c)].append((Access, file, iface))
+    def out(self):
+        keys=self.dict.keys()
+        keys.sort()
+        for k in keys:
+            print k
+            for i in self.dict[k]:
+                print "\t", i
+    def match(self, Scon, Tcon, Class, Access):
+        keys=self.dict.keys()
+        ret=[]
+        if (Scon, Tcon, Class) in keys:
+            for i in self.dict[(Scon, Tcon, Class)]:
+                if Access in i[0]:
+                    if i[2].find(Access) >= 0:
+                        ret.insert(0, i)
+                    else:
+                        ret.append(i)
+            return ret
+        if ("$1", Tcon, Class) in keys:
+            for i in self.dict[("$1", Tcon, Class)]:
+                if Access in i[0]:
+                    if i[2].find(Access) >= 0:
+                        ret.insert(0, i)
+                    else:
+                        ret.append(i)
+            return ret
+        if (Scon, "$1", Class) in keys:
+            for i in self.dict[(Scon, "$1", Class)]:
+                if Access in i[0]:
+                    if i[2].find(Access) >= 0:
+                        ret.insert(0, i)
+                    else:
+                        ret.append(i)
+            return ret
+        else:
+            return ret
+import glob, imp
+if not pluginPath in sys.path:
+    sys.path.append(pluginPath)
+class Analyze:
+	def __init__(self):
+            self.plugins=[]
+            for p in glob.glob("/usr/share/selinux/plugins/*.py"):
+                plugin=os.path.basename(p)[:-3]
+                self.plugins.append(imp.load_module(plugin, *imp.find_module(plugin)))
+        def process(self, AVCS):
+            ret=[]
+            avcs=AVCS
+            for p in self.plugins:
+                if avcs == None:
+                    break;
+                r = p.analyze(avcs)
+                if len(r)==0:
+                    continue
+                avcs=r[1]
+                if len(r[0]) > 0:
+                    ret.append(r[0])
+            return ret
+class serule:
+	def __init__(self, key):
+		self.type=key[0]
+		self.source=key[1]
+		self.seclass=key[3]
+                self.access=[]
+		self.avcinfo={}
+		self.iface=None
+	def add(self, avc):
+		for a in avc[0]:
+			if a not in self.avcinfo.keys():
+				self.avcinfo[a]=[]
+                                self.access.append(a)
+			self.avcinfo[a].append(avc[1:])
+	def getAccess(self):
+		if len(self.access) == 1:
+                        return self.access[0]
+		else:
+                        self.access.sort()
+			return "{ " + string.join(self.access) +" }"
+	def getName(self):
+            print self.avcinfo
+	def out(self, verbose=0):
+		ret=""
+		ret=ret+"%s %s %s:%s %s;" % (self.type, self.source, self.gettarget(), self.seclass, self.getAccess())
+		if verbose:
+			keys=self.avcinfo.keys()
+			keys.sort()
+			for i in keys:
+				for x in self.avcinfo[i]:
+					ret=ret+"\n\t#TYPE=AVC  MSG=%s  " % x[0]
+					if len(x[1]):
+						ret=ret+"COMM=%s  " % x[1]
+					if len(x[2]):
+						ret=ret+"NAME=%s  " % x[2]
+					ret=ret + " : " + i 
+		return ret
+	def gen_reference_policy(self, iface):
+		ret=""
+		Scon=self.source
+		Tcon=self.gettarget()
+		Class=self.seclass
+		Access=self.getAccess()
+		m=iface.match(Scon,Tcon,Class,Access)
+		if len(m)==0:
+			return self.out()
+		else:
+			file=m[0][1]
+			ret="\n#%s\n"% self.out()
+			ret += "optional_policy(`%s', `\n" % m[0][1]
