Blob Blame History Raw
%global scala_short_version 2.10

Name:          scala-stm
Version:       0.7
Release:       6%{?dist}
Summary:       Software Transactional Memory for Scala
License:       BSD

BuildRequires: javapackages-local
BuildRequires: ant
BuildRequires: sbt
BuildRequires: mvn(org.scala-lang:scala-compiler)
BuildRequires: mvn(org.scala-lang:scala-library)

BuildArch:     noarch

ScalaSTM is a lightweight software transactional memory
for Scala, inspired by the STMs in Haskell and Clojure.

ScalaSTM provides a mutable cell called a Ref. If you
build a shared data structure using immutable objects and
Ref-s, then you can access it from multiple threads or
actors. No synchronized, no deadlocks or race conditions,
and good scalability. Included are concurrent sets and
maps, and we also have an easier and safer replacement
for wait and notifyAll.

%package javadoc
Summary:       Javadoc for %{name}

%description javadoc
This package contains javadoc for %{name}.

%setup -q -n %{name}-release-%{version}
# Cleanup
find -name '*.class' -print -delete
find -name '*.jar' -print -delete
# sb7_java-v1.2.tgz
rm -r lib/*

# get rid of sbt plugins
rm project/plugins.sbt

# patch build.sbt
sed -i -e '/% "test"/d' build.sbt
sed -i -e '/credentials/d' build.sbt
sed -i -e 's/\(scalaVersion :=\).*$/scalaVersion := "2.10.4"/' build.sbt

# delete tests due to missing deps
rm -rf src/test
rm -rf dep-tests

cp -r /usr/share/sbt/ivy-local .
mkdir boot

%mvn_file org.%{name}:%{name}_%{scala_short_version} %{name}


export SBT_BOOT_DIR=$PWD/boot
export SBT_IVY_DIR=$PWD/ivy-local
sbt package makePom deliverLocal doc

# No test deps available

# target/scala-2.10/scala-stm_2.10-0.7.jar
%mvn_artifact target/scala-%{scala_short_version}/%{name}_%{scala_short_version}-%{version}.pom target/scala-%{scala_short_version}/%{name}_%{scala_short_version}-%{version}.jar
%mvn_install -J target/scala-%{scala_short_version}/api/

%files -f .mfiles
%license LICENSE.txt

%files javadoc -f .mfiles-javadoc
%license LICENSE.txt

* Thu Feb 04 2016 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 0.7-6
- Rebuilt for

* Thu Aug 06 2015 gil cattaneo <> 0.7-5
- fix FTBFS rhbz#1239989
- Introduce license macro

* Fri Jun 19 2015 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 0.7-4
- Rebuilt for

* Sun Jun 08 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 0.7-3
- Rebuilt for

* Mon Feb 24 2014 William Benton <> - 0.7-2
- updated to use sbt for build

* Thu Feb 06 2014 gil cattaneo <> 0.7-1
- initial rpm