lldb Tests

This repository contains tests for lldb.


Tests are executed using TMT (Test Management Tool). The repository includes a TMT plan that runs all the tests by default. All the tests support the following context dimensions:

  • distro
  • arch
  • collection (only applicable to RHEL 7)

To run the tests:

# Run in the default virtual environment
tmt -c distro=<distro> -c arch=<arch> run -avv

# Run on a scheduled system
tmt -c distro=<distro> -c arch=<arch> run -avv provision -h connect -g <ip_or_hostname>

# Run specific tests
tmt -c distro=<distro> -c arch=<arch> run -avv provision -h connect -g <ip_or_hostname> test -n <regex>

Adding New Tests

Please consider the following when adding new tests:

  • Test scripts must be named If a different test is needed, you need to overwrite the test: key in the test main.fmf.
  • Tests must be placed under tests/<test_name>. Additionally they can be placed into subdirectories if grouping make sense. E.g. tests/regression/<test_name>.
  • This repository has a common configuration under tests/main.fmf, inherited by all tests. When adding new ones, be careful not to overwrite existing keys from the inherited tests/main.fmf.
  • When setting FMF metadata keys, do merge values instead overwriting them. E.g. use require+: instead require:. For advanced use and more examples check FMF documentation.

After creating the new test, consider running tmt <context> tests show <test-name> to review that the resulting metadata such as requires, enable or test keys are as expected. For example:

$  tmt -c distro=fedora-39 tests show python-embedded-interpreter
                 summary Test lldb embedded interpreter (rhbz#1567262)
             description Ensure that lldb depends on python3-lldb
                 contact Jesus Checa Hidalgo <>
               component 'llvm-toolset' and 'lldb'
                    test ./
                    path /tests/python-embedded-interpreter
               framework shell
                  manual false
                     tty false
                 require 'gcc-c++' and 'lldb'
                duration 5m
                 enabled true
                  result respect
                    tier 1

$  tmt -c collection=llvm-toolset-15.0 tests show python-embedded-interpreter
                 summary Test lldb embedded interpreter (rhbz#1567262)
             description Ensure that lldb depends on python3-lldb
                 contact Jesus Checa Hidalgo <>
               component 'llvm-toolset' and 'lldb'
                    test scl enable llvm-toolset-15.0 -- ./
                    path /tests/python-embedded-interpreter
               framework shell
                  manual false
                     tty false
                 require 'gcc-c++' and 'llvm-toolset-15.0-lldb'
                duration 5m
                 enabled true
                  result respect
                    tier 1


Use the following templates when creating new tests.

FMF template. Uncomment needed fields, remove the rest.

summary: Descriptive summary for the test
# Maximum duration for the test
duration: 2m
# Short tests should be tier <= 1 so they're used for gating.
tier: 1
# Add an additional contact(s) if applicable
# contact+:
#   - Somebody <>
# Additional requires
# require+:
#   - rpm-build
# Adjustments based on context dimensions
# adjust+:
#   - when: collection is defined
#     enabled: false
#     because: Test not supported in collections
# link+:
#   - verifies:
# tag+:
#   - sometag