+			first=True
+			for i in m:
+				if file != i[1]:
+					ret += "')\ngen_require(`%s', `\n" % i[1]
+					file = i[1]
+					first=True
+				if first:
+					ret += "\t%s(%s)\n" % (i[2], Scon)
+					first=False
+				else:
+					ret += "#\t%s(%s)\n" % (i[2], Scon)
+			ret += "');"
+		return ret
+	def gettarget(self):
+		if self.source ==
+			return "self"
+		else:
+			return
+def warning(error):
+    sys.stderr.write("%s: " % sys.argv[0])
+    sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % error)
+    sys.stderr.flush()
+class TERules:
+	def __init__(self, serules):
+		self.VALID_CMDS=("allow", "dontaudit", "auditallow")
+                self.serules=serules
+        def load(self, input):
+		line = input.readline()
+                while line:
+                    rec=line.split()
+                    if len(rec) and rec[0] in self.VALID_CMDS:
+                        self.add_terule(line)
+                    line = input.readline()
+	def add_terule(self, rule):
+		rc = rule.split(":")
+		rules=rc[0].split()
+		type=rules[0]
+		(sources, targets) = self.rules_split(rules[1:])
+		rules=rc[1].split()
+		(classes, access) = self.rules_split(rules)
+		for scon in sources:
+			for tcon in targets:
+				for seclass in classes:
+					self.serules.add_rule(type, scon, tcon, seclass,access)
+	def rules_split(self, rules):
+		(idx, target ) = self.get_target(0, rules)
+		(idx, subject) = self.get_target(idx, rules)
+		return (target, subject)
+	def get_target(self, i, rule):
+		target=[]
+		if rule[i][0] == "{":
+			for t in rule[i].split("{"):
+				if len(t):
+					target.append(t)
+			i=i+1
+			for s in rule[i:]:
+				if s.find("}") >= 0:
+					for s1 in s.split("}"):
+						if len(s1):
+							target.append(s1)
+						i=i+1
+						return (i, target)
+				target.append(s)
+				i=i+1
+		else:
+			if rule[i].find(";") >= 0:
+				for s1 in rule[i].split(";"):
+					if len(s1):
+						target.append(s1)
+			else:
+				target.append(rule[i])
+		i=i+1
+		return (i, target)
+class SERules:
+	def __init__(self, last_reload=0, verbose=0):
+		self.last_reload=last_reload
+                self.initialize()
+		self.gen_ref_policy = False
+		self.verbose = verbose
+                self.AVCS=[]
+        def initialize(self):
+       		self.seRules={}
+		self.classes={}
+		self.types=[]
+		self.roles=[]
+	def load(self, input):
+		dict=[]
+		found=0
+		line = input.readline()
+                while line:
+                    rec=line.split()
+                    for i in rec:
+                        if i=="avc:" or i=="message=avc:" or i=="msg='avc:":
+                            found=1
+                        else:
+                            dict.append(i)
+                        if found:
+                            self.translate(dict)
+                            found=0
+                            dict=[]
+                    line = input.readline()
+        def translate(self,dict):
+                AVC={}
+		AVC["access"]=[]
+		if "security_compute_sid" in dict:
+			return
+		if "load_policy" in dict and self.last_reload:
+                        self.initialize()
+		if "granted" in dict:
+			return
+		try:
+			for i in range (0, len(dict)):
+				if dict[i]=="{":
+					i=i+1
+					while i<len(dict) and dict[i] != "}":
+						AVC["access"].append(dict[i])
+						i=i+1
+					continue
+				t=dict[i].split('=')
+				if len(t) < 2:
+					continue
+                                AVC[t[0]]=t[1]
