Blob Blame History Raw
From b2c370ea75648dd768ed3605430e45b9c841267e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Fabio Valentini <>
Date: Fri, 17 May 2024 21:30:52 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] unconditionally use pkg-config to link with system zlib

---     | 209 +-------------------------------------------------- |  60 ---------------
 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 265 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644

diff --git a/ b/
index e00ae65..8d1acf7 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,210 +1,9 @@
-use std::env;
-use std::fs;
-use std::path::PathBuf;
 fn main() {
-    println!("cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=LIBZ_SYS_STATIC");
-    let host = env::var("HOST").unwrap();
-    let target = env::var("TARGET").unwrap();
-    let host_and_target_contain = |s| host.contains(s) && target.contains(s);
-    let want_ng = cfg!(feature = "zlib-ng") && !cfg!(feature = "stock-zlib");
-    if want_ng && target != "wasm32-unknown-unknown" {
-        return build_zlib_ng(&target, true);
-    }
-    // Don't run pkg-config if we're linking statically (we'll build below) and
-    // also don't run pkg-config on FreeBSD/DragonFly. That'll end up printing
-    // `-L /usr/lib` which wreaks havoc with linking to an OpenSSL in /usr/local/lib
-    // (Ports, etc.)
-    let want_static =
-        cfg!(feature = "static") || env::var("LIBZ_SYS_STATIC").unwrap_or(String::new()) == "1";
-    if !want_static &&
-       !target.contains("msvc") && // pkg-config just never works here
-       !(host_and_target_contain("freebsd") ||
-         host_and_target_contain("dragonfly"))
-    {
-        // Don't print system lib dirs to cargo since this interferes with other
-        // packages adding non-system search paths to link against libraries
-        // that are also found in a system-wide lib dir.
-        let zlib = pkg_config::Config::new()
-            .cargo_metadata(true)
-            .print_system_libs(false)
-            .probe("zlib");
-        match zlib {
-            Ok(zlib) => {
-                if !zlib.include_paths.is_empty() {
-                    let paths = zlib
-                        .include_paths
-                        .iter()
-                        .map(|s| s.display().to_string())
-                        .collect::<Vec<_>>();
-                    println!("cargo:include={}", paths.join(","));
-                }
-            }
-            Err(e) => {
-                println!("cargo-warning={}", e.to_string())
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if target.contains("windows") {
-        if try_vcpkg() {
-            return;
-        }
-    }
-    // All android compilers should come with libz by default, so let's just use
-    // the one already there. Likewise, Haiku always ships with libz, so we can
-    // link to it even when cross-compiling.
-    if target.contains("android") || target.contains("haiku") {
-        println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=z");
-        return;
-    }
-    let mut cfg = cc::Build::new();
-    // Situations where we build unconditionally.
-    //
-    // MSVC basically never has it preinstalled, MinGW picks up a bunch of weird
-    // paths we don't like, `want_static` may force us, and cross compiling almost
-    // never has a prebuilt version.
-    //
-    // Apple platforms have libz.1.dylib, and it's usually available even when
-    // cross compiling (via fat binary or in the target's Xcode SDK)
-    let cross_compiling = target != host;
-    if target.contains("msvc")
-        || target.contains("pc-windows-gnu")
-        || want_static
-        || (cross_compiling && !target.contains("-apple-"))
-    {
-        return build_zlib(&mut cfg, &target);
-    }
-    // If we've gotten this far we're probably a pretty standard platform.
-    // Almost all platforms here ship libz by default, but some don't have
-    // pkg-config files that we would find above.
-    //
-    // In any case test if zlib is actually installed and if so we link to it,
-    // otherwise continue below to build things.
