Blob Blame History Raw
%global pypi_name zipp

Name:           python-%{pypi_name}
Version:        3.16.2
Release:        %autorelease
Summary:        Backport of pathlib-compatible object wrapper for zip files

License:        MIT
Source0:        %{pypi_source}
BuildArch:      noarch

BuildRequires:  python3-devel
BuildRequires:  pyproject-rpm-macros
# Not using test dependencies because the list
# is full of linters and static code checkers
BuildRequires:  python3dist(pytest)
BuildRequires:  python3dist(jaraco-functools)

A pathlib-compatible Zipfile object wrapper. A backport of the Path object.

%package -n     python3-%{pypi_name}
Summary:        %{summary}

%description -n python3-%{pypi_name}
A pathlib-compatible Zipfile object wrapper. A backport of the Path object.

%autosetup -n %{pypi_name}-%{version}
# jaraco.itertools and func_timeout are not available in Fedora yet
sed -i "/import jaraco.itertools/d" tests/

%pyproject_buildrequires -r


%pyproject_save_files %{pypi_name}

# Skipped test needs jaraco.itertools
%pytest -k "not test_joinpath_constant_time"

%files -n python3-%{pypi_name} -f %{pyproject_files}
%license LICENSE
%doc README.rst
