Blob Blame History Raw
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

   <name>Weld Parent</name>

   <!-- Full metadata -->


      The parent POM for Weld, specifying the build parameters

         <name>Apache License, Version 2.0</name>

         <name>Weld committers</name>

      <name>Seam Framework</name>

      <!-- Force encoding to UTF-8 (bug on OS X) -->
      <!-- plugins -->

      <!-- ***************** -->
      <!-- Repository Deployment URLs -->
      <!-- ***************** -->


   <!-- Configure the build -->


      <!-- Configure all plugins, including versions to use in the build -->
                  <arguments>-Drelease </arguments>
                        <timestampFormat>{0, date, long} {0, time, long}</timestampFormat>
                  <!-- Delete this block to have Jetty run default port (8080) -->
                     <connector implementation="org.mortbay.jetty.nio.SelectChannelConnector">
                  <!-- force friendly name instead of artifact name + version -->
                     Where the BeanManager is constructed. This is where
                     you'll declare datasources.
                  <!-- This parameter will auto-deploy modified classes. -->
                     You can save changes in a file or class and refresh
                     your browser to view the changes.

            <!-- Embedded Tomcat (package tomcat:run) -->
            <!-- Standalone Tomcat (package tomcat:deploy) -->
                  <!-- Embedded port -->
                     The default authentication credentials for remote
                     deployment are username "admin" with no password To
                     override credentials, define a server in
                     settings.xml and activate it using the <server>
                    <useFile />

                     <description>[nexus-maven-plugin] closing
                        repository after release:perform</description>
                        <!-- Disabled, doesn't support git -->
            <!-- Skip failing tests when building dist -->



   <!-- SCM and Distribution Management -->


         <name>JBoss Releases Repository</name>
         <name>JBoss Snapshots Repository</name>