-    if zlib_installed(&mut cfg) {
-        println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=z");
-        return;
-    }
-    build_zlib(&mut cfg, &target)
-fn build_zlib(cfg: &mut cc::Build, target: &str) {
-    let dst = PathBuf::from(env::var_os("OUT_DIR").unwrap());
-    let lib = dst.join("lib");
-    cfg.warnings(false).out_dir(&lib).include("src/zlib");
-    cfg.file("src/zlib/adler32.c")
-        .file("src/zlib/compress.c")
-        .file("src/zlib/crc32.c")
-        .file("src/zlib/deflate.c")
-        .file("src/zlib/infback.c")
-        .file("src/zlib/inffast.c")
-        .file("src/zlib/inflate.c")
-        .file("src/zlib/inftrees.c")
-        .file("src/zlib/trees.c")
-        .file("src/zlib/uncompr.c")
-        .file("src/zlib/zutil.c");
-    if !cfg!(feature = "libc") || target.starts_with("wasm32") {
-        cfg.define("Z_SOLO", None);
-    } else {
-        cfg.file("src/zlib/gzclose.c")
-            .file("src/zlib/gzlib.c")
-            .file("src/zlib/gzread.c")
-            .file("src/zlib/gzwrite.c");
-    }
-    if !target.contains("windows") {
-        cfg.define("STDC", None);
-        cfg.define("_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE", None);
-        cfg.define("_POSIX_SOURCE", None);
-        cfg.flag("-fvisibility=hidden");
-    }
-    if target.contains("apple") {
-        cfg.define("_C99_SOURCE", None);
-    }
-    if target.contains("solaris") {
-        cfg.define("_XOPEN_SOURCE", "700");
-    }
-    cfg.compile("z");
-    fs::create_dir_all(dst.join("include")).unwrap();
-    fs::copy("src/zlib/zlib.h", dst.join("include/zlib.h")).unwrap();
-    fs::copy("src/zlib/zconf.h", dst.join("include/zconf.h")).unwrap();
-    fs::create_dir_all(lib.join("pkgconfig")).unwrap();
-    let zlib_h = fs::read_to_string(dst.join("include/zlib.h")).unwrap();
-    let version = zlib_h
-        .lines()
-        .find(|l| l.contains("ZLIB_VERSION"))
-        .unwrap()
-        .split("\"")
-        .nth(1)
+    pkg_config::Config::new()
+        .cargo_metadata(true)
+        .print_system_libs(false)
+        .probe("zlib")
-    fs::write(
-        lib.join("pkgconfig/zlib.pc"),
-        fs::read_to_string("src/zlib/")
-            .unwrap()
-            .replace("@prefix@", dst.to_str().unwrap())
-            .replace("@includedir@", "${prefix}/include")
-            .replace("@libdir@", "${prefix}/lib")
-            .replace("@VERSION@", version),
-    )
-    .unwrap();
-    println!("cargo:root={}", dst.to_str().unwrap());
-    println!("cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}", lib.to_str().unwrap());
-    println!("cargo:include={}/include", dst.to_str().unwrap());
-#[cfg(not(feature = "zlib-ng"))]
-fn build_zlib_ng(_target: &str, _compat: bool) {}
-#[cfg(feature = "zlib-ng")]
-mod build_zng;
-#[cfg(feature = "zlib-ng")]
-use build_zng::build_zlib_ng;
-fn try_vcpkg() -> bool {
-    // see if there is a vcpkg tree with zlib installed
-    match vcpkg::Config::new()
-        .emit_includes(true)
-        .find_package("zlib")
-    {
-        Ok(_) => true,
-        Err(e) => {
-            println!("note, vcpkg did not find zlib: {}", e);
-            false
-        }
-    }
-fn zlib_installed(cfg: &mut cc::Build) -> bool {
-    let mut cmd = cfg.get_compiler().to_command();
-    cmd.arg("src/smoke.c")
-        .arg("-g0")
-        .arg("-o")
-        .arg("/dev/null")
-        .arg("-lz");
-    println!("running {:?}", cmd);
-    if let Ok(status) = cmd.status() {
-        if status.success() {
-            return true;
-        }
-    }
-    false
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2557625..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-use std::env;
-pub fn build_zlib_ng(target: &str, compat: bool) {
-    let mut cmake = cmake::Config::new("src/zlib-ng");
-    cmake
-        .define("BUILD_SHARED_LIBS", "OFF")
-        .define("ZLIB_COMPAT", if compat { "ON" } else { "OFF" })
-        .define("ZLIB_ENABLE_TESTS", "OFF")
-        .define("WITH_GZFILEOP", "ON");
-    if target.contains("s390x") {
-        // Enable hardware compression on s390x.
-        cmake
-            .define("WITH_DFLTCC_DEFLATE", "1")
-            .define("WITH_DFLTCC_INFLATE", "1")
-            .cflag("-DDFLTCC_LEVEL_MASK=0x7e");
-    }
-    if target == "i686-pc-windows-msvc" {
-        cmake.define("CMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM", "Win32");
-    }
-    let install_dir =;
-    let includedir = install_dir.join("include");
-    let libdir = install_dir.join("lib");
-    let libdir64 = install_dir.join("lib64");
-    println!(
-        "cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}",
-        libdir.to_str().unwrap()
-    );
-    println!(
-        "cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}",
-        libdir64.to_str().unwrap()
-    );
-    let mut debug_suffix = "";
-    let libname = if target.contains("windows") && target.contains("msvc") {
-        if env::var("OPT_LEVEL").unwrap() == "0" {
-            debug_suffix = "d";
-        }
-        "zlibstatic"
-    } else {
-        "z"
-    };
-    println!(
-        "cargo:rustc-link-lib=static={}{}{}",
-        libname,
-        if compat { "" } else { "-ng" },
-        debug_suffix,
-    );
-    println!("cargo:root={}", install_dir.to_str().unwrap());
-    println!("cargo:include={}", includedir.to_str().unwrap());
-    if !compat {
-        println!("cargo:rustc-cfg=zng");
-    }
-fn main() {
-    let target = env::var("TARGET").unwrap();
-    build_zlib_ng(&target, false);