Blob Blame History Raw
--- pymunk/	2010-02-07 22:58:20.000000000 -0600
+++ pymunk/	2010-07-15 09:16:27.240569523 -0500
@@ -21,77 +21,7 @@
 def load_library(libname, print_path=True):
-    # lib gets loaded from
-    # 32bit python: pymunk/, libchipmunk.dylib or chipmunk.dll
-    # 64 bit python pymunk/, libchipmunk.dylib or chipmunk64.dll
-    s = platform.system()
-    arch = str(ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_voidp) * 8)
-    path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
-    try:
-        if hasattr(sys, "frozen") or \
-            hasattr(sys, "importers") or \
-            hasattr(imp, "is_frozen") and imp.is_forzen("__main__"):
-            if '' in __file__:
-                path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.getcwd()), 'Frameworks')
-            else:
-                path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.executable))
-    except:
-        pass
-    if arch == "64":
-        arch_param = "64"
-    else:
-        arch_param = ""
-    if s in ('Linux', 'FreeBSD'):
-        libfn = "" % (libname, arch_param)
-    elif s in ('Windows', 'Microsoft'):
-        libfn = "%s%s.dll" % (libname, arch_param)
-    elif s == 'Darwin':
-        libfn = "lib%s.dylib" % libname
-    # we use *nix library naming as default
-    else: 
-        libfn = "" % libname
-    libfn = os.path.join(path, libfn)
-    if print_path:
-        print ("Loading chipmunk for %s (%sbit) [%s]" % (s, arch, libfn))
-    try:
-        lib = platform_specific_functions()['library_loader'].LoadLibrary(libfn)
-    except OSError: 
-        print ("""
-Failed to load pymunk library.
-This error usually means that you don't have a compiled version of chipmunk in 
-the correct spot where pymunk can find it. pymunk does not include precompiled 
-chipmunk library files for all platforms. 
-The good news is that it is usually enough (at least on *nix and OS X) to 
-simply run the compile command first before installing and then retry again:
-You compile chipmunk with
-> python build_chipmunk
-and then continue as usual with 
-> python install
-> cd examples
-> python
-(for complete instructions please see the readme file)
-If it still doesnt work, please report as a bug on the issue tracker at 
-Remember to include information about your OS, which version of python you use 
-and the version of pymunk you tried to run. A description of what you did to 
-trigger the error is also good. Please include the exception traceback if any 
-(usually found below this message).
-        raise
+    # Library is always in this location on Fedora
+    libfn = "/usr/lib64/"
+    lib = platform_specific_functions()['library_loader'].LoadLibrary(libfn)
     return lib
---	2010-03-07 21:21:08.000000000 -0600
+++	2010-07-15 08:59:15.231318426 -0500
@@ -99,11 +99,6 @@
     , description='A python wrapper for the 2d physics library Chipmunk'
     , long_description=long_description
     , packages=['pymunk'] #find_packages(exclude=['*.tests']),
-    , package_data = {'pymunk': ['chipmunk.dll'
-                                , 'chipmunk64.dll'
-                                , ''
-                                , ''
-                                , 'libchipmunk.dylib']}
     , eager_resources = [os.path.join('pymunk','chipmunk.dll')
                             , os.path.join('pymunk','chipmunk64.dll')
                             , os.path.join('pymunk','')
--- pymunk.egg-info/SOURCES.txt~	2010-03-07 22:20:40.000000000 -0600
+++ pymunk.egg-info/SOURCES.txt	2010-07-15 09:00:45.069319331 -0500
@@ -121,10 +121,7 @@