+                        for i in ("scontext", "tcontext", "tclass"):
+                            if i not in AVC.keys():
+                                return
+		except IndexError, e:
+			warning("Bad AVC Line: %s" % avc)
+			return
+		self.add_allow(AVC)
+        def add_avc(self, AVC):
+            for a in self.AVCS:
+                if a["tclass"] == AVC["tclass"] and a["access"] == AVC["access"] and a["tcontext"] == AVC["tcontext"] and a["scontext"] == AVC["scontext"] and a["comm"] == AVC["comm"] and a["name"] == AVC["name"]:
+                    return
+            self.AVCS.append(AVC)
+	def add_rule(self, rule_type, scon, tcon, tclass, access, msg="", comm="", name=""):
+                AVC={}
+                AVC["tclass"]=tclass
+                AVC["access"]=access
+                AVC["tcon"]=tcon
+                AVC["scon"]=scon
+                AVC["comm"]=comm
+                AVC["name"]=name
+                self.add_avc(AVC)
+		self.add_class(tclass, access)
+		self.add_type(tcon)
+		self.add_type(scon)
+                key=(rule_type, scon, tcon, seclass)
+		if key not in self.seRules.keys():
+			self.seRules[key]=serule(key)
+		self.seRules[key].add((access, msg, comm, name ))
+	def add_allow(self, AVC):
+		self.add_class(AVC["tclass"], AVC["access"])
+                tcontext=context(AVC["tcontext"])
+                scontext=context(AVC["scontext"])
+		self.add_type(tcontext.type)
+		self.add_type(scontext.type)
+		self.add_role(scontext.role)
+                key=("allow", scontext.type, tcontext.type, AVC["tclass"])
+		if key not in self.seRules.keys():
+			self.seRules[key]=serule(key)
+                if "name" not in AVC.keys():
+                    AVC["name"]=""
+                self.add_avc(AVC)
+                self.seRules[key].add((AVC["access"], AVC["msg"], AVC["comm"], AVC["name"]))
+        def add_class(self,seclass, access):
+		if seclass not in self.classes.keys():
+				self.classes[seclass]=[]
+		for a in access:
+			if a not in self.classes[seclass]:
+				self.classes[seclass].append(a)
+	def add_role(self,role):
+		if role not in self.roles:
+				self.roles.append(role)
+	def add_type(self,type):
+		if type not in self.types:
+				self.types.append(type)
+	def gen_reference_policy(self):
+		self.gen_ref_policy = True
+		self.iface=interfaces()
+	def gen_module(self, module):
+            if self.gen_ref_policy:
+		return "policy_module(%s, 1.0);" % module
+            else:
+		return "module %s 1.0;" % module
+	def gen_requires(self):
+		self.roles.sort()
+		self.types.sort()
+		keys=self.classes.keys()
+		keys.sort()
+		rec="\n\nrequire {\n"
+#		if len(self.roles) > 0:
+#			for i in self.roles:
+#				rec += "\trole %s; \n" % i
+#			rec += "\n" 
+		for i in keys:
+			access=self.classes[i]
+			if len(access) > 1:
+				access.sort()
+				rec += "\tclass %s {" % i
+				for a in access:
+					rec += " %s" % a
+				rec += " }; \n"
+			else:
+				rec += "\tclass %s %s;\n" % (i, access[0])
+		rec += "\n" 
+		for i in self.types:
+			rec += "\ttype %s; \n" % i
+		rec += "};\n\n"
+		return rec
+	def analyze(self):
+            a=Analyze()
+            analysys=a.process(self.AVCS)
+            for i in analysys:
+                print i[0][0]
+                print ""
+            sys.exit(0)
+	def out(self, require=0, module=""):
+		rec=""
+		if len(self.seRules.keys())==0:
+		       raise(ValueError("No AVC messages found."))
