Blob Blame History Raw
--- scidavis-0.1.2/scidavis/	2007-08-04 23:54:46.000000000 +0200
+++ scidavis-0.1.2/scidavis/	2008-04-20 10:57:38.000000000 +0200
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 ### what to install and where
 INSTALLS        += target
-INSTALLS        += documentation
+#INSTALLS        += documentation
 unix: INSTALLBASE = /usr
 win32: INSTALLBASE = c:/scidavis
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 ### building without muParser does not work yet (but will in a future version)
 include( muparser.pri )
 ### remove the comment char "#" from the following line to activate Python scripting support
-#include( python.pri )
+include( python.pri )
 linux-g++-64: libsuff = 64
@@ -41,29 +41,30 @@
 ### are compiled against Qt4), dynamically against everything else.
-unix:INCLUDEPATH  += ../3rdparty/qwtplot3d/include
-unix:LIBS         += ../3rdparty/qwtplot3d/lib/libqwtplot3d.a
-unix:INCLUDEPATH  += ../3rdparty/qwt/src
-unix:LIBS         += ../3rdparty/qwt/lib/libqwt.a
-unix:LIBS         += -L /usr/lib$${libsuff}
-unix:LIBS         += -lgsl -lgslcblas -lz -lmuparser
+#unix:INCLUDEPATH  += ../3rdparty/qwtplot3d/include
+#unix:LIBS         += ../3rdparty/qwtplot3d/lib/libqwtplot3d.a
+#unix:INCLUDEPATH  += ../3rdparty/qwt/src
+#unix:LIBS         += ../3rdparty/qwt/lib/libqwt.a
+#unix:LIBS         += -L/usr/lib$${libsuff}
+#unix:LIBS         += -lgsl -lgslcblas -lz -lmuparser
 ### Link everything dynamically
-#unix:INCLUDEPATH  += /usr/include/qwt5
-#unix:LIBS         += -L /usr/lib$${libsuff}
-## dynamically link against Qwt(3D) installed system-wide
-## WARNING: make sure they are compiled against >= Qt4.2
-## Mixing Qt 4.2 and Qt >= 4.3 compiled stuff may also 
-## cause problems.
-#unix:LIBS         += -lqwtplot3d
-#unix:LIBS         += -lqwt
-##dynamically link against GSL and zlib installed system-wide
-#unix:LIBS         += -lgsl -lgslcblas -lz -lmuparser
+unix:INCLUDEPATH  += /usr/include/qwt
+unix:INCLUDEPATH  += /usr/include/qwtplot3d
+unix:LIBS         += -L/usr/lib$${libsuff}
+# dynamically link against Qwt(3D) installed system-wide
+# WARNING: make sure they are compiled against >= Qt4.2
+# Mixing Qt 4.2 and Qt >= 4.3 compiled stuff may also 
+# cause problems.
+unix:LIBS         += -lqwtplot3d-qt4
+unix:LIBS         += -lqwt
+#dynamically link against GSL and zlib installed system-wide
+unix:LIBS         += -lgsl -lgslcblas -lz -lmuparser
 ### Default settings for Windows