+		if module != "":
+			rec += self.gen_module(module)
+			rec += self.gen_requires()
+		else:
+			if require:
+				rec+=self.gen_requires()
+		keys=self.seRules.keys()
+		keys.sort()
+		for i in keys:
+			if self.gen_ref_policy:
+				rec += self.seRules[i].gen_reference_policy(self.iface)+"\n"
+			else:
+				rec += self.seRules[i].out(self.verbose)+"\n"
+		return rec
diff --exclude-from=exclude -N -u -r nsapolicycoreutils/restorecond/restorecond.conf policycoreutils-1.30.5/restorecond/restorecond.conf
--- nsapolicycoreutils/restorecond/restorecond.conf	2006-03-29 11:08:21.000000000 -0500
+++ policycoreutils-1.30.5/restorecond/restorecond.conf	2006-04-14 07:44:00.000000000 -0400
@@ -2,3 +2,4 @@
diff --exclude-from=exclude -N -u -r nsapolicycoreutils/semanage/semanage policycoreutils-1.30.5/semanage/semanage
--- nsapolicycoreutils/semanage/semanage	2006-03-29 15:35:22.000000000 -0500
+++ policycoreutils-1.30.5/semanage/semanage	2006-04-14 07:45:07.000000000 -0400
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 		print '\
 semanage {login|user|port|interface|fcontext|translation} -l [-n] \n\
 semanage login -{a|d|m} [-sr] login_name\n\
-semanage user -{a|d|m} [-LrR] selinux_name\n\
+semanage user -{a|d|m} [-LrRP] selinux_name\n\
 semanage port -{a|d|m} [-tr] [ -p protocol ] port | port_range\n\
 semanage interface -{a|d|m} [-tr] interface_spec\n\
 semanage fcontext -{a|d|m} [-frst] file_spec\n\
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@
 		-p (named pipe) \n\n\
 	-p, --proto      Port protocol (tcp or udp)\n\
+	-P, --prefix     Prefix for home directory labeling\n\
 	-L, --level      Default SELinux Level (MLS/MCS Systems only)\n\
 	-R, --roles      SELinux Roles (ex: "sysadm_r staff_r")\n\
 	-T, --trans      SELinux Level Translation (MLS/MCS Systems only)\n\n\
@@ -83,7 +84,7 @@
 		valid_option["login"] = []
 		valid_option["login"] += valid_everyone + [ '-s', '--seuser', '-r', '--range']
 		valid_option["user"] = []
-		valid_option["user"] += valid_everyone + [ '-L', '--level', '-r', '--range', '-R', '--roles' ] 
+		valid_option["user"] += valid_everyone + [ '-L', '--level', '-r', '--range', '-R', '--roles', '-P', '--prefix' ] 
 		valid_option["port"] = []
 		valid_option["port"] += valid_everyone + [ '-t', '--type', '-r', '--range', '-p', '--protocol' ] 
 		valid_option["interface"] = []
@@ -109,6 +110,7 @@
 		setrans = ""
 		roles = ""
 		seuser = ""
+		prefix = ""
 		add = 0
@@ -126,7 +128,7 @@
 		args = sys.argv[2:]
 		gopts, cmds = getopt.getopt(args,
-					    'adf:lhmnp:s:R:L:r:t:T:',
+					    'adf:lhmnp:s:R:L:r:t:T:P:',
@@ -140,7 +142,8 @@
-					     'trans='
+					     'trans=',
+					     'prefix='
 		for o, a in gopts:
 			if o not in option_dict[object]:
@@ -185,6 +188,9 @@
 			if o == "-p" or o == '--proto':
 				proto = a
+			if o == "-P" or o == '--prefix':
+				prefix = a
 			if o == "-R" or o == '--roles':
 				roles = roles + " " + a
@@ -235,7 +241,7 @@
 				rlist = roles.split()
 				if len(rlist) == 0:
 					raise ValueError("You must specify a role")
-				OBJECT.add(target, rlist, selevel, serange)
+				OBJECT.add(target, rlist, selevel, serange, prefix)
 			if object == "port":
 				OBJECT.add(target, proto, serange, setype)
@@ -286,6 +292,8 @@
 		errorExit("Options Error " + error.msg)
 	except ValueError, error:
+	except KeyError, error:
+		errorExit("Invalid value %s" % error.args[0])
 	except IOError, error:
 	except KeyboardInterrupt, error:
diff --exclude-from=exclude -N -u -r nsapolicycoreutils/semanage/ policycoreutils-1.30.5/semanage/
--- nsapolicycoreutils/semanage/	2006-03-29 15:35:22.000000000 -0500
+++ policycoreutils-1.30.5/semanage/	2006-04-14 07:47:13.000000000 -0400
@@ -381,7 +381,7 @@
 	def __init__(self):
-	def add(self, name, roles, selevel, serange):
+	def add(self, name, roles, selevel, serange, prefix):
 		if is_mls_enabled == 1:
 			if serange == "":
 				serange = "s0"
@@ -427,6 +427,9 @@
 				if rc < 0:
 					raise ValueError("Could not set MLS level for %s" % name)
+			rc = semanage_user_set_prefix(, u, prefix)
+			if rc < 0:
+				raise ValueError("Could not add prefix %s for %s" % (r, prefix))
 			(rc,key) = semanage_user_key_extract(,u)
 			if rc < 0:
 				raise ValueError("Could not extract key for %s" % name)
@@ -451,13 +454,15 @@
-	def modify(self, name, roles = [], selevel = "", serange = ""):
+ 	def modify(self, name, roles = [], selevel = "", serange = "", prefix = ""):
+		oldroles=""
+		newroles = string.join(roles, ' ');
-			if len(roles) == 0  and serange == "" and selevel == "":
+ 			if prefix == "" and len(roles) == 0  and serange == "" and selevel == "":
 				if is_mls_enabled == 1:
-					raise ValueError("Requires roles, level or range")
+ 					raise ValueError("Requires prefix, roles, level or range")
-					raise ValueError("Requires roles")
+ 					raise ValueError("Requires prefix or roles")
 			(rc,k) = semanage_user_key_create(, name)
 			if rc < 0:
@@ -473,11 +478,21 @@
 			if rc < 0:
 				raise ValueError("Could not query user for %s" % name)
+			oldserange=semanage_user_get_mlsrange(u)
+			(rc, rlist)=semanage_user_get_roles(, u)
+			if rc >= 0:
+				oldroles = string.join(rlist, ' ');
+			newroles = newroles + ' ' + oldroles;
 			if serange != "":
 				semanage_user_set_mlsrange(, u, untranslate(serange))
 			if selevel != "":
 				semanage_user_set_mlslevel(, u, untranslate(selevel))
+			if prefix != "":
+				semanage_user_set_prefix(, u, prefix)
 			if len(roles) != 0:
 				for r in roles:
 					semanage_user_add_role(, u, r)
@@ -495,10 +510,11 @@
 				raise ValueError("Could not modify SELinux user %s" % name)
 		except ValueError, error:
-			mylog.log(0,"modify SELinux user record", name, seuser, seroles, serange, oldseuser, oldseroles, olrserange)
+			mylog.log(0,"modify SELinux user record", name, "", newroles, serange, "", oldroles, oldserange)
 			raise error
-		mylog.log(1,"modify SELinux user record", name, seuser, seroles, serange, oldseuser, oldseroles, olrserange)
+		mylog.log(1,"modify SELinux user record", name, "", newroles, serange, "", oldroles, oldserange)
diff --exclude-from=exclude -N -u -r nsapolicycoreutils/setsebool/setsebool.8 policycoreutils-1.30.5/setsebool/setsebool.8
--- nsapolicycoreutils/setsebool/setsebool.8	2005-11-04 15:37:49.000000000 -0500
+++ policycoreutils-1.30.5/setsebool/setsebool.8	2006-04-14 07:44:00.000000000 -0400
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 are not changed. 
 If the -P option is given, all pending values are written to
-the boolean file on disk.
+the policy file on disk. So they will be persistant across reboots.
 This manual page was written by Dan Walsh <>.